
Well-Known Member
Would definitely recommend investing in a good keeper - especially because they tend to be the cheapest world class players.

What's a DeGea worth?

I played against someone who had Buffon the other night. He made 12 plus saves in the game....

I packed a Bravo but it was late and I confused my send to club and sell all and well the rest is self explanatory


Well-Known Member
Looks like just over 100k, but he's as expensive as they come.

For comparison sake, Mandala is going for 12k and he's one of the top 15 keepers in the game.


Well-Known Member
Probably will need to be a Prem keeper for Chemistry.

How good is Mandanda in game? I had his inform on 15 and he was decent.

Cech and Cortouis are also options


Well-Known Member
Sorry, auto correct. Meant Mandanda, who is in the EPL now. I think he is 85 overall.

If the money is burning a hole in ur pocket, snag one of the top guys. There was a Lloris IF that will probably do decent in holding it's value (the non-IF will not over the long haul).


Well-Known Member
Just played against the worst player with a whole squad of the Premier League elite players. Fucking credit card fc

He subbed on Hazard, Aguero and Silva for Sanchez, Zlatan and De Bruyne


Well-Known Member
Or, another option



Well-Known Member
I've been destroyed with a bunch of non rare players. I think the user is about 50% of the equation, with 25% being the players you have and 25% luck.


Well-Known Member
I've been destroyed with a bunch of non rare players. I think the user is about 50% of the equation, with 25% being the players you have and 25% luck.

I don't disagree.

But this year the better players seem to have a larger edge.

Last year I rocked a team on non rare players and thoroughly enjoyed turning over teams full of informs and whose who's of the Prem, Bundesliga, La Liga etc.

This year it's not the same. I got destroyed by an awful player who had a 5 star team. He had 4 shots on target and won 4-2.

Anyone who wants to play the "get good" card I'm more than happy to play you.


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I'm terrible, so anything I say is in jest.

But for me defending is about blocking shots with your backs. Last night I won and gave up 14 shots and had 6. But to me the key is making him take poor shots or just blasting them into your D. I don't care if you take a bad shot or whatever.

As you know though, shots are not a great indicator. Or on target. If you are kicking from outside the box right to my goalkeeper, that's not really bad luck by any means. Nor a good indicator of anything imo.

It is the games when I give up clear shots in the box where I get rocked by people.


Well-Known Member
Sold my Florenzi card this weekend for 92k, right around 20k profit.

I've also gone with two top squads vs one good squad and one fitness squad. So now I've got Serie A and Bundesliga teams. Both are pretty stacked:



I think I'll hold off on buying anyone else until I can afford a better striker for the Bundesliga team. Either Lewandowski or an IF that pops up.


Well-Known Member
Managed to make the weekend league on Monday night.

I have used my funds to invest in an inform Bentekersaurus, Petr Cech (still not convinced hes better than Vorm) and also an Anthony Martial (incredible player)

Iv still got 80k left. I managed to get my funds to above 200k. I could probably do a 100k every 2 days but I dont have the time to buy/sell cards all the time.

You need to be on it like every hour in order to make it work and you constantly need to be refreshing your lists too cos it rarely sells first time.

My next move may be either for a De Bruyne or a Willian. (but inform Pedro also looks GOAT as fuck)


Well-Known Member
That was frustrating. He was really bad but I dumbed and tried to take away his shooting angle and gave away a PK - which I guessed correctly but it still went through my keepers hands. :emo:

The other final I loss was tough too - fell down 1-0 early but scored in the 86th minute to go to ET. He scores on a rebound, so I push numbers forward and equalize just before the break. In the 115th minute I have a corner and try to get cute and go short and they pick off the pass and for some reason I only had one back. 3-2. At least he was good doe


Well-Known Member
Bought the Pedro. Damn he's good. Haven't got him scoring just yet but moving the ball with him is a dream, his passing is class!


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I bought a 15k mega pack just cuzzzz I had like 30k coins and felt like it. Made back 10k. 1k was a gift in the pack. Such a waste. But I knew that going in I guess.


Well-Known Member
Had a chance to sperg a bit this weekend. I haven't played FUT seasons in a while, but the highest I ever made it was D5 but was immediately relegated. Since then I bounced between D7 and D6.

I decided to just go down to one squad, and I think that helped a lot. Having the same 11 went a long way in getting an understanding of how they play. I also started playing a higher line and then adjusting if I see ur traditional puber strikers. All that added up to three straight promotions, capped with the D5 title.

The dice roll of winning four in a row in a tournament isn't a recipe for success, so I'd rather make my way to D1 to qualify for weekend league.


Well-Known Member
Had a chance to sperg a bit this weekend. I haven't played FUT seasons in a while, but the highest I ever made it was D5 but was immediately relegated. Since then I bounced between D7 and D6.

I decided to just go down to one squad, and I think that helped a lot. Having the same 11 went a long way in getting an understanding of how they play. I also started playing a higher line and then adjusting if I see ur traditional puber strikers. All that added up to three straight promotions, capped with the D5 title.

The dice roll of winning four in a row in a tournament isn't a recipe for success, so I'd rather make my way to D1 to qualify for weekend league.

I managed to qualify for the weekend league on first time of trying last week with by scrub fitness team. Shit chemistry and a front line of Bouffal, Carroll and Antonio.

I managed to win 5 games in like 10. Some of the people you play are just horrible. Sweaty sweaty teams.

One guy put 6 past me with a Dybala loan card and dabbed after every goal.


Well-Known Member
I've qualified twice too - but it's so easy for a bounce to go the wrong way over the course of four games that I don't want to rely on the tournaments to qualify. You need a bit of luck to win four in a row.


Well-Known Member
My squad is a bit ridiculous now. I've got 100k in the bank but there's no one I want to upgrade. Asamoah would go if there was a good IF center mid, but I'm good for now. Khedira is just a little too slow, although he's nice to bring on late with his defensive ability.


Sandro has been a nice surprise. I've been running a short corner on the right where he takes it, Asamoah holds off the defender, then plays Sandro towards the goal. Right when he gets to the edge of the box, he'll curl it back post. Beauty. Did it twice last night.


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My BPL squad is nearing completion in terms of affordability.

I had about 100k in the bank but couldn't find anyone worthwhile to buy who I could also afford. De Bruyne would probably be the final piece but he's still like over 200k and I just don't have the patience to not spend that money.

I decided to make a Spanish team today at work on the app - I called it the Rondo after Peps infamous passing drill, and essentially that's what it is...built a team around the best short passers - it could improve quite but I only wanted to spend 60k (most expensive player was either Koke or Pique) would love to add in Alba and Ramos but it's a similar story to getting KDB.

I have a French squad I got bored off which could probably free up some more coins...

This game is much more fun when you have a team who have high passing and positioning skills.

I'll post the teams at some point tomorrow


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I decided to just go down to one squad, and I think that helped a lot. Having the same 11 went a long way in getting an understanding of how they play. I also started playing a higher line and then adjusting if I see ur traditional puber strikers. All that added up to three straight promotions, capped with the D5 title.

I started this as well and it has been everything you said. I also am running a 5-3-2. Call me whatever but I have played better with it. I also limit myself to 2 or 3 games at a sitting, otherwise I get frustrated if I'm playing bad and then sloppy or get overconfident if I'm playing well.

Question, how low can my player stamina go before I need to use a card on them to get it back to 100? When I had two squads I would go two matches then switch.
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One thing I've noticed is that I have been having a lot of really fun, competitive games, but when they aren't they are way out there. Dude's doing hold the ball in their back half fuckery and shit like that. But I find I'm rarely getting just destroyed anymore, which even at the beginning in Div 10 I would. I'm in 8 now after sitting in 9 for a bit, with some lineup, formation and tactically changes I think I got it tweaked to something that suits my style and I then won 9 and I am about to get promoted from 8 to 7 or at the very least hold unless I go on some shit run of losses.

I figure though I am either crap at finishing (very possible), or EA gives keepers super human abilities sometimes to help keep the game competitive (also very possible). Example I out-shot a guy 30-4. 18 on target to 2. Almost all shots inside of the box. I mean I NEVER am that much better than someone in this game. We tied 1-1. I mean I figure even if I get lucky I would get 2 or 3 of those to go in, it's not like I'm kicking them directly to the keeper. Where most games I am getting 2-3 goals on wayyyy less shots.


Well-Known Member
There was something posted a while back about EAs code basically making the team playing worse, start playing better.

Grain assault but it was well accepted.


Well-Known Member
I was losing to guy 2-0 yesterday, his Tim Howard had made 20 saves and then I finally broke the deadlock.

At 2-1 he proceeded to make a triple save so I chucked my controller and lost 4-1.

The guy sent me a message after saying "too EZ"

My keeper had made 3 saves all game and I'd had 60 percent possession. This was in the semi of the FUT qualifier.

This game seriously fucks me off sometimes.

That said I am having a lot of fun with my Spanish passing side.


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I feel it all comes full circle. I was up 2-0 on a guy. 2nd half he comes back and scored a 90th minute goal to win. Very next game I was down 2-0, second half I come back, score a 90th minute goal to win.

Last night I score 3 goals in 5 shots. Probably all some of EA Fuckery and me just playing better for whatever reason.

1 game left in Div 8. Win I go to 7, loss or tie I stay in 8. We disconnect at the screen where it shows you the other dudes squad. No biggie I think and start a new game. I won but am still in 8 because they reviewed the previous "game" and gave me a tie. :-/. I'm also 0-0-0 so apparently that game just went into the abyss someplace.


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I haven't played a daily knockout in like three weeks, but tried one last night while having a couple drinks, and naturally ran the table on my first try.

Now I just have to win 18 games each time so I keep qualifying haha


Well-Known Member
Also, over time I've been doing the MLS SBC as I got players, and holy shit that Giovinco is a beast. I didn't realize exactly how bus-like Mandzukic turns until I played with him up top.

I normally start with Mandzukic up top and then bring on Gio if they are pressing me high (since he's faster and a better passer) or late in the game.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, when you add it all up (packs and coins that I got as rewards minus cost of players), I would guess that the Giovinco costs around 60k.

Very expensive, but he would cost more than that on the open market. Obviously he's untradeable, doe.


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This is the first time I've actually had a chance to play a decent amount of games in the weekend league. Went 5-5 tonight. Was 5-3, and blew leads in my last two. Way past my bedtime.

Giovinco raped all night


Well-Known Member
I did the Villa SBC, cost me like 80k...I don't know why people do these?!

Yeh he's cool and fit into my Spanish passing team ok but meh I could've spent the money better.

I didn't have time to play much this week so no weekend league :(