Let's talk about Bish, babby

Void extension?

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THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
I traded another goat to acquire the pick I needed to fulfill the trade. And I did it the next sim and made it public. I also didn't use a competitors pick in said negotiations. I still don't know how you fulfilled the trade, despite asking on multiple occasions. Convince me.
What part of this wasn't public? There have been 1,000 posts about it.

I posted what I did in this thread on page 2. 2,2 for 3,4,4. How many times do I have to post that? 100? Lloyd is fine with the deal and that's all that matters in regards the picks I traded.
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THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
I don't see why that matters. I'm tom bout you. You raged on everyone like you did nothing wrong and then Lloyd made it seem like you weren't even trying to fix it. You just had such an odd response to the whole thing.
I PM'd Lloyd a bunch of times to fix it... I think whatever days it happened I wasn't around a computer that much.

The only thing I did wrong was not include the trade I made with Osick. It was on the bottom of the page of the completed trades thread and I thought I did all the trades on that page but didn't. It was an honest mistake. I thought Lloyd and I worked it out and it was over but people gotta keep going with it.


Hot Girl Summer
Then you just make it PTBNL and the same thing is essentially done, so there's no real point to making a rule (and preventing draft day trades is much worse, we'd have to move the draft again)

I'd be down just removing the deadline altogether to be honest, not sure how serious orlando was


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
Well considering that @jdlikewhoa traded the guy that hit the winning HR in game 7, I think something should be done.
You are just going to see a bunch of PTBNL then. We can move the draft up and/or kill the deadline. Have nots wanted something to do during the playoffs.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
New rules are dumb. Doh is just a cunt about it and that's what bothers me (ie signing extension before he sorted the trade out then bragging and acting jilted when anyone protests).

I'm definitely breaking all Doh's dumb contract rules now, though.


Well-Known Member
It's not just the principle of the thing, the impact matters too. You can't ignore what an impact player Bish is, and how that affects the whole league, and therefore how important it is that the situation come the fairest possible conclusion for the whole league. If this were about lesser players you might come to a fair resolution through other means, but in this case I think the only fair thing is to void the extension and put him back on the market for everyone to have a shot at. That is my vote.


Utopia Moderator
Amateur hour in here.

We're not doing anything.

Doh is always petulant, deal with it. Doh knew he'd make it right, he had to. Thatargumentisinvalid.jpg

I tried getting rid of the trades osick is tom bout.

Didn't work because PTBNL.

Didn't matter because person who gets the player risks injury through the season.

Timing of the draft means it is an inevitability.

I've traded other people's picks before as well, also didn't care because i knew I'd fix it by giving more than I originally had to.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
I'm being a "cunt" about it because I've answered the same questions 10 times. I.E. in this thread @jdlikewhoa DEMANDS TO KNOW what I gave Lloyd to make it right when I posted what we agreed on 5 posts before him.

Most teams in the league have double traded picks. It happened at least 2-3 times per season in the years I updated the thread. I forgot to add the osick picks I traded away and it screwed up my system which led to me double trading those picks. I made an honest mistake after updating that damn thread tons of seasons. I paid a price (gave up 2 2's vs. a 3,4,4 plus have gotten @'d 100 times).


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Amateur hour in here.

We're not doing anything.

Doh is always petulant, deal with it. Doh knew he'd make it right, he had to. Thatargumentisinvalid.jpg

I tried getting rid of the trades osick is tom bout.

Didn't work because PTBNL.

Didn't matter because person who gets the player risks injury through the season.

Timing of the draft means it is an inevitability.

I've traded other people's picks before as well, also didn't care because i knew I'd fix it by giving more than I originally had to.

Wait, I thought we were going to leave it up to the league?


Utopia Moderator
Wait, I thought we were going to leave it up to the league?
We are, the league always huffs and puffs and then let's it go. Although with the new blood who hasn't been around for a while it may be different now.

You said yourself you're just mad he's petulant, so if you're going to take action based on that then good luck keeping this thing afloat.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Agree 100% with post below. Probably should've had a different tone with this but I thought I fixed it/was pissed I did that thread forever then attacked when I messed it up for the first time because of an honest mistake.
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Utopia Moderator
Here are the things that matter in my opinion.

- Everybody but the new guys have traded picks that weren't theirs before. It happens. Most apologize, then there is doh and I.
- Doh knew he was going to make it right with lloyd, it was never in question that lloyd would be screwed in doh's mind.
- Doh signs bish because why wait? Trade will be taken care of, guys flip to wanting FA sometimes and vice versa. Sign him now.
- Travis mad. I get that, I've been on all three sides of this I think. Definitely doh's and travis' side.
- Whole thing comes down to how doh handled it, which punishing people over is stupid. Punish if the act warrants and in this case it doesn't since it's happened before. It wasn't a Machiavellian attempt by doh to screw travis with the cherry on top being that he used travis' pick to do it.

doh could have said my bad and made it easier on hisself, but he didn't. If doh had said sorry then this wouldn't be an issue. If he had waited until the trade was fixed to sign bish this wouldn't be an issue. If the trade deadline didn't move up 2 weeks randomly this wouldn't be an issue.

punish him if you want, but people mess up when we're trading picks 4-5 times over every year. I tried banning traded picks too because this happens enough that people get all rowdy rod piper and cause this shit to happen. Didn't work.

What we should all take from this is that the opposition I faced in the formative years of the WBL is to blame.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
We are, the league always huffs and puffs and then let's it go. Although with the new blood who hasn't been around for a while it may be different now.

You said yourself you're just mad he's petulant, so if you're going to take action based on that then good luck keeping this thing afloat.

We'll see how the vote lands, but to say "nothing is going to be done" when 7 of the 18 people have already voted to void the contract means you had no intention of letting the league decide, which is fine, but just say that from the outset. Still a few people who haven't voted in the poll yet and only need 3 votes... (and only 1 official vote against)


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Plus the fact that Doh instituted half the fucking contract rules in the league and is CONTRACT COP makes it even more frustrating when he crosses the line and faces 0 repercussions. Are we bowling or is this Vietnam?



THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
At least 3 of the "yes" votes have double traded picks and their votes are nullified.

See I can make up rules as we go along and feel important too!


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
It isn't JUST about double trading, doh. It is about you signing an extension before the double trade issue was even cleared up and then acting all fucking put out when your DEMANDS for the trade re-arrangement weren't instantly met.

And you never did offer me actual restitution for using my 4th round pick in that trade, you were a flippant bitch about it. I do consider it an affront that you used one of my picks to acquire bish.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
What demands? I thought I had settled with Lloyd 1-2 days too after the trade was posted. The extension wasn't signed until 2 or 3 sims later. What the hell are you even talking about anymore?

I'm willing to compensate you if you come up with a screenshot of the PM. I don't know why I'd randomly put our deal was for a '57 4th if it was for a '55. I've already come up with the offer of a 2087 8th too.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Bish was extended before the trade was finalized. That's why I started bitchin.

I've already posted proof you took my 4 th in 2055 before making the trade offer for my 2057 4th, which you did not own . Your 8th round pick "offer" was flippant and insincere. Go fuck yourself


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Travis has to be trolling by now... and I've just freed my leg from the trap. Time to run.


Utopia Moderator
We'll see how the vote lands, but to say "nothing is going to be done" when 7 of the 18 people have already voted to void the contract means you had no intention of letting the league decide, which is fine, but just say that from the outset. Still a few people who haven't voted in the poll yet and only need 3 votes... (and only 1 official vote against)
I have no power here, how can i decide anything?


Well-Known Member
Well I did the picks thread for 15-20 seasons trying to help out the league, fuck up once because I missed a trade and then all hell breaks loose. This thing happens very often... I'd say at least 2-3 times per draft.

I paid my punishment of losing two potentially valuable picks to Buffalo. Lloyd got a better deal. Case closed.

Well seven owners would beg to differ...


Well-Known Member
I hate the argument of "everyone double trades picks, so it's okay."

To hell with that - keep track of ur picks. I mean how difficult is it? I trade as much as almost anyone but I've never double traded a pick because I'm aware when I send a pick out.

Sorry @doh that it has to be you, but trading assets you don't have is absurd.



Well-Known Member
Also, I think moving forward, we should have a rule in place for double trading picks

1) you give up the same pick in the next year to the person you made the deal with

2) you sacrifice that pick in the draft two years away

Example: I double trade my 2058 second round pick to Travis and Tony, in that order. Tony gets my 2059 second rounder, and I lose my 2060 second rounder.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
I'm being a "cunt" about it because I've answered the same questions 10 times. I.E. in this thread @jdlikewhoa DEMANDS TO KNOW what I gave Lloyd to make it right when I posted what we agreed on 5 posts before him.

Most teams in the league have double traded picks. It happened at least 2-3 times per season in the years I updated the thread. I forgot to add the osick picks I traded away and it screwed up my system which led to me double trading those picks. I made an honest mistake after updating that damn thread tons of seasons. I paid a price (gave up 2 2's vs. a 3,4,4 plus have gotten @'d 100 times).
You have been a cunt about it because you are doh. At least own that :laughing:


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
We'll see how the vote lands, but to say "nothing is going to be done" when 7 of the 18 people have already voted to void the contract means you had no intention of letting the league decide, which is fine, but just say that from the outset. Still a few people who haven't voted in the poll yet and only need 3 votes... (and only 1 official vote against)
You need a unanimous decision.


Utopia Moderator
I hate the argument of "everyone double trades picks, so it's okay."

To hell with that - keep track of ur picks. I mean how difficult is it? I trade as much as almost anyone but I've never double traded a pick because I'm aware when I send a pick out.

Sorry @doh that it has to be you, but trading assets you don't have is absurd.


it isn't "everyone trades them", it's "everyone has made the mistake". There's a difference, we don't all try to game each other but sometimes it slips and it always ends in a better deal for the other party.

There are hills to fight over. I've seen a few hill battles in my time and this definitely isn't one of them. You got one thing voided and immediately regretted it now you're going for another.



Well-Known Member
I'm being a "cunt" about it because I've answered the same questions 10 times. I.E. in this thread @jdlikewhoa DEMANDS TO KNOW what I gave Lloyd to make it right when I posted what we agreed on 5 posts before him.

Most teams in the league have double traded picks. It happened at least 2-3 times per season in the years I updated the thread. I forgot to add the osick picks I traded away and it screwed up my system which led to me double trading those picks. I made an honest mistake after updating that damn thread tons of seasons. I paid a price (gave up 2 2's vs. a 3,4,4 plus have gotten @'d 100 times).
But is it in the finalized trades thread?


Utopia Moderator
you and leach both got pissy, maybe you spearheaded it. I remember him saying he had ragrets due to it setting a precedent though.