Week 12 presented by Bmack freezes to death or drives off the side of a mountain


aka spiker or DeadMong
You're right about Air Force stadium too, that's probably my favorite college footbaw venue (especially if you taking kids). Location is perfect. Add in all the flyovers and the falcon flying around the stadium (if they still do that) and it is pretty fucking awesome. I think my all time favorite was a B1 bomber flying over and then going into full afterburner as it exited, setting off all the car alarms with the rumble. FOOTBAW MURRICA. Drinking is fine, but it isn't the DRUNK WASTED CSU tailgate experience. You could take a kid to an air force game without worrying about them needing therapy (other than for the nationalism)

They did an A-10 Warthog flyover when we went last time. That was pretty sweet.

We took our babby to a Michigan already. In the student section, no less. I wouldn't have any problem taking him to any college football game, really. I wouldn't take him to a lot of student sections - no way we'd go the CU student section. I don't think I'd take him to an NFL game for a long time.

Karl Hungus

Here to fix the cable
What the fuck, @Brick



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Broncos games are way worse, ur right about that. When I was sellin hot chocolate in the south stands, a dude paid me to spray whipped cream on his wife's tits and she just pulled her shirt up right there in front of everyone. Well $10 is $10. There also seems to be a lot more violence at pro games. You'll see a drunk fight or two at a college game, but for the most part everyone is pretty happy to be there. NFL fans are fucking miserable and are just waiting to shiv each other with some improvised stabbing device they've carved out of a plastic cup and hardened by melting and shaping it with a lighter.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Also, I forgot about the best part of college footbaw is the band. I loved the band so much as a kid. I think when I go to the game at the new stadium I'll just hang out in the parking lot till the 2nd quarter and then walk in to catch the halftime show and then leave.


aka spiker or DeadMong
Nevermind, this was an 11 a.m. kickoff:


Kirk Ferentz drives me to drink as a Michigan fan, so I completely understand Iowa fans trying to usurp Wisconsin fans as the drunkest in the Big Ten.

Of course he then turns into a game theory savant every time he plays Michigan :emo: :emo: :emo:


Desensitized and Willing
I dig the location of Hughes but not the actual stadium, but considering where the new stadium will be, traffic is going to be a nightmare and like Travis said, where will the tailgating be? At least it'll be right beside Raising Canes


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I always liked her cheerful brand of nihilistic humor about the situation... "But really... is everyone going to remember me in 10 months when I need a job? Hope not." She knew it was a major fuck up.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I always liked her cheerful brand of nihilistic humor about the situation... "But really... is everyone going to remember me in 10 months when I need a job? Hope not." She knew it was a major fuck up.

Apparently the answer is yes, as her only listed jerbs on LinkedIn are volunteer gigs :laughing:


Well-Known Member
Broncos games are way worse, ur right about that. When I was sellin hot chocolate in the south stands, a dude paid me to spray whipped cream on his wife's tits and she just pulled her shirt up right there in front of everyone. Well $10 is $10. There also seems to be a lot more violence at pro games. You'll see a drunk fight or two at a college game, but for the most part everyone is pretty happy to be there. NFL fans are fucking miserable and are just waiting to shiv each other with some improvised stabbing device they've carved out of a plastic cup and hardened by melting and shaping it with a lighter.

I had season tickets for UCLA football for over 15+ years and maybe saw 2-3 fights ever. I saw 3 fights just on the walk to the Coliseum this past August at a preseason game. I'd say the ESPN culture of "We must protect this house" has had a large part to do with it. Look at what people are wearing in the stands at NFL games. 8 out of 10 fans are wearing jerseys, including women. Now look at old NFL Films footage and look in the stands.
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Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
I had season tickets for UCLA football for over 15+ years and maybe saw 2-3 fights ever. I saw 3 fights just on the walk to the Coliseum this past August at a preseason game. I'd say the ESPN culture of "We must protect this house" has had a large part to do with it. Look at what people are wearing in the stands at NFL games. 8 out of 10 fans are wearing jerseys, including women. Now look at old NFL Films footage and look in the stands.

My wife is a die hard Peyton Manning fan and wouldn't let me live it down if she never got to see him play so we went to Denver during his fifth MVP season to see them beat the Titans like a $2 whore. It was like -5 without the windchill and quite windy so you know this was prime liquor jacket weather. My wife is a veteran of college football games being from Knoxville but hadn't experience an NFL game so I didn't warn her about what to expect. Good move on my part.

Walking into the stadium through the parking lot some 20-nothing moron in an Avalanche jersey is telling some old fuck in a Shannon Sharpe jersey to "eat [his] dick" while he's pissing on said old fucks car. As we walked past they were pushing each other around (while Avalanche dudes dick is still out) but nothing physical. We get through security and get to our seats in the middle level where two dudes are already shoving each other around because one of them spilled beer on the other. The team isn't even out for warm ups yet. Game starts and Wes Walker gets a concussion and dude behind me, that is piss drunk in a Decker jersey, gets up and socks some poor sap in a Hurt Locker Titans jersey right in the face completely unprovoked. Security shows up and escorts Decker out and things go well the rest of the game. We head down to the team store to buy some tchotchkes to celebrate the first and last NFL game we attend as a couple and stadium security and Denver PD are trying to separate four Bronco fans that are just pounding each other senseless in the hall by the main team store. DPD tells everyone to get back and unleashes a huge cloud of pepper spray. We head into the team store to watch the chaos unfold behind glass and my wife asks me if this is typical of the NFL experience. The only thing I could say is "at least we didn't see any children thrown in trash cans or any Raider fans."

On the way out to meet our ride back to the hotel the DPD paddy wagon was pulling up to up to the stadium to, we assume, take care of the foursome that got pepper sprayed. While we were waiting we saw some chick in a pussy getting wet dress (in -25 degrees) and stilettos pop a squat between to cars and then barf for like two straight minutes. On the way out (in the van) we saw two guys fist fighting between two cars and one of them missing the other and denting breaking a window.

When we got back to the hotel my wife, in her usual calm, cool, and collected way, told me "you know how Bush used to say '9/11 and terrorists - never again'? Well, don't ever let me think going to an NFL game is a good idea. I need 25 showers to get the stench of stupidity off of me. Never again."


Uber felon
I've had buckeye season tickets for years and been to probably 15 bengals games. I've never seen 1 fight.

What's wrong with people outside of :ohio:


Disney and Curling Expert
My wife is a die hard Peyton Manning fan and wouldn't let me live it down if she never got to see him play so we went to Denver during his fifth MVP season to see them beat the Titans like a $2 whore. It was like -5 without the windchill and quite windy so you know this was prime liquor jacket weather. My wife is a veteran of college football games being from Knoxville but hadn't experience an NFL game so I didn't warn her about what to expect. Good move on my part.

Walking into the stadium through the parking lot some 20-nothing moron in an Avalanche jersey is telling some old fuck in a Shannon Sharpe jersey to "eat [his] dick" while he's pissing on said old fucks car. As we walked past they were pushing each other around (while Avalanche dudes dick is still out) but nothing physical. We get through security and get to our seats in the middle level where two dudes are already shoving each other around because one of them spilled beer on the other. The team isn't even out for warm ups yet. Game starts and Wes Walker gets a concussion and dude behind me, that is piss drunk in a Decker jersey, gets up and socks some poor sap in a Hurt Locker Titans jersey right in the face completely unprovoked. Security shows up and escorts Decker out and things go well the rest of the game. We head down to the team store to buy some tchotchkes to celebrate the first and last NFL game we attend as a couple and stadium security and Denver PD are trying to separate four Bronco fans that are just pounding each other senseless in the hall by the main team store. DPD tells everyone to get back and unleashes a huge cloud of pepper spray. We head into the team store to watch the chaos unfold behind glass and my wife asks me if this is typical of the NFL experience. The only thing I could say is "at least we didn't see any children thrown in trash cans or any Raider fans."

On the way out to meet our ride back to the hotel the DPD paddy wagon was pulling up to up to the stadium to, we assume, take care of the foursome that got pepper sprayed. While we were waiting we saw some chick in a pussy getting wet dress (in -25 degrees) and stilettos pop a squat between to cars and then barf for like two straight minutes. On the way out (in the van) we saw two guys fist fighting between two cars and one of them missing the other and denting breaking a window.

When we got back to the hotel my wife, in her usual calm, cool, and collected way, told me "you know how Bush used to say '9/11 and terrorists - never again'? Well, don't ever let me think going to an NFL game is a good idea. I need 25 showers to get the stench of stupidity off of me. Never again."

I was supposed to go to the Packers at Eagles MNF game next week. Thank god, my friend decided to sell the tickets instead entering that 3rd world police state.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Haven't seen a fight at a Skins game but my gf's family's season tickets are 2 seats away from (what much be a mentally ill) guy who listens to the call on the radio and SCREAMS nonstop. From the 2nd deck. Like not just cheering, but yelling specific instructions. As if they can hear you.

On the way into the stadium after tailgating you'll see a bunch of like handles of vodka rolling around, from spots where there couldn't have been more than 4 or 5 people partying.

A while back my company had "dream seats" on the visiting team's side. 1st and 2nd row, where you get all you can eat food and drinks. It's a pretty cool experience and usually devoid of the usual scummy NFL fan behavior, but this particular time they were playing the Eagles when Vick was on the team. Keep in mind that even these first row seats are probably a good 30 yards still from where the players are standing, so without a megaphone they're not going to hear you over the din of the crowd in general.

That didn't matter to these trashy Jersey based Philly fans. For the entire game, this douchebag's 2 kids kept yelling for Vick to turn around and wave at them. And the dad was encouraging them and giving them tips. An usher came by once to tell them to STFU, but they continued about a half quarter later. Having had enough of that shit, my buddy and I just stood up for the rest of the game and blocked the kids view. It was a dick move by me, but fuck NFL fans.

The entire Skins tailgating scene is hilarious. It's a bunch of people from Waldorf and over-the-bridge rural rednecks who pour most of their annual income into tickets and Redskins themed conversion vans.


Disney and Curling Expert
These fans are not to be confused with trashy South Philly based Philly fans or, even worse, trashy Main Line based Philly fans.


aka spiker or DeadMong
Denver Broncos' tailgating and season ticket holders are at least 50% people who must dump half of their annual income into season tickets and tailgating. It's actually pretty odd to have tickets that cost $200 a pop and end up surrounded by the dregs of society.


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
@goblue96 do the Linc have a jail like the Vet did?

@kella my favorite FORESKINZ FedEx Field shitshow was when the riot polices had to show up and fire tear gas into the upper deck.


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
Denver Broncos' tailgating and season ticket holders are at least 50% people who must dump half of their annual income into season tickets and tailgating. It's actually pretty odd to have tickets that cost $200 a pop and end up surrounded by the dregs of society.

There are only eight home games so those idiots have to get the max experience out of their ticket money. The people around us sounded like the kind of people that lived in Colorado Springs and were on divorce #4 and behind in child support payments.


Desensitized and Willing
Broncos fans are fucking ruthless, I definitely couldn't help but jaw at them after Gano missed that kick on opening night, considering all game I'm getting screamed "SUPER BOWWWLLLL" in my ear. It was a damn miracle for me to not to resort to their trog level and start throwing 'bows. Got called a cunt at least 3 times


OUT with the GOUT
I think the last NFL game I attended was a Raiders-Broncos gameat the Coliseum in their second-to-last year in L.A. It was the last regular season game, and the winner made the playoffs, loser's season was over. So, big stakes game.

Anyway, I am not exaggerating when I say there had to be a fight breaking out every 20 or so seconds. The LAPD must've had half their whole force in the stadium, and they were always rolling at least four deep. At least back then they weren't dressed like Robocop, but still, the number of cops in one place was astounding. We saw a giant battle Royale between two groups of fans (all Raiders fans, of course) that probably had like 6-7 guys on both sides, with their girlfriends cheering them on and shouting the vilest strings of cuss words at everybody around. Even some of what looked like kids who were about 7 or 8 years old were screaming obscenities and throwing up gang signs, loudly shouting out their 'hoods. :laughing:

It was fucking unbelievable.


OUT with the GOUT
Yeah, and I don't even think it's close.

I mentioned it in the NFL thread a while ago, but these Rams fans around me were acting like it was the 4th quarter of a NFC title game for a preseason game. Maybe they were just happy that the Rams are back? I seriously doubt it.

My cousin said he might be able to get tickets for the Rams game on Christmas. At first I was excited that I might be able to see the Rams in person for the first time since they occupied that shitty stadium in Anaheim, but then I considered the fact that I like having my intestines contained in my abdomen and not in plain sight of everyone, and I politely declined.


Well-Known Member
My cousin said he might be able to get tickets for the Rams game on Christmas. At first I was excited that I might be able to see the Rams in person for the first time since they occupied that shitty stadium in Anaheim, but then I considered the fact that I like having my intestines contained in my abdomen and not in plain sight of everyone.

against the Niners? Yeah, no thanks.


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
My cousin said he might be able to get tickets for the Rams game on Christmas. At first I was excited that I might be able to see the Rams in person for the first time since they occupied that shitty stadium in Anaheim, but then I considered the fact that I like having my intestines contained in my abdomen and not in plain sight of everyone, and I politely declined.

I went to a Bears-Packers game in 2001 at Soldier Field during the lone bright spot of the Dick "Yale" Jauron years and will never forget some Wisconsin bozo and his poor kid getting Old Style, nachos, and Polish sausages heaved on him when Favre threw one of his patented interceptions early on to a chant of "SUCK PACK SUCK". This was before stadium security was everywhere and you could text security with issues so this moron just tried to reason with Southside Johnny and the Pollacks, which didn't work. Right before halftime some shitbag moron from Tenley Park started telling the guy, in a horrible southside accent, "youz gonna get yerrrr azzzzz kicked if youz still eaaaaar after alftime. Head on back to Weeeeesssskonsiiiiin before it's too late." One of Chicago's finest finally showed up when said Tenley Park moron threatened one of the beer vendors for not accenting a Bill Clinton $3 bill as payment for an Old Style.

Thank g-d the Bears won that one or anyone in green-and-yellow probably wouldn't have made it to State Street unharmed.


My wife is a die hard Peyton Manning fan and wouldn't let me live it down if she never got to see him play so we went to Denver during his fifth MVP season to see them beat the Titans like a $2 whore. It was like -5 without the windchill and quite windy so you know this was prime liquor jacket weather. My wife is a veteran of college football games being from Knoxville but hadn't experience an NFL game so I didn't warn her about what to expect. Good move on my part.

Walking into the stadium through the parking lot some 20-nothing moron in an Avalanche jersey is telling some old fuck in a Shannon Sharpe jersey to "eat [his] dick" while he's pissing on said old fucks car. As we walked past they were pushing each other around (while Avalanche dudes dick is still out) but nothing physical. We get through security and get to our seats in the middle level where two dudes are already shoving each other around because one of them spilled beer on the other. The team isn't even out for warm ups yet. Game starts and Wes Walker gets a concussion and dude behind me, that is piss drunk in a Decker jersey, gets up and socks some poor sap in a Hurt Locker Titans jersey right in the face completely unprovoked. Security shows up and escorts Decker out and things go well the rest of the game. We head down to the team store to buy some tchotchkes to celebrate the first and last NFL game we attend as a couple and stadium security and Denver PD are trying to separate four Bronco fans that are just pounding each other senseless in the hall by the main team store. DPD tells everyone to get back and unleashes a huge cloud of pepper spray. We head into the team store to watch the chaos unfold behind glass and my wife asks me if this is typical of the NFL experience. The only thing I could say is "at least we didn't see any children thrown in trash cans or any Raider fans."

On the way out to meet our ride back to the hotel the DPD paddy wagon was pulling up to up to the stadium to, we assume, take care of the foursome that got pepper sprayed. While we were waiting we saw some chick in a pussy getting wet dress (in -25 degrees) and stilettos pop a squat between to cars and then barf for like two straight minutes. On the way out (in the van) we saw two guys fist fighting between two cars and one of them missing the other and denting breaking a window.

When we got back to the hotel my wife, in her usual calm, cool, and collected way, told me "you know how Bush used to say '9/11 and terrorists - never again'? Well, don't ever let me think going to an NFL game is a good idea. I need 25 showers to get the stench of stupidity off of me. Never again."



OUT with the GOUT
I went to a Bears-Packers game in 2001 at Soldier Field during the lone bright spot of the Dick "Yale" Jauron years and will never forget some Wisconsin bozo and his poor kid getting Old Style, nachos, and Polish sausages heaved on him when Favre threw one of his patented interceptions early on to a chant of "SUCK PACK SUCK". This was before stadium security was everywhere and you could text security with issues so this moron just tried to reason with Southside Johnny and the Pollacks, which didn't work. Right before halftime some shitbag moron from Tenley Park started telling the guy, in a horrible southside accent, "youz gonna get yerrrr azzzzz kicked if youz still eaaaaar after alftime. Head on back to Weeeeesssskonsiiiiin before it's too late." One of Chicago's finest finally showed up when said Tenley Park moron threatened one of the beer vendors for not accenting a Bill Clinton $3 bill as payment for an Old Style.

Thank g-d the Bears won that one or anyone in green-and-yellow probably wouldn't have made it to State Street unharmed.

Which reminds me - why would any sane person wear the visiting team's colors when they go into an NFL stadium?

At that same Raiders-Broncos game I attended, there was an incident before the game started where people were getting to their seats, etc. Everyone around me is dressed in Raider black, with accompanying face, neck, hand, and crown-of-shaved-head tattoos (usually with some street name - I guess in those days before GPS, you could get lost on your way home, so it made sense to tattoo your street on urself).

A lone Broncos fan, wearing a bright orange John Elway jersey, is spotted making his way to his seat, carrying a tray of nachos and soft drinks. As soon as he was spotted, the reaction around us was like a pack of hound dogs when they get a glimpse of the fox. Just instant alertness and straining at the leashes. Within seconds, Raider fans knocked his food and drinks to the ground, we're throwing hot dogs, half-eaten burgers, the remnants of nachos, beer, cups of soda, just anything they could get their hands on. His orange Broncos jersey looked like a tie-dyed shirt by the time he reached his seat, whereupon he promptly got in a shoving match with the Raider fans in the seats adjacent to him. Dude was a twink and taking on multiple guys who probably outweighed him by several dozens of pounds, and of course the idiot is actually by himself. By the time LAPD showed up to rescue him, he looked like he'd taken a dive into a food processor, and the way he was holding one of his arms, I suspect he had a broken wrist or something.

I really was wishing for the meteor last night.
I've attended exactly one NFL game since reaching adulthood and it was Philadelphia at Denver (T.O.'s last game before working out in his driveway :thumbsup:). Anyway, there was a drunk dude dressed as Jake the Snake (Halloween weekend) who was mildly entertaining. Everyone else was depressing af and the behavior on display pretty much cemented our desire to never again attend an NFL game.