
Well-Known Member
Custom tactics ftw. Also, I've not seen issues with user defense either (despite what my Turkey experiences may have shown).


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
Ultimate team still plays way more arcadey than the normal game. I just outshot a guy 22-1. The grounded through ball is still too easy. The back 4 positioning is always awful.


Well-Known Member
Ultimate team still plays way more arcadey than the normal game. I just outshot a guy 22-1. The grounded through ball is still too easy. The back 4 positioning is always awful.
I've had way better luck in the FUT online draft. I don't know if the speed is set differently but it definitely seems slower. Maybe the type of people that play are more refined


Well-Known Member

Iv maybe lost to 5/6 players where I actually felt that this guy was better than me. But iv also beaten a lot of guys who I would say they are better than me too.

I dont believe in the whole momentum thing that people bang on about or EAids.

This years game just seems to not suit my playstyle. I like to dribble, I like to defend rather than just backing off backing off until they run into my back four on the edge of the box...


Will-Gnome Member
Isn't it good that they nerfed skill moves? Isn't all that shit just puber heaven, and makes the game look like a circus?


Well-Known Member
Isn't it good that they nerfed skill moves? Isn't all that shit just puber heaven, and makes the game look like a circus?

Yes and no.

They should nerf skill moves so people like Johny Evans cant do repeated Maradonas spins and beat 10 players.

But Neymar/Bolasie etc should play like they can play in real. Flair players are just useless this year.


Well-Known Member
Just beat a guy 4-1, didnt do anything of the defending myself. Just R1 and then played it when I won it back.


Will-Gnome Member
Yes and no.

They should nerf skill moves so people like Johny Evans cant do repeated Maradonas spins and beat 10 players.

But Neymar/Bolasie etc should play like they can play in real. Flair players are just useless this year.

They never or hardly ever do FIFA skill moves in a real game of football other than step overs (less in the last few years) and the once in a blue moon Cruyf turn (literally 2 times a season). And it was just abused to shreds. I've only just picked it up again after seven years, and it's refreshing to see them go, and I would say that it not working out 99% of the time is about the accurate real life chance, even with super skilled players.


Well-Known Member
They never or hardly ever do FIFA skill moves in a real game of football other than step overs (less in the last few years) and the once in a blue moon Cruyf turn (literally 2 times a season). And it was just abused to shreds. I've only just picked it up again after seven years, and it's refreshing to see them go, and I would say that it not working out 99% of the time is about the accurate real life chance, even with super skilled players.

Do you watch othe teams than Arsenal? Every week I see ridiculous skill moves in all leagues.

Soccer AM dedicate a whole segment to it


Well-Known Member
Also don't get me wrong I'm not wanting to continuously ronaldo chop down the field with Mertersacker - I use skill moves when they're appropriate

But currently you can't.


Well-Known Member
Iv maybe lost to 5/6 players where I actually felt that this guy was better than me. But iv also beaten a lot of guys who I would say they are better than me too.

I dont believe in the whole momentum thing that people bang on about or EAids.

This years game just seems to not suit my playstyle. I like to dribble, I like to defend rather than just backing off backing off until they run into my back four on the edge of the box...

This is some kind of chibob troll job. Your play style is puber over the top through ball.


likes elk steak likes
Utopia Moderator
Shots fired!

There are way too many poached goals this year and every year.

I swear, if they halved stamina, you'd get a decent game.

I lost to Dortmund last night when both myself and my opponent had 90%+ passing. Super enjoyable pacing and actually somewhat strategic. Probably the first game I've had like that this year...


Well-Known Member
This is some kind of chibob troll job. Your play style is puber over the top through ball.

If I remember the correctly we've played all of two games against each other and I was Aston Villa. Not really much you can do with them other than lofted long balls.

You play with the team you have and you play to their strengths. A lofted through ball is only effective when used at the right time. They are completely useless unless your player is actually in space so I would say there is not anything puber about them.

Maybe in 14 or 15 they were when the completion rating on them were like 90%. They're so ineffective this year that if you land one then you probably have a decent understanding of when and when not to do them.
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Well-Known Member
Shots fired!

There are way too many poached goals this year and every year.

I swear, if they halved stamina, you'd get a decent game.

I lost to Dortmund last night when both myself and my opponent had 90%+ passing. Super enjoyable pacing and actually somewhat strategic. Probably the first game I've had like that this year...

By poached goals do you mean fumbled rebounds straight to the opposition? If so then yes 100 percent agree.


Will-Gnome Member
Do you watch othe teams than Arsenal? Every week I see ridiculous skill moves in all leagues.

Soccer AM dedicate a whole segment to it

Glad you are a real student of the game by watching Soccer AM. A whole fucking segment, dedicated to the 2 or 3 skill moves that they can find in a whole league in a whole week. Fantastic argument there Chibob.... :nebraskaman:


Well-Known Member
Glad you are a real student of the game by watching Soccer AM. A whole fucking segment, dedicated to the 2 or 3 skill moves that they can find in a whole league in a whole week. Fantastic argument there Chibob.... :nebraskaman:

I didnt say I watched it. I said it exists.

Your statement that players dont do tricks anymore is ridiculous. Its just typical ignorant @hayvis ass-hattery.

Players use tricks more now than they ever have.


Will-Gnome Member
I didnt say I watched it. I said it exists.

Your statement that players dont do tricks anymore is ridiculous. Its just typical ignorant @hayvis ass-hattery.

Players use tricks more now than they ever have.

You're high on that Sovereignty ur going to get off the evil European overlords, @chibob. Don't be mad. Soon we will be able to free our Ingerlish soccer from those foreign bastards, coming over here and steeling the jobs of Ingerlish players, that can do far more skill moves than the rest of the world. The pound is soaring, the sky's the limit.


Well-Known Member
Brexit means Brexit, means full Igerlish Brexit, means no bottling johnny foreigners in the Premier League.

Did you see the FOotball Manager post re Brexit.

On the new games there's like 3 scenarios for how Brexit could effect professional football in the U.K. All players within the EU needing work permits except for those who have been in country for a number of years.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
He even shows you a website where you can place bets on real life soccer matches with ur FIFA coins!


Well-Known Member
I need to know how to get better

The passing stat is much more important this year.

Build a team around passing. You wont win everything and you will still feel limitations but you will find that you will keep the ball better and be able to move the ball like past iterations of the game.

By using a passing team iv found iv can get the space on the ball and positioning to play like I did last year and I am enjoying it much more as a consequence.


Well-Known Member
For someone trying to get better, I would not focus on passing. Ultimately what will happen is you will have 60% possession and allow five goals a game because inevitably you will give the ball away and give up a good chance on the counter.

You definitely can keep possession and control the tempo of the game, but it's not what I would recommend to a rookie.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I would recommend a team full of Nigerians/Cameroonians and a 5212 formation. Basically you want 3 attackers with 90+ speed, then everyone else is a tank.

Fuck passing, you just want too woof the ball forward to your fast players.


Will-Gnome Member
I hadn't played the game in seven years, so I was rubbish. Slightly raising the speed of your team on the sliders to about 65% will make things a whole lot easier, then as you learn how to play, just edge it down again. Got me up to speed.


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
I would recommend a team full of Nigerians/Cameroonians and a 5212 formation. Basically you want 3 attackers with 90+ speed, then everyone else is a tank.

Fuck passing, you just want too woof the ball forward to your fast players.

I like to play as Everton and let Luk run around like a maniac without ever passing. Them Koreans didn't know what to do.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I would recommend a team full of Nigerians/Cameroonians and a 5212 formation. Basically you want 3 attackers with 90+ speed, then everyone else is a tank.

Fuck passing, you just want too woof the ball forward to your fast players.

Cameroon in I think FIFA 13 in this formation was nearly unbeatable, lol. Their defenders sucked but Alex Song would just run around suplexing people in the midfield so rarely did they even get to your CBs.


Well-Known Member
For someone trying to get better, I would not focus on passing. Ultimately what will happen is you will have 60% possession and allow five goals a game because inevitably you will give the ball away and give up a good chance on the counter.

You definitely can keep possession and control the tempo of the game, but it's not what I would recommend to a rookie.

As opposed to having 40 percent of the possession and still allowing 5 goals!

It will teach him to finish the chances he gets and also also how to make chances/consolidate chances ie. not just shooting for the sake of it and actually working the ball back out of the box.

At least with a passing team he wont be constantly giving away possession/turnovers?

Make a cheap Spain team, stick in Pique, and Navaro at CB, and then have Valero, Cazorla and Koke in the midfield with Jony (LW), Perez and Williams (RW) up top. David Simon right back and Gaya LB.

Pepe Reina at GK.

A lot of those players have other good abilities which make them well rounded but you want lose the ball so much.


Well-Known Member
I just need to know when to pass what kinda passes to use in situations or to just sit there with LT mashed down I like pro clubs because I can just control my player seasons an fut are aggravating because the CPU players will just stand there sometimes I wish there was a button that made someone go towards the goal like a lead pass