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2015 NFL Thread

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Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Lions offense is so unbelievably abysmal compared to their defense.


Sun Drop Junkie
Mod Alumni
All the Panthers fans here in charlotte are crowing about being 4-0 and get pissed when I point out theyve beaten jax, hou, NO (sans brees), and Tampa bay...quite possibly the 4 worst teams in the league

The problem is the Panthers have payed down to their opponents level in each of those games, sans TB. No reason that any of those games should have been within 2 touchdowns. Except that the Panthers are still giving Mike Shula a paycheck, and have no receiver corps to speak of (thanks Gettleman, you shitass).

If Brees were in that game, Panthers would have lost.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Absolutely horrendous call just there. No holding at all.


Well-Known Member
So, what head coaching job will Jim Caldwell get next? I heard he corched Peyton Manning.


Utopia Moderator
I know he's old and worn down but some of this is on kubiak. Should have just let him keep running his own offense one more year. They ain't winning shit with this neutered garbage.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I know he's old and worn down but some of this is on kubiak. Should have just let him keep running his own offense one more year. They ain't winning shit with this neutered garbage.

I really don't think it is any different than last year in regards to what they are trying to do offensively. Denver tries to ESTABLISH THE RUN and they come out under center with multiple tight end formations and everyone in the stadium knows what is coming and the run game is ineffective and they end up stuck in 3rd and long. Then when they need to move the ball and get serious they line up in the shotgun and let Manning throw the ball. The problem this year is that the O-line is a lot worse (injury and FA) so the run game sucks and Manning doesn't have time to pick apart zone blitzes.

But the truth is Manning's got the worst noodle I've ever seen right now. Basically all of his INTs are him thinking he's got the arm strength to make a throw, only to find he's limp dicked it.


Utopia Moderator
It just doesn't look the same. He needs to be in the shotgun and spread out so the defense can't disguise what they are doing as much. Let him dink and dunk down the field and hit a deeper one every now and then and get rid of the ball quick.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Holy shit, NFL coaching. Raiders facing a 4th and 19 they have to convert to have any chance at winning this game, and they throw a fucking screen to the fullback. You've gotta be fucking kidding me.

He is a goof FB, lol.


Mod Alumni
Denver is different in terms of the zone blocking scheme (Travis you'd have to tell me how much more they do this year vs last year) but the bigger difference is Kubiaks offense is more based off inside breaking routes while manning for the most part his whole career has been option routes inside and vertical routes outside the numbers.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
They need to throw Caldwell in the river and set it on fire again


Well-Known Member
I think Kubiak's done a good job adapting his system and tailoring it to Manning. He's done that throughout his career (did a decent job doing something similar with Case Keenum when Houston had that disaster of a year): his ego isn't so big that he'll force a square peg through a round hole.

Pretty much agree with @Travis7401: biggest issue to me is his arm doesn't have enough zip to make the tight(er) throws he used to, to me.


Well-Known Member
It's hard to watch old man Payton out there. He isn't going to win a title no matter what offense they run. He just needs to hang it up and accept a coordinator position somewhere. I predict that he will win multiple super bowls as a coach.


Disney and Curling Expert
It's hard to watch old man Payton out there. He isn't going to win a title no matter what offense they run. He just needs to hang it up and accept a coordinator position somewhere. I predict that he will win multiple super bowls as a coach.

Old Man Woodson still has enough game to intercept him twice.

Smug Dog Michigan fans are everywhere. :trollface:


Utopia Moderator
I can't see manning as a corch. If anything I see him try to pull an elway or get in with investors and buy a franchise.


Well-Known Member
I can't see manning as a corch. If anything I see him try to pull an elway or get in with investors and buy a franchise.
What makes you think he wouldn't be a good coach. He has a great understanding of the game and seems to work well with others.


Utopia Moderator
I didn't say he wouldn't be a good corch. I said I don't see him doing it. Perfectionists like him rarely have the patience necessary. Plus, he's a businessman. He don't want to make 5 million a year with some goober GM as his boss.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I think bad players make better corches. First, I think a good corch does need that deep knowledge of the game, so experience helps in that regard... Second, I also think the job of the corch is to find a way to schematically put all of your players, even the ones who aren't that good, in a position where they can be successful. Being a failure as a player helps you have empathy for your shithead players and makes you more likely to find a way to help them succeed than to just assign them some hard task and get mad when they fail. Third, beyond scheming, you also have to be a good teacher in order to actually have your corching stick.

Manning obviously has the football knowledge, but to me I think he really would be lacking in the other two areas. He's such a perfectionist in hisself that I just don't think he'll ever understand the fact that sometimes his players aren't capable of accomplishing something he asks of them (GOD DAMMIT DONALD!). I also don't think he's really that good of a teacher either, as evidenced by the fact that he spends most of the game by himself pouting on the bench and really has never seemed to want to tutor younger players (or even allow them practice reps or reps in a blowout). Maybe he would be a great corch, but I don't think it would be an automatic transition like most people assume, even as an offensive coordinator.

Lol @Bdub saying he seems to work well with others. I don't think I've ever seen a player isolate hisself from the rest of the team more than Manning does. It bugs the shit out of me. Reminds me of Cutler, but worse, lol.




Well-Known Member
I think @Travis7401 may be on to something. The best teachers aren't the people that are naturally brilliant at something. The best are the ones that have middle of the road to sub par skill but somehow find a way to be effective. They know what it's like to struggle and how to overcome and can teach others how to do what they did. How many great NFL corches were really great players? I can't think of many. On the other hand there were lots of journeymen that became fantastic corches.


Well-Known Member
Not sure why he isolates himself at Denver, was never like that at Indy. Would agree about the perfectionist part being a problem. Look how awful Jordan was at coaching/GM.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Why did the Saints even take the field. Just concede and stay in nola

I would seriously consider that as a team if I had to play on the road on Thursday night on Week 2 of the season like Denver did this year. It is your first "in season" game week and you have to travel AND it is a short week? Nah, b, take the (L) and give urself 2 weeks to prepare for Week 3.

Of course Denver won anyway because the Chiefs can't hold on to the footbaw.


Disney and Curling Expert
I think @Travis7401 may be on to something. The best teachers aren't the people that are naturally brilliant at something. The best are the ones that have middle of the road to sub par skill but somehow find a way to be effective. They know what it's like to struggle and how to overcome and can teach others how to do what they did. How many great NFL corches were really great players? I can't think of many. On the other hand there were lots of journeymen that became fantastic corches.

@Travis7401 is on to something here. There are virtually no good NFL players who have gone on to a career in coaching in a long time. The era of Lombardi, Landry, and Knoll are long gone. NFL corches are now people who enter the career right out of college which means they were, most likely, marginal college players who spent a lot of time on the bench watching the game.

Baseball is the same way. For the most part, most of the successful managers have spent some time at catcher where they spend a lot of time learning the hitters, learning about strategy, etc.

NHL....again very few good players have become good coaches. Most are borderline NHL/AHL players where they spend a lot of time watching the game from the bench. The NBA is very similar to the NHL.

You want to be a coach just be a smart guy who was a marginal player but spend a lot of time learning the game from the bench or film room. Good at instruction/horrible at execution.


Off dem Milds and dat Yak
Community Liaison
I would seriously consider that as a team if I had to play on the road on Thursday night on Week 2 of the season like Denver did this year. It is your first "in season" game week and you have to travel AND it is a short week? Nah, b, take the (L) and give urself 2 weeks to prepare for Week 3.

Of course Denver won anyway because the Chiefs can't hold on to the footbaw.

i know i should be used to this b/c prior to 2006, they were very meh or just flat out sucked, but this shit is just .....head scratching

they have absolutely 0 ability to generate a pass rush without blitzing, meanwhile, Philly gets 3 sacks from one fucking dude playing NT iirc and NO blitzing


Well-Known Member
I read about that on Sunday when they were afraid that the infection had gotten into the bone. Absolutely terrible.
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