SMALL BALLERS GON LOOK 2076 Season Thread: Welcome Corch Hayvis

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Hardball Scholar: Brandling aiming for PhD
Tuesday, November 10th, 2076
In recent years, plenty of celebrities have shown their intellectual sides by earning degrees in subjects as diverse as quantum physics and English literature.

Now, a prominent former baseball player is joining them: former great Raul Brandling has announced he's entering a PhD program at Harvard University.

While most ex-ballplayers start businesses, open restaurants, or stay in the game as coaches or analysts, Brandling says he relishes the chance to continue his education.

"I always tried to read and keep up on things while I was playing," he said. "But since I retired, I've really been able to devote myself to learning, and this seemed like the next logical step."

And while it might seem like his classmates would have a hard time playing it cool while sitting in a classroom with a superstar athlete, Brandling says he's the nervous one.

"A lot of these kids are coming right from getting their undergrad degrees, or from seriously intellectual jobs," he said. "I've got a lot more rust to shake off."


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I love how players value hisselfs in this game. I had a pitcher who missed half the season due to injury and is still injured. I signed him for $1.5M last year in free agency, so I figured since he's injured I might be able to extend him for cheap.

Check his demands... $60M over 5 years!

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Also Tapley has the single season singles and hits leads all time still, but didn't come close to making the Hall.


Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
These Indy Devs never cease to amaze

Hall of Fame Welcomes Katulsky
Wednesday, January 6th, 2077

The Worldtopia Baseball League Hall of Fame has added a new immortal to its roster. The great bullpen specialist Grigory Katulsky was inducted today as baseball's newest legend.

"I'm humbled to be here," Katulsky said. "This is hallowed ground. My whole career has been storybook. I've kept running into the right people at the right time. I've often said that I was like a kid on a carnival ride at the amusement park, and I didn't get off -- I just stayed on it my whole baseball career. To my hundreds of teammates through the years...thanks for sharing the ride with me. It was amazing."

Katulsky also thanked his dad and older brother for believing in him when he didn't believe in himself. His dad always told him he was going to be big baseball star one day. Katulsky would always reply, "Aww, c'mon, Dad, that's never going to happen." Throwing in the backyard, his older brother would always goad him, "You're throwin' like a sissy." He would then put everything he had, and more, into the next pitch.

Well, that sissy did pretty well.
Over his career Katulsky appeared in 1029 games, recorded 519 saves, fanned 1489 batters in 1321.2 innings, and compiled an impressive 2.66 ERA with a 94-92 won-lost mark. He didn't just become a baseball star, he became a Hall of Famer.


Well-Known Member
Isn’t there a date by which they are generated? Have we reached that date? I also know nussing about the inner workings of the league. So carry on