Utopian NCAA Sliders

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
The goal for these sliders is to achieve numbers as close to real life as possible. This will require testing with various offenses, defenses, and opponents. Ultimately, we want a game that is fun and allows us to make decisions based on what our opponent is doing and succeed when we have even or superior talent.

Testing and feedback is encouraged and appreciated. Upload your stats and game information if you are testing these out.

Here's the current slider set (this will be updated frequently):

Version 1.5

Difficulty/Clock Settings

Offensive Skill: All-American

Defensive Skill: Heisman

Quarter Length: 7 Minutes

Game Speed: Normal

Speed Threshold: 25


Offsides: 58

False Start: 55

Holding: 58

Facemask: 58

Offensive Pass Interference: 80

Defensive Pass Interference: 80

Clipping: 55

Intentional Grounding: 100

Roughing the Passer: 54

Roughing the Kicker: 100

House Rules (User/CPU)

QB Accuracy: 5/25

Pass Blocking: 30/30

WR Catching: 40/40

RB Ability: 50/45

Run Blocking: 50/50

Pass Coverage: 70/60

Interceptions: 70/60

Rush Defense: 50/60

Tackling: 60/50

FG Power: 25/45

FG Accuracy: 35/40

Punt Power: 35/55

Punt Accuracy: 45/50

Kickoff Power: 40/50

Change Log

Version 1.5
Reduced user passing accuracy to 5

Vesrion 1.4

Improved user passing

Reduced CPU passing

Version 1.3

Reduced speed threshold

Improved pass blocking to prevent a prevalent pass rush bug

Lowered kicking power

Reduced the frequency of facemasks

Special thanks to TXHusker05 for his research on the pass rush bug!

Version 1.2

Reduced offensive skill

Returned game speed to normal

Decreased speed threshold

Reduced some of the basic penalties and increased some of the rarer penalties

Reduced the effectiveness of the passing game

Toned down defense a small amount

Nerfed the kicking game

The result in the latest version is a passing game that plays more true to life. You will see a difference between elite, average, and poor quarterbacks. Receivers get open more often than before to combat route mirroring. The kicking game is more realistic; 20 year old kids can't kick 55 yard field goals without hurricane winds.

Thanks to SOME HABIB for his help with this update!

Version 1.1

Lowered various penalty sliders

Upgraded game speed to fast

Lowered rush and pass defense

Upgraded QB accuracy
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JSU Zack

How do I IT?
Spoke with the guy who created the 50-ish sliders on OS a it improving pass defense.

JoshC1977;2047914311 said:
Raising PCV will just make it worse....and lowering it more will make the less reactive to balls in the air. You can try raising OPI and dpi a bit more to tighten it up. Just remember to set OPI one point higher than dpi.


Active Member
Spoke with the guy who created the 50-ish sliders on OS a it improving pass defense.
Word. That's the set I use. In that thread they talk about moving from 99&98 to 51&50. It's so strange to me that the penalty sliders have such an effect on game mechanics


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Word. That's the set I use. In that thread they talk about moving from 99&98 to 51&50. It's so strange to me that the penalty sliders have such an effect on game mechanics

That's EA for you. The most absurd, unrelated nonsense impacts the game in the weirdest way. Just like Home Field Advantage drastically impacts QB performance. We are like three years in and still haven't figured out the quirks.

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
That's EA for you. The most absurd, unrelated nonsense impacts the game in the weirdest way. Just like Home Field Advantage drastically impacts QB performance. We are like three years in and still haven't figured out the quirks.

I'm curious why penalties effect the logic of the game besides the refs.

"I'm not going to get called for PI, so I'll kill this WR." *Whips shank out of sock*

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
I'm up for starting a new OD with adjusted sliders and QBA 10 if anyone is interested in trying it.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I'm curious why penalties effect the logic of the game besides the refs.

"I'm not going to get called for PI, so I'll kill this WR." *Whips shank out of sock*

I have no idea but they clearly do, the difference in blocking and coverage is crazy when you go up or down penalty sliders even a little. I guess part of me can see some of the logic, "if DPI isn't going to be called, I can be more aggressive in jumping routes, etc" but that doesn't explain why completely unrelated sliders impact things like pass rush or coverage.

The sliders have never really worked in NCAA, every slider has a range of like +/- 5 or 10 between playable and completely unplayable. The inability to fine tune adjustments by 1 and the drastic changes things like threshold and penalties can make means it is nearly impossible to get a complete set of sliders. The best you can hope for is to get somewhere close in the most important areas (coverage and pass blocking, in my opinion). Unfortunately that typically means things like QB accuracy, receiving, interceptions and run blocking can go from overpowered to underpowered in an instant without even being changed.

In a perfect world, we wouldn't even need sliders or there would be fewer of them, only needed to slightly tweak things maybe +/- 5 by 1 in either direction. I'm trying to think of which sports game I played recently that was like that. It might have been NHL 16 (ironically an EA game) where there are like 3-4 overall gameplay settings and then sliders for everything are just a range of 3-4 or so. So much easier to just make fine adjustments rather than this crap.

Bruce Wayne

Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried turning off fatigue? The CPU stats don’t come out that pretty but I’ve had some pretty good games losing one in 3 OTs and getting crushed 48-21 in another game.