Completely Awful Nebraska Football Thread - LOL blackshits


OUT with the GOUT
San Antonio isn't bad, but I've never seen or heard anybody say it is "amazing". I wouldn't be shocked if nobody had EVER said it before.

Even the San Antonio Visitors Bureau would roll their eyes at that.


Yeah, even my cousin, a transplanted Californian who has been living in San Antonio for the past 15 or so years, basically admits that, aside from the Riverwalk, there ain't a whole lot to do.

Have only visited him once, but all I remember was that it was like 90 degrees and 90% humidity. In April.

Yeah, even my cousin, a transplanted Californian who has been living in San Antonio for the past 15 or so years, basically admits that, aside from the Riverwalk, there ain't a whole lot to do.

Have only visited him once, but all I remember was that it was like 90 degrees and 90% humidity. In April.

I'm calling BS on your humidity estimate. San Antonio is a much drier heat than Houston, where I lived for 5 years.

The humidity in San Antonio probably wasn't over 77%. ;)


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I should say that everything about the Alamo Bowl is centered on or around the Riverwalk, so I guess I will say the Riverwalk is amazing. The rest of San Antonio I don't particularly care about, even living in Austin for 5 years I never went down there much.


OUT with the GOUT
I should say that everything about the Alamo Bowl is centered on or around the Riverwalk, so I guess I will say the Riverwalk is amazing. The rest of San Antonio I don't particularly care about, even living in Austin for 5 years I never went down there much.

First time I went to the Riverwalk, I was amazed that it is basically built right on top of the Alamo itself. I pictured something similar to most other historical sites I've visited where there's a fair amount of open grounds around whatever historical building or site is being preserved. Instead, it's almost as though the Alamo was some weird Western-themed boutique store/mini-theme park wedged in between the Crate & Barrel, Starbucks, Bath&Body, and other stores. :laughing:

As a mall, it's aight, I guess. Not bad, but not mind-blowing, either.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
First time I went to the Riverwalk, I was amazed that it is basically built right on top of the Alamo itself. I pictured something similar to most other historical sites I've visited where there's a fair amount of open grounds around whatever historical building or site is being preserved. Instead, it's almost as though the Alamo was some weird Western-themed boutique store/mini-theme park wedged in between the Crate & Barrel, Starbucks, Bath&Body, and other stores. :laughing:

As a mall, it's aight, I guess. Not bad, but not mind-blowing, either.

Haha yeah the Alamo is funny because it is just kinda there. There are big buildings and a huge ass mall and the riverwalk and then the Alamo just stuck in the middle of it all.


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NCAA Moderator
Charlton Warren reportedly staying N. Fuck yeah

Only coach I really wanted to stay, so I'm glad he got the chance. Kaz and Fisher are the other two I think would be nice to keep around, but don't think there is a spot for Kaz and a new OC would probably want to bring in a new offensive staff.


Utopia Football League
San Antonio Sucks.

I think Mike Riley is going to suck, too, but who knows? Maybe he will be awesome. I think we got an updgrade as far as a "game day coach" goes, but I am worried that they won't be able to recruit the type of athlete you need to win here.


OUT with the GOUT
San Antonio Sucks.

I think Mike Riley is going to suck, too, but who knows? Maybe he will be awesome. I think we got an updgrade as far as a "game day coach" goes, but I am worried that they won't be able to recruit the type of athlete you need to win here.

Mike Riley was a name bounced around a lot in the last few times when USC was searching for a new HC, and I really couldn't understand why. This is even more true now, as he's shown what type of HC he is. His main assets as far as the athletic directors who hired him seemed to be that he was a nice guy, ran a pretty tight ship, and won a decent number of games. At a place like Corvallis, he seemed like a perect fit. A guy who can win a decent number of games, recruit the less-scary opaque athletes so as not to offend the locals, and generally keep the team from sucking too badly.

However, he is nowhere near that category of coaches which can take a program to heights they've either never been before, or return and maintain them at a level expected of the fanbase.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Mike Riley was a name bounced around a lot in the last few times when USC was searching for a new HC, and I really couldn't understand why. This is even more true now, as he's shown what type of HC he is. His main assets as far as the athletic directors who hired him seemed to be that he was a nice guy, ran a pretty tight ship, and won a decent number of games. At a place like Corvallis, he seemed like a perect fit. A guy who can win a decent number of games, recruit the less-scary opaque athletes so as not to offend the locals, and generally keep the team from sucking too badly.

However, he is nowhere near that category of coaches which can take a program to heights they've either never been before, or return and maintain them at a level expected of the fanbase.

I don't think that is what Riley was brought in for. The more I think about it, the more I think of Riley as Stage 1 of a 10-15 year plan. He's here to do exactly what you said, be a good guy that runs a tight ship, wins a decent amount of games and otherwise stabilizes what was a problem coming close to capsizing. I don't think he is expected to win championships here, which will hurt much of our fanbase to hear, but to expect otherwise is probably silly.

In Nebraska terms, I think of Mike Riley as playing the Bob Devaney role. Stabilize the program, compete for and win a few conference championships and if he's lucky maybe compete in a top 5-10 level. He obviously won't win as much as Devaney, but I see Riley's role as one where he's expected to set (or re-set) a foundation for Nebraska to build on. Riley has a shelf life, he's 61 and isn't going to be doing this 10 more years, he may not even be doing it 5 more years. He's just here to set the foundation for what comes after and unite a program. If he wins some conference championships or BCS-level bowl games along the way, awesome.

I think most Nebraska fans hope stage 2 is Scott Frost in 5 or 6 years. I know I'm one of them.

Dr. Shats Basoon

Closed mouths don't get fed
y'all do realize that the fans were like 90% of the reason Bo got fired, right? reap what you sow, etc.

maybe we should wait and let the guy coach a game before we start looking for his replacement...


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
y'all do realize that the fans were like 90% of the reason Bo got fired, right? reap what you sow, etc.

maybe we should wait and let the guy coach a game before we start looking for his replacement...

I think Shawn Eichorst is a spineless ginger lawyer but to think he's so spineless as to let idiotic fans make decisions is absurd. Bo was fired because he was a jackass who couldn't stop himself from being a jackass no matter how hard he tried. Also because his defenses fucking suck when he has to coach with his own shitty recruits. Also because he's an "energy vampire" and Eichorst doesn't want "energy vampires" or whatever hippie bullshit book he pawned off to athletic department staff.

The fans had very little to do with this decision. Eichorst seals himself off from the fanbase for a reason, this is it. I like Riley and think he'll do well, but thinking about the future isn't wrong. He's step one of a fairly long term project to get Nebraska competitive at the national level. There is no coach Nebraska could have brought in to make us instantly a top 10 team, Riley is just step one. We'll call that step the purge. Get rid of all things Pelini and Callahan and set a foundation for success. Step two, who knows, but it won't involve Riley so thinking about it isn't out of line.


Well-Known Member
You act like winning 9 games a year was a total failure and you have to start all over from step 1 now.
Seems to me that the Nebraska fan base is trying to come up with excuses for hiring a worse coach than the one they fired.


aka spiker or DeadMong
There is no coach Nebraska could have brought in to make us instantly a top 10 team, Riley is just step one. We'll call that step the purge. Get rid of all things Pelini and Callahan and set a foundation for success. Step two, who knows, but it won't involve Riley so thinking about it isn't out of line.

1. Hire Mike Riley
2. Purge all things Pelini and Callahan
3. ???
4. Profit


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I will say that I really like the staff Riley is putting together. We went from the staff full of GAs and retreads to a staff with decades of experience. I hope they make some offensive scheme chances since running what they did at OSU play for play is going to be a disaster with Tommy Armstrong, but the defensive staff really intrigues me. Banker's style of defense is close enough to Pelini's where there won't be a ton of learn time but different enough to fix some of the key issues that plagued Bo, most notably his idiotic and stubborn insistence of keeping two high safeties even when a team is running all over us.

There are pieces here for Riley & Co to work with and having heard Mike Riley talk at clinics, I fully believe he will get the most out of those pieces. God we're going to miss Abdullah though.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
You act like winning 9 games a year was a total failure and you have to start all over from step 1 now.
Seems to me that the Nebraska fan base is trying to come up with excuses for hiring a worse coach than the one they fired.

Yes, we hired a worse coach than the one we fired, which is why the one we fired is coaching at Youngstown State, two of his assistants are coaching for a high school coach at UNLV and none of the rest can get jobs. Come on now.

I would love to do a Utopia poll. How many Utopians would replace their team's head coach with Bo Pelini if it didn't cost anything? I know you wouldn't.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I understand that most college football fans looking from the outside-in on the situation might not understand why a 9 win coach was fired, that's fine. But winning 9 games a year seems pretty empty when it never results in so much as a division championship, never mind a conference championship or top tier bowl game. This isn't the SEC West, it's the Big Ten West, expecting to finish higher than 3rd in our division every year isn't out of line. And let's not kid ourselves into thinking Pelini was on the doorstep about to burst through the door, we were winning 9 games a year against scrub programs and getting absolutely curbstomped by programs that are supposed to be our peer (namely Wisconsin). Or worse, we were inexplicably losing games to Minnesota, Iowa, Northwestern, etc.

Going 9-4 every damn year with no sign of improvement, no sign of change and not even a glimpse of even competing in our own division is why Bo Pelini was fired. Maybe he was a good coach, maybe Riley is worse, but a change had to be made and we'll live with whatever consequences that comes with. Judging by where Bo Pelini and the rest of his staff have landed, I'm guessing Nebraska fans aren't the only ones who think Bo Pelini and his handpicked staff of golf pros and grad assistants was in way over his head. Ironically, the golf pro was the best assistant coach hire Pelini made.

Bo is a fine coach, he might even work back up to the FBS level some day and he might even do well, but to think he had any business still coaching Nebraska is silly. He hated it here and it showed. I can only imagine the types of things he was saying to recruits. How can you sell a school to recruits if you fucking hate that school, its administration, its fans and the media that cover it? Bo is where he belongs, back home in a nice low stress job where the media isn't going to be down his throat for every little transgression on and off the field.
Yes, we hired a worse coach than the one we fired, which is why the one we fired is coaching at Youngstown State, two of his assistants are coaching for a high school coach at UNLV and none of the rest can get jobs.


Dr. Shats Basoon

Closed mouths don't get fed
This hire is intriguing to me because i think Riley should be able to come in and win right away.
I agree that it was time for Pelini and Nebraska to part ways but I disagree that Riley has any rebuilding to do. He has plenty of talent to work with. I expect some hiccups while he changes the culture but he should show signs of being able to compete with the big dogs right away. A 5 loss regular season would be unacceptable in my eyes. I definitely am fine with giving him 4 years minimum to bring in his own players but I think we will know right away what Nebraska go themselves into.


Well-Known Member
I am pretty ambivalent about this hire. I like that he seems to have a professional demeanor. I like that he seems to run a clean ship (which Bo did too). I like that he is less likely to run a spread offense, that he will use TEs (though I wish he would use FBs too, but I remember him being mostly a single back guy at OSU). I think I would have rather had Chryst, or Harbaugh, or Saban, or Tom Osborne from 1995, or Bear Bryant from the 60s, or any number of coaches that would never have happened, but oh well. I don't know what to think about Riley as far as how he will do at Nebraska. I will just wait and see. I just hope they bring back an attacking defense, with dominant DL and LBs. I don't like running 5 DBs all the time with safeties at OLB, and playing contain all the time. It was a sound philosophy as far as football strategy goes, but I just don't care for it. I liked it better when we tried to dictate on defense. Of course you need better talent to do that against other talented teams. Now I am just rambling.

I am taking a wait and see approach. I don't hate Bo at all, he gave great effort, he cared, he won a lot (but not enough), but he was publicly embarrassing too. I understand the need for change, but I don't think it was an imperative. But if you are going to do it, then do it right. I just don't get the process, how we appeared to have no plan and made a lateral move, or were set on the lateral move, Riley, before we even fired Bo. What kind of coaching search is that? Why not make a move up? Will it cost money, sure, but if you are not willing to do it, why fire Bo? What is the point of lateral moves with men in their mid 60s?


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
This hire is intriguing to me because i think Riley should be able to come in and win right away.
I agree that it was time for Pelini and Nebraska to part ways but I disagree that Riley has any rebuilding to do. He has plenty of talent to work with. I expect some hiccups while he changes the culture but he should show signs of being able to compete with the big dogs right away. A 5 loss regular season would be unacceptable in my eyes. I definitely am fine with giving him 4 years minimum to bring in his own players but I think we will know right away what Nebraska go themselves into.

I should clarify, when I say rebuilding, I don't mean talent. There is plenty of talent on this team that just needs leadership and coaching. The team is mostly freshmen and sophomores and there is a ton to work with. It is the program/culture that needs to be rebuilt. Get rid of the "us vs the world including our own fans, administration and media" attitude that Pelini instilled and did far more harm than good and try and create an open and dare I say fun atmosphere. He sounds well on his way to doing that, even dropping the "consult with Tom Osborne" line today in his press conference. Nebraska fans will drool over those words.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I am pretty ambivalent about this hire. I like that he seems to have a professional demeanor. I like that he seems to run a clean ship (which Bo did too). I like that he is less likely to run a spread offense, that he will use TEs (though I wish he would use FBs too, but I remember him being mostly a single back guy at OSU). I think I would have rather had Chryst, or Harbaugh, or Saban, or Tom Osborne from 1995, or Bear Bryant from the 60s, or any number of coaches that would never have happened, but oh well. I don't know what to think about Riley as far as how he will do at Nebraska. I will just wait and see. I just hope they bring back an attacking defense, with dominant DL and LBs. I don't like running 5 DBs all the time with safeties at OLB, and playing contain all the time. It was a sound philosophy as far as football strategy goes, but I just don't care for it. I liked it better when we tried to dictate on defense. Of course you need better talent to do that against other talented teams. Now I am just rambling.

I am taking a wait and see approach. I don't hate Bo at all, he gave great effort, he cared, he won a lot (but not enough), but he was publicly embarrassing too. I understand the need for change, but I don't think it was an imperative. But if you are going to do it, then do it right. I just don't get the process, how we appeared to have no plan and made a lateral move, or were set on the lateral move, Riley, before we even fired Bo. What kind of coaching search is that? Why not make a move up? Will it cost money, sure, but if you are not willing to do it, why fire Bo? What is the point of lateral moves with men in their mid 60s?

It would help if you didn't look at it as solely a football hire, because it isn't. None of the guys you mentioned would come to Nebraska. Hiring a sound Xs and Os guy like a Dan Mullen would have been my first choice, but Xs and Os is not the only thing this program needs, it needs an entire culture change. Callahan and Pelini completely ravaged Nebraska culture. It needed someone who "gets" Nebraska and knows what it takes to build a successful program and culture. Considering Mike Riley's recent coaching clinic talks have been "The Building Blocks for a Successful Football Program" I think he gets that. He isn't here to be a 20 year Tom Osborne type of guy, he is here to bail the water out of the ship and get it pointed in the right direction so that when his time is done, a coach like the ones you mentioned can take over and take it the rest of the way. Yes we could have done way better and I would have picked a few other coaches before him, but we also could have made a pretty big mistake, which I don't think this is.

Agree fully with your comments about defense though. Bo Pelini's defenses got stuck in the spread mindset, even when we ended up in the Big Ten where we might see one true spread team a year. The most damning game for Pelini was against Wisconsin this year where he repeatedly left two high safeties in the game while Melvin Gordon was just running all over us. Bo got the reputation as a spread stopper and his defenses are usually fairly good at that, but when faced with "traditional" Big Ten offenses, he just had no idea what to do and he couldn't recruit the type of guys he needed. In the limited looks I've had at Banker's defense, it seems far more aggressive, especially with the way D-Linemen play, which is always a good thing.


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NCAA Moderator

Quotes like that will give Nebraska fans full wood. They are saying all the right things, we'll see how it turns out.


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NCAA Moderator
Hey it's a step in the right direction, I'm just happy I can listen to a coach speak without saying the word execution 150 times.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
I just want to pop in and say that I honestly think Nebraska's entire athletic department is in the shitter and it will take a major paradigm and culture shift to change it. Something is just fucking wrong in Lincoln.

The baseball team is getting dominated in a weak conference, the basketball team still hasn't ever won an NCAA tournament game and the football program is eternally mediocre. Eventually, they will pull out of this mess, but it will probably take 10 years and nuking the whole damn program from orbit.

There's no doubt that UNL still brings in decent revenue, but the programs are a fucking least we have women's volleyball and bowling.


Tath Meacher
The history in this thread is awesome.

Birfday brother @Brick called the Riley hire.

Saturday will be fun. Or drunk.

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This might be the worst Nebraska team I have seen in my entire life. Granted I grew up watching Tom Osborne's teams, but I think even Bill Callahan's teams were better.

I can't even tell if the main issue is shitty recruiting by Bo leaving anyone who followed him completely screwed, or the new staff just fails at coaching. I know the team has lots of injuries but all teams deal with injuries.

The only real thing consistent between Bo and Riley are the fucking penalties.


New Member
There was someone on Oldtopia that said (I think in reference to Johnelle's MSU or Bowden's Clemson) "this team finds new and imaginative ways to lose every week. How are they going to lose next week? Fumblerooski?"

I feel that way about this team :(


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
I just want to pop in and say that I honestly think Nebraska's entire athletic department is in the shitter and it will take a major paradigm and culture shift to change it. Something is just fucking wrong in Lincoln.

The baseball team is getting dominated in a weak conference, the basketball team still hasn't ever won an NCAA tournament game and the football program is eternally mediocre. Eventually, they will pull out of this mess, but it will probably take 10 years and nuking the whole damn program from orbit.

There's no doubt that UNL still brings in decent revenue, but the programs are a fucking least we have women's volleyball and bowling.

Just want to repeat this because this is your problem. The whole program needs to be blown up and built from the ground up. Fire everyone involved and start over.


Well-Known Member
Tell me he has some eligibility left and get him on the field.

Among the worst Nebraska teams I have seen since I started watching them in the early 80s.