
Hot Girl Summer



Utopia Moderator
Mariota was pure ass today. Pathetic attempt at a last minute drive to win topped everything off.

Corching was terrible too. Pathetic performance.


Well-Known Member
Bill O'Brien is the worst clock manager in NFL history.

Texans had an 11 play, 71 yd drive to end the first half that ended in a 22 yd fg on 2nd and goal at the 4. So what's the problem, you say? Thanks to BoB, the Texans went to the the locker room with 2 useless to's in their pocket.


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Utopia Moderator
No kidding. No way that TO was called in time, and that roughing the passer was comical


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
The end of the game was such a comedy of both teams trying so hard to lose! First Denver marches the ball all the way down the field only to throw a pick inside the 5 yard lines... then Chicago can't get a first down to run the game out and punts it back to Denver with a little over 2 minutes left. Then Denver converts multiple 4th downs and puts together a scoring drive! The TD started one of my favorite end of game sequences ever! It was like Calvinball!

1. Denver can't decide whether to go for 1 or 2, eventually deciding to go for the win. The Bears also look frazzled, and aren't really aligned properly... but Denver takes too long and gets a delay of game penalty.
2. With the delay penalty, Denver opts for a PAT... AND MISSES! but WAIT! CHICAGO IS OFFSIDE!
3. After the offside penalty we now return to the original spot and Denver still seems confused about whether to go for 1 or 2! Finally the decide to go for 2 and convert it!
4. Denver kicks off and the bears only have 1 timeout and 30 seconds left. Denver picks up a roughing the passer penalty. This was admittedly a soft penalty, but the refs were calling soft personal fouls against Chicago all game, so... fair is fair? Two of the calls against the bears were so bad. They called one on the bears earlier when the DE hit Flacco AS HE WAS THROWING, disrupting the throw, and made a perfect form tackle. Chicago also picked up the first roughing the TE penalty I've ever seen on a normal tackle where the player pulled the TE onto hisself! Still, a tough time for a personal foul... which allows the bears to move within striking distance!
5. With 9 seconds left, MITCH makes an awesome play to step up into the pocket and keep the play alive, allowing a bears defender to be ALL ALONE 30 YARDS DOWNFIELD. It was like the entire Broncos defense evaporated and there was this dude standing there all alone in field goal range! Maybe Denver thought they were trying for a hail mary? I don't honestly know how this guy was so open... but he was!
6. The receiver makes an amazing catch and an even more amazing heads up play to fall down instantly. MITCH has his hand on the TO buzzer like a fucking Jeopardy winner and locks it up with 1 second left.
7. The bears kicker makes a 50+ yard field goal like it aint no thang.

It was like the inverse of the Tebow game against the Bears where Chicago had it all wrapped up and then Cedric Benson or whoever their RB was inexplicably ran out of bounds stopping the clock, which gave TEBOW about that same amount of time left.

Also, the Bears should have had a 99 yard pick 6 on that interception anyway, but the stupid zebras blew the play dead because it looked like the CB was about to go out or get tackled... I watched the replay like 6 times doe and he never stepped out and his knee hovered like magic above the ground without touching. Ball don't lie.
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Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
Kirk is fucking awful and I hate that he's making $84 mil and spending it on evangelical church shit and eating well done steak

One of the waiters we usually get at Murray's also usually ends up getting Kurt and family when they come in to ruin a perfectly good steak. Dude said that Kurt ALWAYS gets his steak well done and always asks for A-1 and a Bud Light that he adds water to just to water it down further. I wish I was making this up.


Well-Known Member
That was a strange Chiefs-Raiders game yesterday.
GRUDEN had them boys fired up. First time in like 30 games the Chiefs were shutout in the opening quarter, then MAHOMES hits Robinson deep for a score the first play of the second quarter lol.
First time ever in the series both teams went scoreless in the second half.
28-0 second quarter. Gruden challenged like two Pi’s lol.


Well-Known Member
Btw, still DYING at the end of the Denver game yesterday.
Not sure if I’m still drunk from last night but I was screaming at the TV for the camera to show JOHN.
Think that’s the last time this new lady friend will visit the house on Sundays


Well-Known Member
Meh, depends on how well the recovery goes. If the arm recovers and he is in line to make 40+ million for two more years, he should probably give it a go.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I'm now a fantasy footbaw co-manager and I picked up MINSHEW as a free agent (Why half ass my NASHNUL return when I can whole ass it?). Now I need to convince my co-owner/cousin to start him over BIG BEN!

I told him, look the SIM has shifted and MINSHEW is the new GOLDEN BOY, we need to ride this wave while it lasts!

Roethlisberger out for the year. He should probably just hang it up at this point.

Ma'cousin looking at me like I'm a GENIUS/WARLOCK now for picking up MINSHEW (but still started BEN). On the one hand, he's glad we have a plan and feels bad for doubting me... but on the other hand, he too is beginning to question the nature of our reality. He picked up Josh Allen as a new "backup" and is considering starting him, since that's what the fantasy gurus say... then I started mumbling incantations and now he's nervous.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Ma'cousin looking at me like I'm a GENIUS/WARLOCK now for picking up MINSHEW (but still started BEN). On the one hand, he's glad we have a plan and feels bad for doubting me... but on the other hand, he too is beginning to question the nature of our reality. He picked up Josh Allen as a new "backup" and is considering starting him, since that's what the fantasy gurus say... then I started mumbling incantations and now he's nervous.

Should’ve told him to pick up FALK @Brick


Mod Alumni
Hermano's, I have bad news. It seems like the March 16 to March 31, 1976 editions of the Florida today are NOT on NEWSPAPERS DOT COM. This does not bode well for capturing BASEBALL results. I can only PRAY that I can get through the rest of the BASKETBALL playoffs. SAD! I may need to go back to the COCOA Central REFERENCE libary and do some microfilm and/or microfiche work.