Week 13 Thread - Revel in the Electric Rivalries


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he needed a TD regardless, and he voluntarily gave up the last chance he might have had. it "worked" because tate botched a simple handoff and gave them the ball back. HERMANO handed the ball back to an offense that put up 40 on them and punted only three times, so he could cut the lead from 8 to 5.

who cares that they won. if arizona kept the ball until the end of the game everyone would be talking about how he voluntarily gave up a chance to tie the game. if you think he is some evil genius for looking ahead and PLAYING TO WIN THE GAME at that point, looking ahead and thinking they would score a TD and not have to go for two, ur an idiot.
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NCAA Moderator
FFFFUUUU if READY2ROLL loses, that makes last night’s Crapple Cup hurt so much more


sun of nothing
he needed a TD regardless, and he voluntarily gave up the last chance he might have had. it "worked" because tate botched a simple handoff and gave them the ball back. HERMANO handed the ball back to an offense that put up 40 on them and punted only three times, so he could cut the lead from 8 to 5.

who cares that they won. if arizona kept the ball until the end of the game everyone would be talking about how he voluntarily gave up a chance to tie the game. if you think he is some evil genius for looking ahead and PLAYING TO WIN THE GAME at that point, looking ahead and thinking they would score a TD and not have to go for two, ur an idiot.

everyone around phoenix and some of the media mongs seem real high on corch HERM going on and on about how finally the program is turning around. I hope im wrong but I don't really buy it. ASU's really lucky to be 7-5 imo, and sure the games lost were close, but so were the games we won. Outside of a really bad Oregon State team and UTSA, we only won by more than 7 once (against Utah which was a real quality win), the other 4 wins were all by less than 3 points. Does it feel good to win the close ones? Yea especially after so many close losses over the years, but it doesnt inspire too much confidence looking forward.

The team was a few bad breaks and a couple of 'genius coach' moments away from being like 3-9. Years of asu\cards football has conditioned me to watching games thinking we're not catching any of the 50\50 breaks, but this year seems like asu caught em all and still had a (way better than expected, but ultimately) mediocre season. E'eryone up in arms about the 2 point conversion against Oregon, but that was a game imo where everything was bouncing ASU's way and still found a way to not capitalize on anything (+2 TO margin in the first half and went into half time down 15?). The defense still gives up ridiculous amounts of yardage, and sure it's great that there were a lot of red zone stops for fgs, but this is not a sustainable play style. Especially when the defense can't shut down running games or deep balls.

I think the 2nd half adjustments have been pretty damn good this year, but the first half playcalling just seems so dumb. "We're gonna establish the run!" -- if this works, there is a good chance ASU wins, but if its not working it usually takes until the late 3rd quarter to start more aggressively going to the air (beyond the god awful deep balls Manny threw all year). When that short\medium passing game starts working (cause that is Manny's strength), running lanes start to open up and the commentators start praising ASU's commitment to running the ball. Lolk. Its not as much that they wore down the defenses as much as started giving them more to think about.

There is a reason 9/12 games were decided by 7 points or less this year, ASU has pretty much played to the level of the opposition all year. Good programs don't do that.

I dont think Manny is one of the most talented qbs asu has fielded, but if you let him do what he does best, he makes things work and he has a lot of game experience to see him through the rough patches. Eno Benjamin has been a stud this year, but he can't solo carry the team when the opposition can just tee off on the running game. We won't see another receiver like N'Keal for another 10 years. Manny is graduating and N'Keal is probably going pro, so we'll see how HERM does when he doesn't have probably the best ASU collective skill position trio of the last 10-15 years.

Maybe I just wanna hate the guy, but I think HERM will do worse than Erickson\Graham did over the next 5 years. They seemed like 'ok' coaches that rarely caught a break and couldn't produce much after the initial few years, but HERM seems like a bumbling buffoon that lucked his way into a decent season cause everything bounced his way.


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CU needs a win for a bowl (and to avoid a seven game losing streak) and they just punted from midfield down 12 with 8 minutes to play



Utopia Moderator
I just want to see if I’m a moron or not. Just looking at the teams, I see no way Notre Dame stays within 40 points of either Clemson or Bammer. They clearly gon match them up like that too. My guess is tOSU v Clemson. Nd v bammer.