Park factor change thread


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I don't think these copycats realize how Loathsome their hitters are going to look :laughing: It is a real struggle for me to look up and see a batting average leader for my team be at like .270 some seasons.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
He was the leader at .270 in 2051 when I was all depressed because Douglass Tagg was helping the minor league teams instead of me. Even in good seasons I'm bouncing between 6th and 8th in the SL in average. Woof.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what my park is. I thought I knew but now I don't think the numbers mean what I thought they mean.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Travis taking credit for the park I made


I inherited some players and park, but they weren't a team... they were just a band of quitters stained with the quitting legacy of their former manager! The players I inherited and the park I inherited were absolutely part of the strategy I chose to adopt, but the team building and winning? You can credit Douglass Tagg for that.


Hot Girl Summer
The plot thickens

Is it still only a certain amount of change possible, or anything within 1.2/.8

I don't care.

I was mostly working off of this. If you want me to modify them a bit then I can, my original(current) was 1.00 in most categories so I'd guess I'd just go to .85/.85/.85/.85/.85/1.05 instead? I'm open to whatever as long as I can change a little bit since I was expecting a pitcher's park change.

Lloyd Carr

Well-Known Member
Any chance we can get the park changes before the ST sims?

I'd like to get an idea of how my park changes will affect performance before the season starts.


Well-Known Member
Not voting for any Istanbul pitchers now. I call it the peDer Lloyd rule. If you have to change things or openly campaign for a player, they're not deserving


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I think the favorite thing about my stadium name is that I'm enough of a nerd to know what you were actually tombout when you called it the Dyson Sphere... yet when I picture the stadium in my head, this is what it looks like:



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
An even more nerdy tie in is why I really covet @ZackMills boy Karshev. I viewed his appearance in the draft pool as a sign of the coming of SPACETOPIA, but I was unable to draft him and thus we must wait.

But once I bring Karshev to the Dyson Sphere, he'll be able to finish the construction of our Homerun collector and we'd become a KARSHEV Type II civilization and achieve the intergalactic respect we need to launch SPACETOPIA.

In Dyson's original paper, he speculated that sufficiently advanced extraterrestrial civilizations would likely follow a similar power-consumption pattern to that of humans, and would eventually build their own sphere of collectors. Constructing such a system would make such a civilization a Type II Kardashev civilization

The existence of such a system of collectors would alter the light emitted from the star system. Collectors would absorb and reradiate energy from the star.[sup][1][/sup] The wavelength(s) of radiation emitted by the collectors would be determined by the emission spectra of the substances making them up, and the temperature of the collectors. Because it seems most likely that these collectors would be made up of heavy elements not normally found in the emission spectra of their central star–or at least not radiating light at such relatively "low" energies compared to what they would be emitting as energetic free nuclei in the stellar atmosphere–there would be atypical wavelengths of light for the star's spectral type in the light spectrum emitted by the star system. If the percentage of the star's output thus filtered or transformed by this absorption and reradiation was significant, it could be detected at interstellar distances.[sup][1][/sup]

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Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
New Park Factors for the former pitching killing Sister Havana Stadium:

{td=center|bcolor:#004586|@x17}Park Factor{/td}
{td=center|bcolor:#004586}2063-2067 Factor{/td}
{td=center|@x17}AVG Overall{/td}
{td=center|@x17}AVG LHB{/td}
{td=center|@x17}AVG RHB{/td}
{td=center|@x17}HR Overall{/td}
{td=center|@x17}HR LHB{/td}
{td=center|@x17}HR RHB{/td}


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
You've changed by not changing at all! You've suddenly got a contrarian advantage against the entire SL as the only non pitchers park left!
