XCOM Enemy Within Dynasty (Now Interactive!)


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
@Reel @fignuts @Schauwn @kella @osick87 @Yankee151 @Soonerfan09

Base Defense Part 3:

This video is where Kella shows up completely ill equipped for battle :laughing:

Lots of Rookies slaughtered in this one.

By the end of this video things are looking really damn bad, with multiple Utopians in perile and about 5 really powerful aliens running amok, while half my squad is out of ammo and we are surrounded on all sides. At this point I honestly thought I might lose the mission (and therefore the game).


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
@Yankee151 was killing me in this video too. At one point he missed a 95% chance shot, which then negated his "double tap" ability. WOOF.

@kella was absolutely horrible as well, lol.


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
base defense was a VERY difficult mission for me lol

somehow i survived


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
base defense was a VERY difficult mission for me lol

somehow i survived

Was that on your second play through? I didn't realize you made it that far, I thought your nations all dropped pretty early or something?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I think toward the end of video 3 is where I started to realize my mistake. I had the right idea in consolidating my forces early, but I still ended up fighting on two sides. In retrospect, once my last reinforcement group with Kella arrived, I should have been a lot more aggressive about fighting my way through the aerial forces since the in game instructions indicated there would be no more enemy forces from that side. I could have kept a small rear guard to slow down those Mutons, but I shouldn't have let myself get into a situation where I was fighting off full assaults from both sides. It would have been far better to shatter the aerial assault group first (whole holding off the mutons with a small reserve). Then I could have pulled back consolidated my forces in a way where I was only facing assault from a single direction, with the mutons having to assault me through that central hallway. I left both @Reel and @Yankee151 in situations that were so vulnerable that they were lucky to survive Video 4.

I did eventually arrive at this solution, but did so too late and I paid the price. I also learned some hard lessons about ammo management this mission. I was too aggressive with my overwatch and shooting commands, when I should have been reloading half my forces each turn instead. Having some turns with almost nobody able to shoot was a disaester and cost me a Utopian life.

Part 4

Even with my fuck ups, I think I was a bit unlucky to lose @osick87 at the 2:50 mark. I had a smoke grenade and usually that reduces the enemy hit chances enough that they won't even take a shot at those guys, but I think the CPU saw a chance to kill a gravely wounded Utopian and took it. I was so pissed. RIP @osick87 you were a true fedora wearing man among men.
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Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
Was that on your second play through? I didn't realize you made it that far, I thought your nations all dropped pretty early or something?

Just you or all the Weirds?
I was the only surviving weird.

My army was pretty depleted by this mission. In my current save, I don't last long enough to get to the next mission because I kept ignoring those threats from those cell organizations because I never had a squad capable of dealing with them.

Too many nations left the council after that. No matter what I do, I can't change the outcome from that point in the save


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Last video of the base defense. Part 5

Kella is such a liability that I decide to stabilize him but not revive him, lol. In this video I start to enact my proper strategy of trog trapping the aliens into assaulting me through that relatively narrow corridor. Some mind fucking happens in this video, but generally I have things under control.



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I've got 2 new operatives and I need some suggestions for which Utopians to name them after.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Dropping a new Whiskey Play in this thread since I don't want you to think I'm abandoning this dynasty for Magic, it is just on a slow burn at the moment.

This was a fun mission, centered around a DAM. Haven't played one like this before and you know the hydraulic engineer in me loved it.

@Schauwn , @Soonerfan09 , @Reel , @Yankee151 , @fignuts , and our yet to be named female sniper (Suggestions on who this should be are welcome!) are along for the ride today

Part 1

Part 2

The words Part 1 and Part 2 have links to the vids for those who can't watch embed. Hope you enjoy, this was a fun one with lots of sniper domination. I took 3 snipers because of injuries limiting my roster, but it worked out nicely.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison

We do some base shit in this one for the first time. We build the hyper wave relay device and spot the huge alien ship, but we are unable to shoot it down because for some reason I left piddle dick rockets on my only good ship in South America, while the ships that are too slow to get close to the Alien Ship had the good armament. SMDH at me. Hopefully I'll be able to do a better job of it next time around!

I start an EXALT cell mission at about the 12:30 mark featuring @Schauwn, @fignuts, @kella, @Soonerfan09, @Reel, and @Yankee151. Reel and Yankeefan are in a major competition to see who can kill the most aliens in this playthrough! This was a pretty easy mission, I just used Yankee's flying armor to set him up in a spot to have good views of both flanks of a building, while I moved the rest of my forces into the building and helped secure the data transmit site. The EXALT forces had to move in to try and stop my data transmission, so I was able to play defensive.

Whiskey Play Part 1

I've got 3 vids of last nights whiskey play, so I'll post them up soon too. I think we're getting reasonably close to the end game too.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Reel2 zombie... You are my only opaque friend, so when an opaque squadie showed up you were reincarnated.
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Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Part 3.

My booze addled brain thought this mission was about furries and I didn't get it at all. I rescued the furries, which were actually "furies" which makes a bit more sense... but only a little. I still don't know who these people are or why I'm rescuing them.

The A-team is back in action @Schauwn, @fignuts, @kella, @Soonerfan09, @Reel, and @Yankee151.

I was amused by @Yankee151 speaking spanish for about the millionth time. This is rare form whiskey play.

Whiskey Play Part 3:
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Well-Known Member
You inspired me to start my own Enemy Within series. I've never played it before and only semi-recently beat EU. I wanted to play this DLC though because I've seen Faraxis say that they built the new one in similar vein to EW, and with that one coming out in a couple of weeks, I wanted to get through this and be in X-Com mode when the new one is released.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Once again failed to shoot down the overseer. It flew over an area where I only had 1 repaired fighter, lol. Oh well, maybe next time. After that I went on a normal terror mission and had a good time. Almost got @Yankee151 killed by not putting him in cover and he got blasted by one of them monster aliens.

Trying to finish this playthrough this week so I can start Xcom2

@Schauwn @Soonerfan09 @Reel @fignuts @Yankee151 came on this mission. I left @kella at home because he a ladyboy. Brought TROGG woman along instead.



Well-Known Member
Well this playthrough might be a bust. Lol. 2 outta my last 3 missions I've lost my entire squad. China's bailed and a couple nations are panicked. Drink up


Well-Known Member
Well, my first playthrough ended...poorly. I think when I first started I was playing too fast. Too many dashes and putting myself in bad spots. That got my soldiers behind and then I was trying to play a catch up game that I couldn't win. I was still using 2 ltnts a corporal, 2 squadies and a rook against an enemy with 20 health. Yuck


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
The first rule of almost any isometric strategy game is to, as much as you can, make the enemy come to you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I'm pretty new to this type of game. I was a lil too offensive. I had one mission where I felt I did well once it started getting advanced and I didn't lose anyone


Well-Known Member
thank god this game autosaves like it does. Its crashed on me about 5 times in 10 hours of gameplay.

2nd playthrough going muuuuuch better as I'm taking my time. Very, very few dashes. I've only lost 1 soldier through about 6-7 missions. I got about 8 squaddie or higher soldiers with prolly 4 of them corporal or higher. The worst is the missions where they just drop enemies out of the sky. They could be behind you, above you, in front of you...anywhere. Hate it so much


Well-Known Member
2nd playthrough still going great. Got 1 captain, 5 lieutenants, 3 sergeants and 4 squaddies with 3 rookies. Haven't had a casualty in quite a few missions.


Well-Known Member
Well if you change your mind, my agent would love to talk to you about the quote post feature. We would also like to be apart of X-Com 2.


Well-Known Member
Ugh, just had a mission where I needed to rescue civilians. The first alien move the aliens converted 4 civilians into zombies. Next alien move, 4 more. Next thing you know each of my soldiers has 8 enemies they can target.

I lost my entire crew to include a colonel, a major, 2 lieutenants, a captain and a squaddie. I'm screwed


Well-Known Member
Made a small comeback. Gained a couple pre-promoted soldiers due to missions and have my entire squad outfitted with laser weapons. IVe lost 3 nations from the council at this point. Have 5 satellites up. Built my first shiv and will be using it on next mission. Have carapace armor but will have skeleton armor in 2 days. Still haven't captured an alien. It's quite difficult


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
With those civilian missions, I try to focus on eliminating as many aliens as possible to take their focus off them and make it a battle against me

Not sure if you knew, but you don't actually have to touch them to save them. Just keep them alive and they count as saved

Also, the aliens who would take housing inside the humans were a nightmare


Well-Known Member
Yeah, trust me, I was trying to kill as many of the aliens as possible. A couple missed shots began the snowball and it was all downhill from there.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Just wanted to let you all know that my save crashed on this (the problems of Ironman, I suppose) so that's why I wasn't able to finish. Considered restarting but just decided to get XCom2 instead. Starting a new thread for that. Thanks to all those who gave ur lives.