Brady Hoke is truly a shitty human being


If I write a poignant response to the OP on page eight, does it count the same as if I drop a deuce? This is how cynical my brand is. Smug @me brick


aka spiker or DeadMong
surprising how much deadmong is brainwashed when it comes to michigan



Well-Known Member
I'm not excusing these coaches. What Hoke did is wrong but I'm still watching football on Saturday and not in here complaining. The way you trogs bitch and cry about this deadmong and the rest of you will be tuned in this week watching these poor kids get used like a tijuana whore.
Few weeks ago it was beating kids and women, this week concussions. Can't wait to see what you whine about next week.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
At this point I don't give a shit what happens to Brady Hoke. Dave Brandon needs to be dropped into a pit of fire ants though.

"I don't think Brady deserves any blame for what happened on the sidelines," Brandon said. "Because Brady is responsible for coaching.

"Our medical staff, which incorporates all of our trainers, our physicians -- it's a rather large complement of people down there -- their job is to notify the coaches if a situation occurs where either somebody needs to come off the field or somebody cannot go back on the field."

Hoke has faced blistering criticism from fans and some former players for several weeks as the Wolverines lost two straight games to underdogs to fall to 2-3. The Morris incident only fanned the flames for those who want to see him removed immediately or at the end of his fourth season.

When asked specifically whether the Morris incident would affect Hoke's job status, Brandon said: "No. I just said the problem on the sideline Saturday had nothing to do with the coaches."

How out of touch with reality do you have to be to say those things? Rest of the interview here. UM should just fire Brandon and let the new AD decide whether Hoke joins him in the pit of fire ants.