Option Offense


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NCAA Moderator
Beware the wingbone pass pro is borcked. Also the counter trey play out of those formations suffers from the QB keep glitch.

I sadly discovered that the hard way. I want under center to work so badly because I'm a power run/option guy at heart but I can't rationalize dicking around with something that I know is broken just to do it. With QBA at 10
I'm going to need all the points I can get.

Sad that it is easier to go power run/power option from the Pistol/Gun but that's just the way it is.


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So many things wrong with the option. From Wishbone any time you audible the QB will keep the ball and just get crushed UNLESS the original play call was designed to go right (WTF?). If you audible to the WB toss in the Flex it just tosses it forward. I love the Flex, but the inability to get outside on the sweep or toss makes it very hard to win against a User. I was still using it in the BSCFL until my CPB glitched all of the sudden.



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NCAA Moderator
So many things wrong with the option. From Wishbone any time you audible the QB will keep the ball and just get crushed UNLESS the original play call was designed to go right (WTF?). If you audible to the WB toss in the Flex it just tosses it forward. I love the Flex, but the inability to get outside on the sweep or toss makes it very hard to win against a User. I was still using it in the BSCFL until my CPB glitched all of the sudden.


It's funny, Jet sweep is the same way in the Gun. If you go no huddle or audible to Jet, it HAS to go right. If it is left, the QB will just eat it. I think it is the same way with that Flexbone Speed Sweep/WB Misdirection play. If it goes right, it works fine. If it goes left, the handoff still happens but the camera freezes and doesn't follow the back so you have no idea where you are going.

I want to run option so bad because I have the perfect personnel for it. Two between the tackle bang heads tailbacks and two perimeter scatbacks (plus a scatback type WR), a QB with some athleticism and good WRs but it just doesn't work. If you don't get a FB give read, you're basically screwed. The angles are awful on option and there is no other way to get the ball outside.

I still may run option, but it is going to be from the Pistol. I could generate a Pistol Flexbone offense with audibles but not sure it works the same. I wish there was a Trap Option and a Midline QB Follow option play in the Pistol.


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NCAA Moderator
I'm surprised you haven't gone to the Ski Gun yet.

I've dabbled, especially with my Twin TE Slot (Wingback at TE2) audible to H Twins Triple Option (Right and Left) series but it gets tough. Unless you dress up the option with shifts or motion it starts to get really predictable really fast. That's part of the reason why I like Pistol Twin TE Slot. I can essentially do the Pistol equivalent of Flexbone Split Wing:


I can run Motion Option Left and Right out of the huddle with the Z WR (or another HB in the slot), I can audible to H Twins Triple Option Left and Right to run option with the WB, I can run a base read option or lead option with the tailback, all the base "power" runs you could want and the pass game out of that formation isn't awful. Decent little Stick concept plus a Smash concept and depending on the skill set of that Wingback, you can motion him out of the formation and throw a quick slant or fade to him.

The problem is... what next? As much as I might try, you can't stay in that formation all game and the remaining Pistol option gets rather predictable. I can dress up a few other option looks using Full House and I have some good lead and read stuff but that is it. I may see if I can come up with something to make it work but I get stuck on that when it comes to option. Maybe augment it with some offset gun which does have some good motion option stuff?


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If you get the play action game going and go really fast, I think it could work. It may be predictable, but if you can hurt people over the top with play action, it'll stop them from just flying down with their safeties. And the tempo really helps. As good as guys like Navy play the option, I've beaten them pretty bad at times by going really fast and going before they're in position.


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NCAA Moderator
If you get the play action game going and go really fast, I think it could work. It may be predictable, but if you can hurt people over the top with play action, it'll stop them from just flying down with their safeties. And the tempo really helps. As good as guys like Navy play the option, I've beaten them pretty bad at times by going really fast and going before they're in position.

I really wish there was a rocket toss sweep out of Pistol or the Gun. There are the two toss plays in Slot F Wing and Wing Offset but they don't particularly work.

Maybe I will go the Ski-Gun Pistol option route, especially since we decided to scrap the QBA 10 idea. I still want a power run component and I plan to have a few formations with 6-7 OL on the field.

Keep a few Ace, Strong, Weak sets to do fly sweep, FB Dive, toss sweep type of plays and maybe add in a Wishbone formation. I'd do a straight I-Formation but not sure how well that would blend with the offense.


Active Member
Considering there's only the two flexbone pistol sets, what're you thinking as far as setting up the ski-gun schematically?

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Considering there's only the two flexbone pistol sets, what're you thinking as far as setting up the ski-gun schematically?

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Base out of the Twin TE Slot grouping I posted above most likely. I have a really good TE I want on the field so I'd like to stay in TE sets when possible. Replace the 2nd TE with a Wingback and play my quick scatback slot WR in the slot. Between the play calls in the huddle and my audibles, I can probably get to a ton of option with any of the 3 backs.

After that, I'm not sure. I really prefer balanced formations when I run option so people can't overload one side of the formation. Pistol Full House would likely be a big piece for that reason. I really wish Pistol Slot had better option plays. The motion option play is good, but it doesn't have a motion option left off the same motion. The motion option left in Pistol Slot is with the solo side WR instead and that is the only play with that motion so users can jump it.

I think Offset Gun would need to be used. Obviously it isn't a true Pistol ski-gun using offset, but I don't see any way to solely use Pistol and make it work right.


Active Member
That's pretty interesting. I used to like to sub receivers (especially RBs turned WR from back in the day like Bobby Mitchell) at TE wing positions in APF 2K8 because of all the sweeps. It seems like NCAA handicaps any perfect execution of, say, the 90s Osbourne offense because of the lack of TE sweeps, though I guess that makes a decent amount of sense considering the dearth of that in real life.

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Has anyone tried using Wishbone in OD play? I've been considering it for short yardage/goal line stuff as opposed to my Strong I formations but if it is just awful obviously I won't bother.


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@PSUEagle likes it for that purpose.

I might have to look into it if I go with an option offense because I really like the balanced look a Wishbone backfield provides. I think the Wishbone set with 2 split WRs could be especially useful.

I keep going back and forth on what I want to do. Part of me wants to go really heavy power offense out of the Pistol with a little option here and there. Part of me wants to go Remember the Titans on people and just run Split/Wishbone/Wingbone Veer.


JSU Zack

How do I IT?
The wishbone is one of my favorite offenses. But the plays in the game are severely lacking. Why is the original formation missing (31 personnel)? Why does wishbone wise not have all the runs that are in Wishbone tight? Off the top of my head, wide is missing:
FB Blast
FB Trap
Lead (IZ)
Almost every pass play


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NCAA Moderator
The wishbone is one of my favorite offenses. But the plays in the game are severely lacking. Why is the original formation missing (31 personnel)? Why does wishbone wise not have all the runs that are in Wishbone tight? Off the top of my head, wide is missing:
FB Blast
FB Trap
Lead (IZ)
Almost every pass play

Yeah in my mind I am picturing a blend of Wishbone, Wingbone and then some normal I/Strong I stuff plus Split Big, Split Y Offset, Split Offset and Spread Offset. But I just know trying something like that is going to be like banging my head against the wall over and over. I could probably make it work but is it worth the headache and inevitable suffering? Probably not.

Since what would have been a user v user game against you in Powerhouse is now a CPU game, I may just give it a one game test. See if I can make it work, rotate my 4 I-Backs and TE into the backfield and just see. I'm guessing it'll suck. Even if I limit the offense to just veer/triple option, FB Dive/Blast/Trap and a few Double Dive/Iso type of plays plus Toss in Strong-I I think it is just going to be a disaster.

I'm sure I'll just end up right back in the Pistol/Gun running a power run offense. I do really want to get back into some Offset Gun stuff with unique formation groupings. That is something I had a ton of success with in my initial Spread-I but got away from when I went Pistol. I want to do something like this with Spread Offset:


Run IZ/IZR/Trap with the deep back. Be able to run option with either wingback/slotback as well as the ability to quick throw bubble out there if it is uncovered. I do have some speed at tailback to do this now. Any time I ran this in the past people would see the personnel, get in a heavier defensive grouping and I could gash them.

I'm also going to use Normal Flex Wing as a Jet Sweep formation:


My deep TE is capable of running the ball as a FB so I could run Fk Jet Dive and regular Dive, but I want something to attack the perimeter and there really aren't any good jet sweep plays in Offset Gun. If I went to traditional gun I could easily run a ton of Jet.


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NCAA Moderator
Gave an under center option offense a legit try but it isn't pretty in practice. I tried two versions, one that was just the Army playbook and one that was a custom playbook based off of that but with I, Strong and Weak added in. Had a ton of success with Army Split, had decent success with Wingbone (specifically Twins Over) but otherwise it was just garbage. I scored just 21 points in each game against CPU default roster Oklahoma, the only completed passes I had were screens and my run game was brutal.

Those of you with more experience running under center option, how on earth do you get anything done vs odd fronts? OU's default defense is 3-4 and the game seemed to be randomly assigning Read and Pitch keys vs the Odd front every single time I called triple option. Worse, there were times the game didn't assign a Read key at all and I had to guess whether to give/keep. Even when I did get both a Read and a Pitch key, often times the Read key was an end pinched down into a 3-technique where he could easily play the dive both ways. Other times, the pitch key would be a deep safety rather than an overhang player standing right there on the LOS. I don't get it. Considering most users seem to play an odd front, how in the world does anyone run option under center against users?

I do think I'm going to use either Wingbone or Army Split as sort of a special formation as part of my pro spread. Early on in my Spread-I, I installed a handful of "special" formations to go to for shock plays off of up-tempo and Wingbone Twins Over was one of them. I got away from it in favor of Strong and Weak I to run more traditional stuff but I may go back to it. Pro Split and Army Split are both awesome because of that FB Belly play. That thing is an automatic 5 yards and there is a good waggle off of it. Just have to decide if it is going to be an option oriented spread or a pro oriented spread.


Active Member
I made what I think is the greatest discovery with Flex.... The real difference in the Str or Wk Options.... Str Options block the opposite Safety making the playside the pitch read.... Wk Option blocks playside Safety making a LB or CB the pitch read.... Now how to apply this....

1st you need to know which option to run a counter or regular.... I always start with regular option then make adjustments.... Anyways if the ball is on the right hash you want to run a "Wk" Option towards the sidelines.... If the dive is taken away DO NOT LOOK TO PITCH.... Everyone will be blocked and the CB or LB will go after the pitch man....
Now if you're going to run to the wide side of the field pick Str because the playside Safety will be unblocked and from there you read pitch or keep....

Now if the user is playing with a player scraping to the wide side of field or towards motion.... That's when you run Cntr options.... The blocking is the same as above rather you pick Str or Wk.... The difference is the dive is faster and therefore will negate the scrape because the handoff is so fast.... Or If someone is playing "Agg"(I think forcing the give).... Now if they are crowding the box I have some things for that too but I wanted to discuss the different options use 1st


Active Member
Gave an under center option offense a legit try but it isn't pretty in practice. I tried two versions, one that was just the Army playbook and one that was a custom playbook based off of that but with I, Strong and Weak added in. Had a ton of success with Army Split, had decent success with Wingbone (specifically Twins Over) but otherwise it was just garbage. I scored just 21 points in each game against CPU default roster Oklahoma, the only completed passes I had were screens and my run game was brutal.

Those of you with more experience running under center option, how on earth do you get anything done vs odd fronts? OU's default defense is 3-4 and the game seemed to be randomly assigning Read and Pitch keys vs the Odd front every single time I called triple option. Worse, there were times the game didn't assign a Read key at all and I had to guess whether to give/keep. Even when I did get both a Read and a Pitch key, often times the Read key was an end pinched down into a 3-technique where he could easily play the dive both ways. Other times, the pitch key would be a deep safety rather than an overhang player standing right there on the LOS. I don't get it. Considering most users seem to play an odd front, how in the world does anyone run option under center against users?

I do think I'm going to use either Wingbone or Army Split as sort of a special formation as part of my pro spread. Early on in my Spread-I, I installed a handful of "special" formations to go to for shock plays off of up-tempo and Wingbone Twins Over was one of them. I got away from it in favor of Strong and Weak I to run more traditional stuff but I may go back to it. Pro Split and Army Split are both awesome because of that FB Belly play. That thing is an automatic 5 yards and there is a good waggle off of it. Just have to decide if it is going to be an option oriented spread or a pro oriented spread.

Unbalanced sets and midline like mentioned before but with your formations you have to create numbers advatages.... For example Split Wing X.... Align this formation so that the Split out WR is on the short side of the field.... What this does is take the playside CB out of the play if you run midline.... He will be split out to far to make a play and with the TE and extra A-Back you just gained a numbers advatage.... Unless they bring down an extra Safety no matter how they align you will have the numbers.... They are minus 2 Cbs so that's 10(minus your split WR) vs. 9(minus 2 of their CBs).... Then because it is A-Back, TE, T,G, C to one side if the dive is a give they are minus another player because he stands up.... If the dive is taken away they are still minus another(now 3) because he is tackling a player without the ball.... Then take into account the Safties alignment if they are in a 2 deep at least one is out of the play until you reach them down field.... If 1 safety is up you can run The option play.... It is just like a "wk" so don't look to pitch, everyone will be blocked and the left over will run at the A-Back

All other unbalanced sets you want your numbers to the wide side of the field.... If it's a trips or slot set formation sub in a RB to keep the User off balanced of what your formation will be until you line up.... That's when the games begin because alot of formations look the same or at least end up the same.... Slot Rt looks just like Trips Rt after the tailmotion.... So what does that mean? They are both Trips formations but the option is ran in different directions.... Now going by my last post of which option blocks how then you can spread the defense and still run options both ways.... If ball is on the left hash I'm coming out in trips right and running options to the short side.... After seeing that they will adjust to over load the short side of the field.... Then come out in Slot Right and run options to the wide field.... Of course you have to read how they play if they scrape hard run midline to make them over pursue out the play.... Once they start back crowding the box throw a bubble screen (can't remember which Trips formation it's in *but only throwing from right to left trust me*)

After doing trips and slots hit them with Close and Tight running Wk or Option(not STR) towards the short field again not looking to pitch and you will have the numbers because the Safety will be blocked and the CB or LB will chase the pitch man if there is no dive read.... If they are forcing you to give to dive run Counter options but you will have to manuever well through blocks to get yards


Active Member
My new favorite formation versus odd fronts is Tackle Over.... It can only be ran in one direction but you can dictate where.... Of they want to crowd the box you can run speed sweeps(left to right only).... If they want to overload one side you can run midline because over hang defenders are out of the play going up the middle.... They want to scrape with a backside player run the STR Counter but sometimes you won't have a dive read (KEEP IT) they lose a player going after him and with (STR) you are looking to pitch because the playside Safety or CB will be the pitch read.... Now as far as "pitch reads" NEVER EVER EVER cross the body of a pitch read either cut up or pitch.... If you're good enough do a fake pitch but it has to be early to get him to commit because you can't do another move right after (say fake pitch then immediately juke.... The fake pitch is a long animation).... If the user is crashing down hard with a playside Safety run the option because he will be blocked leaving the closest CB as the pitch read basically forcing him to switch players and make a quick decision on the fly.... If they are playing 2 deep and alot of man blitzing them you can catch them with a pass or two.... I can't remember the names but it has a tail motion with 1 Wr going deep and the other running an Out.... In this formation you can send the OPPOSITE TE AND A-Back on routes(I wouldn't recommend both but you must audible the B-Back to block EVERY TIME you're going to pass.... Anyways I audible the A-Back and B-Back to block.... Hot route the TE on an Out route but to the Sticks(you know the deeper route hot route).... Either the WR or TE will be open on their breaks to the outside


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Since I joined BSCFL as Army, I'm going to commit to an option offense there but it is going to be a Gun Triple for now. I don't really feel like I know under center option well enough to make it work as a base offense so what I'm going to do is go Offset Gun and essentially run Gun Split Veer.

Base out of Split Offset and Split Y Offset, running triple each direction. But also be able to audible to those two formations from a variety of other looks without changing personnel. For example, start in 4WR Trio with the 2nd HB in the slot. If no one covers him, just throw bubble out there. If the run is there, motion him into the backfield with an audible and run triple one direction or the other. Can do something similar out of Wing Offset Wk, except with the FB/H-Back dropping into the backfield to be a pitch/dive man. Same thing with Split Y Offset, start in something like Wing Trips Offset Wk with a HB in the slot and audible him into the backfield to run triple one way or the other.

Triple option, read option, speed option and shovel option will probably be my base. Some basic inside zone and trap stuff as well. I have 4 solid TE, 2 that will start at WR to block outside and 1 or 2 that will share time with my FBs as H-Backs. Couple decent HB, really solid rushing QB and one good WR who will play in the slot. Obviously a lot of screens.

Probably use Wishbone or Wingbone as an under center short yardage formation. Trying to decide if I want any Pistol Full House or other Pistol stuff. Goal here is to be as simple as possible. Belly play and option with a few counters and traps mixed in. Think it could be deadly as long as I have some built in answers for people screwing with my reads.


Active Member
Since I joined BSCFL as Army, I'm going to commit to an option offense there but it is going to be a Gun Triple for now. I don't really feel like I know under center option well enough to make it work as a base offense so what I'm going to do is go Offset Gun and essentially run Gun Split Veer.

Base out of Split Offset and Split Y Offset, running triple each direction. But also be able to audible to those two formations from a variety of other looks without changing personnel. For example, start in 4WR Trio with the 2nd HB in the slot. If no one covers him, just throw bubble out there. If the run is there, motion him into the backfield with an audible and run triple one direction or the other. Can do something similar out of Wing Offset Wk, except with the FB/H-Back dropping into the backfield to be a pitch/dive man. Same thing with Split Y Offset, start in something like Wing Trips Offset Wk with a HB in the slot and audible him into the backfield to run triple one way or the other.

Triple option, read option, speed option and shovel option will probably be my base. Some basic inside zone and trap stuff as well. I have 4 solid TE, 2 that will start at WR to block outside and 1 or 2 that will share time with my FBs as H-Backs. Couple decent HB, really solid rushing QB and one good WR who will play in the slot. Obviously a lot of screens.

Probably use Wishbone or Wingbone as an under center short yardage formation. Trying to decide if I want any Pistol Full House or other Pistol stuff. Goal here is to be as simple as possible. Belly play and option with a few counters and traps mixed in. Think it could be deadly as long as I have some built in answers for people screwing with my reads.

I know what I'm doing and wingbone is hard to run as a whole offense.... Having a real passing game or even decent is hard.... I use Flex, then use Wingbone for users who run commit to Tail Motion Side or who are great pursuit defenders following the motion.... Unlike Flex you can flip what side to run with the directional pad if there is no motion....

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
Labbed a "slim" flexbone book last night in a similar vein to what Wofford is going. Six formations total, but I need to add a few more.

Flex Normal
Flex Nasty
Flex Trips
Flex Twins Over
Flex Tight
Gun Slot Offset

Need to add (per game film):
Spread Flex
Empty Trio
Labbed a "slim" flexbone book last night in a similar vein to what Wofford is going. Six formations total, but I need to add a few more.

Flex Normal
Flex Nasty
Flex Trips
Flex Twins Over
Flex Tight
Gun Slot Offset

Need to add (per game film):
Spread Flex
Empty Trio

They also have used Pistol Diamond and Split Offset. Split Offset was their base formation when Brietenstein (FB #7) was there. They may have used Split Y Offset last year too, but I am not confident in that. What is Flex Nasty, Flex Close?


Active Member
Does the HB-to-FB conversion work as well as it did for PS2?
I haven't seen many super fast fullbacks in my recruiting


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NCAA Moderator
Does the HB-to-FB conversion work as well as it did for PS2?
I haven't seen many super fast fullbacks in my recruiting

If you solely run option, yeah there is nothing wrong with playing a HB at FB. You don't even need to convert them, there are twin HB and HB at FB packages in most option formations. And at worst you can just put a HB on the depth chart at FB (which is what I do in all of my offenses anyway). They don't take any sort of athleticism hit and awareness doesn't matter.

Now, if you're running a multiple offense and running things like Power or Stretch or Iso and need that FB to lead block, then don't bother. You may be able to get away with it in Years 1-3 of a dynasty because most user edited rosters give HBs and WRs run block ratings but once you get into Years 4-5 the lack of block ratings for CPU generated HB (and WR) is miserable and they'll just wander off into neverland before ever attempting any sort of block. Unfortunately, FB recruits in OD play are few and far between and the good ones that are generated are usually 20% committed by Week 2. Occasionally you can find an ATH that comes in with enough block ratings to make it work and every so often there is a TE recruit with good run ratings that could be a bowling ball fullback (my TE in Powerhouse is one of them) but otherwise you're out of luck.

The evolution of my offense(s) in NCAA 14 is pretty much because of exactly what you pointed out. I big part of my original Spread-I in NCAA 13 and earlier was having a big time FB who I could move between the wing position to lead block, the slot/Y position to stretch the field and the HB position to run the ball and/or serve as a pitch man for option. Fast fullbacks don't really exist in recruiting and fullbacks in general are few and far between. Balanced tight ends are also few and far between, with most either coming as extreme receivers with minimal block ratings or extreme blockers that are terrible athletes. I've taken to loading up on TEs when possible and spreading them everywhere. With any luck I can take 2-3 TE and combine them into one serviceable H-Back/Wing.

I have no idea how anyone would be an under center option team in OD play. By Year 4-5 when all the user edited base roster recruits have graduated and been replaced by CPU generated recruits that have no run block ratings you're pretty much screwed. Not only are you getting no blocks on the perimeter but because of the camera angle, you can never see those guys coming. It becomes really easy to pitch into a fumble because a corner is coming unblocked off the edge of the screen. Were it not for my 4 TE and 2 FB spread across all the WR, TE, FB, Wing positions in my Spread-I Triple offense, I wouldn't be able to run it.


Active Member
Seems like such a pain. Seems like moving running backs to receiver works better creating slot backs for shotgun triple-option, or pistol... Having a multipurpose fullback isn't quite as necessary, I suppose. I always loved that in the PS2 version you could move a power HB to FB and as such even if you weren't exclusively option now you have another feature guy you can use in the passing game and of course the option. It's just as well. I'll just have to try to load up on TEs. I was thinking about the multiple book I have developed trying to be pro but realizing that, at least while I have my current 90+SPD QB, I need to feature the option... so I built a new playbook quickly utilizing

ACE: Slot and Spread
PISTOL: Full House, Slot, Strong, Train, Twin TE Slot, Wing Trio and Wing Trips
SG: Normal Offset Wk, Wing Offset, Split, Split Twins, Split Offset, Offset-Y, Spread Flex, Spread Offset, Trio 4WRSTR, Trio Offset, and Wing Trips Offset

I built the playbook out of Boston College's playbook so it came with some I-form and I have a natural affinity for the balance of Pro I so I reworked it to have Normal, Slot, Twin, Twins Flex, and Y-Trips. Maybe I'll just make it a faculty of my offenses to depend on using Dual HB packages when I'm running option and regular base when I'm running non-option... but I want to avoid tendency-itis. lol.


Well-Known Member
It's funny @TXHusker05 brings up recruiting FB's. I took ovr a Georgia team in an OD that lost all 3 running backs to Graduation. I had a Sr. FB as my only back left.

I planned on using him as a 2nd or 3rd TE. I tried to recruit running backs but managed to only sign one. He came in 76 Ovr 86 acc and 93 spd. I also signed a FB... He came in 79 Ovr 95 acc and 84 spd.

I knew I only had one back so I moved the recruit to HB. Just played my 1st game of new season. My hb had 10 att for 35 yds. My converted hb rushed 18 att for 117 yds... More importantly. He helped my QB rush 28 att for 254 yds. I ran 58 att for 426yds and 6 td's.

So there are FB's available.... This one was a 2*. I'm moving him to my starting RB! His blocking was amazing on the QB wraps and power's.

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Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
It's funny @TXHusker05 brings up recruiting FB's. I took ovr a Georgia team in an OD that lost all 3 running backs to Graduation. I had a Sr. FB as my only back left.

I planned on using him as a 2nd or 3rd TE. I tried to recruit running backs but managed to only sign one. He came in 76 Ovr 86 acc and 93 spd. I also signed a FB... He came in 79 Ovr 95 acc and 84 spd.

I knew I only had one back so I moved the recruit to HB. Just played my 1st game of new season. My hb had 10 att for 35 yds. My converted hb rushed 18 att for 117 yds... More importantly. He helped my QB rush 28 att for 254 yds. I ran 58 att for 426yds and 6 td's.

So there are FB's available.... This one was a 2*. I'm moving him to my starting RB! His blocking was amazing on the QB wraps and power's.

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It becomes easier to recruit FB when you already have FB. For whatever reason, EA decided to dictate what recruits become interested in you and how interested they become by how much you use that position. So if you have FBs and use the FBs, more become interested in you. Same with TEs.

The problem is getting FB and TE interested in you when you have none and thus can't put up and stats to convince them to come.


Active Member
It makes sense in a lot of ways; there's no real way for the CPU to preview what you're going to do schematically before you do it so it's pretty cool, I think, to base it off what your have done.

What I can't figure out is why receivers keep coming to my school when I've never thrown for 4000 as a team and have almost always had terrible TD-INT ratios.

But ya, I've got two 75 ovr fullbacks now so they'll probably see the field a teensy bit more and my #1&2 TEs are 92&77 so I might try to use bigger personnel a bit. More importantly I'll be able to recruit to replace to really give myself the power looks I want. And after last season's shitty passing I'm taking the air out the ball so there will certainly be more option. The problem (if you can call it that) is my embarrassment of riches at receiver. They'll just have to get the ball more on sweeps and motion options, in instances where I don't sub/package my many RBs in.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
It makes sense in a lot of ways; there's no real way for the CPU to preview what you're going to do schematically before you do it so it's pretty cool, I think, to base it off what your have done.

What I can't figure out is why receivers keep coming to my school when I've never thrown for 4000 as a team and have almost always had terrible TD-INT ratios.

But ya, I've got two 75 ovr fullbacks now so they'll probably see the field a teensy bit more and my #1&2 TEs are 92&77 so I might try to use bigger personnel a bit. More importantly I'll be able to recruit to replace to really give myself the power looks I want. And after last season's shitty passing I'm taking the air out the ball so there will certainly be more option. The problem (if you can call it that) is my embarrassment of riches at receiver. They'll just have to get the ball more on sweeps and motion options, in instances where I don't sub/package my many RBs in.

Admittedly my NCAA memory is hazy because I've been playing 14 for three years now but prior to the recruiting revamp, wasn't one of the big recruiting points being able to sell playing time? So if you didn't have many players at a certain position, you could promise playing time to a recruit. That used to be a big selling point and one of the few ways you could really separate yourself from other users as OD play went on and most people were highly rated across the board.

I wish I could sell playing time but I can't even get guys interested in me. I've been trying to recruit TEs in Powerhouse for two seasons now and have gotten nowhere. But you can always recruit a dozen receivers a year.


Active Member
This years version recruiting is more realistic. In other years there was always a pattern or something to find then just dump points and get recruits. As far as FBs, it's a lost position in todays game and therefore in the game harder to recruit. If you don't have FBs or use them how are you supposed to convince a kid with talent to want to come play? Your not going to get a Pocket Passer out of high school to come run your triple option much either in real life. Wrs are a dime of dozen in real life and on the game.

I love recruiting and is 2nd favorite part of the game after playing. Since I run Flex I can spend up to an hour recruiting combing through to find players needed.

Any luck with finding receivers that can block that are not athletes? Honestly, I am on the verge of exclusively recruiting athletes for all of my skill positions because they actually have block ratings and they're athletes!


Active Member

Any luck with finding receivers that can block that are not athletes? Honestly, I am on the verge of exclusively recruiting athletes for all of my skill positions because they actually have block ratings and they're athletes!
I don't have a problem with WR and blocking. I play on Coach Cam and can see most of the field. Of course some blocks are missed or not held lomg enough but that's realistic to me.

WR recruiting is the very last position I worry about filling. You only need 2 so I go after 1-2 Wr's or fast TE's. Short fast WR with good Carry become A Backs anyways and they catch most of the passes anyways.

I posted before about how each option play is blocked. Any of the (Str, Cntr, Shorted words options, Not wk or triple) are blocked so that you do a quicker pitch. So if you are running (Shorted Word Options) your WR will not block long and proceed up field or atleast look like they missed a block. If you run (Wk or Triple) The Wr will look to block the Safety or CB longer rherefore making the "pitch fase" develop slower and you will more than likely keep with your QB and cut up field. If you're in shotgun I assume the blocking by play name is the same.

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Labbed a "slim" flexbone book last night in a similar vein to what Wofford is going. Six formations total, but I need to add a few more.

Flex Normal
Flex Nasty
Flex Trips
Flex Twins Over
Flex Tight
Gun Slot Offset

Need to add (per game film):
Spread Flex
Empty Trio
What do you play call and formation wise to bear fronts or guys who show blitz ?

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Active Member
What do you play call and formation wise to bear fronts or guys who show blitz ?

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Run to whatever side has less defenders starting from the C. Call Triple Option or Triple Option wk. Then don't look to pitch unless you have too. The blocking is set up to block all defenders play side and whatever Safety that scrapes over. The unblocked defender 9-10 times runs for the A-Back. Read your blocks and dodge and weave with your QB

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Active Member
Regardless there is no one call but I'll go close, tight or unbalanced sets and Cntr or Counter Options because the handoff is faster and the blocking is somewhat like zone blocking and if you hit the right hole your off to the races

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JSU Zack

How do I IT?
What do you play call and formation wise to bear fronts or guys who show blitz ?

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I face this a lot, and the answer is the load option and passing. The goal is to get user defenders out of the front to then get back to your bread and butter. It's a constraint defense that calls for a constraint play by the offense.

With load, you want to run it against the 1 tech and isolate the end man on the LOS. I've had a ton of success with it and call it more than triple and midline combined. You have the added advantage of being able to run it to either side with full rocket motion or orbit motion where the A back runs back to his original location.

The only disadvantage is there's no load option in the 21 personnel formation in the game. In real life, that's PJ's first response to bear fronts.


The trick is when you're in the formation, you have a lot of options. The Z is actually lined up on the same side as the A back, giving you an unbalanced line but a 2x2 passing set.

I use this formation combined with trips (see below) to make bear fronts cry for mercy. You'll get a lot of 2-3 yard gains, but you will eventually pop a big one. Use hot routes to create plays like now screens, stick, and some other two-man pass concepts. That will get the defense out of the bear front or at least give you a two-high look to run against.


Trips has a sweet load option that double option that doesn't use the automation. You can flip it to either side and really chop wood. Once they widen out, you run midline and the standard plays until they squeeze again. Repeat.


I face this a lot, and the answer is the load option and passing. The goal is to get user defenders out of the front to then get back to your bread and butter. It's a constraint defense that calls for a constraint play by the offense.

With load, you want to run it against the 1 tech and isolate the end man on the LOS. I've had a ton of success with it and call it more than triple and midline combined. You have the added advantage of being able to run it to either side with full rocket motion or orbit motion where the A back runs back to his original location.

The only disadvantage is there's no load option in the 21 personnel formation in the game. In real life, that's PJ's first response to bear fronts.


The trick is when you're in the formation, you have a lot of options. The Z is actually lined up on the same side as the A back, giving you an unbalanced line but a 2x2 passing set.

I use this formation combined with trips (see below) to make bear fronts cry for mercy. You'll get a lot of 2-3 yard gains, but you will eventually pop a big one. Use hot routes to create plays like now screens, stick, and some other two-man pass concepts. That will get the defense out of the bear front or at least give you a two-high look to run against.


Trips has a sweet load option that double option that doesn't use the automation. You can flip it to either side and really chop wood. Once they widen out, you run midline and the standard plays until they squeeze again. Repeat.
The read on load options are so cloudy it seems almost impossible to pitch

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JSU Zack

How do I IT?
The read on load options are so cloudy it seems almost impossible to pitch

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That's the key. Isolate the defender and don't pitch. Look for the crease and cut upfield. That's how PJ coaches it. The longer you string it out, the worse it will be.

There have been times when it's been almost a pseudo QB sneak for me. The whole defense will flow outside, leaving nice cutback lane in the play side B gap. Taken it to the house more than a few times that way.

If you're still having trouble, PJ has a hard a fast rule that states "Easy to read, read. Hard to read, give." If the defense is playing aggressive option D and clouding up your read, just start running called dives, sweeps, and reverses. PJ ran some interesting things in 2014 to keep the ball in Thomas' hands, too, but that's not in the game. He actually had a single-wing style QB sweep with a crack block by the split end that was glorious to watch.


That's the key. Isolate the defender and don't pitch. Look for the crease and cut upfield. That's how PJ coaches it. The longer you string it out, the worse it will be.

There have been times when it's been almost a pseudo QB sneak for me. The whole defense will flow outside, leaving nice cutback lane in the play side B gap. Taken it to the house more than a few times that way.

If you're still having trouble, PJ has a hard a fast rule that states "Easy to read, read. Hard to read, give." If the defense is playing aggressive option D and clouding up your read, just start running called dives, sweeps, and reverses. PJ ran some interesting things in 2014 to keep the ball in Thomas' hands, too, but that's not in the game. He actually had a single-wing style QB sweep with a crack block by the split end that was glorious to watch.
You free to Flexbone scrimmage any time soon, I plan to go full Flex in my OD next season

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JSU Zack

How do I IT?
You free to Flexbone scrimmage any time soon, I plan to go full Flex in my OD next season

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Before you even do that, go read PJ's if-then rules. Then go watch GT's 2014 season (the entire thing is on youtube; just search "Georgia Tech vs. XXXXXX 2014 full game"). Watch how Johnson calls his plays and counters various things. Specifically watch the Clemson and Virginia Tech games. Both of those teams base out of a bear front and forced PJ to use constraints the entire game.

When you're ready, send me a PM and a friend request on Xbox Live. My Gamertag is in the link in my signature ("List Yourself on the Utopia Gamertag Directory").


Before you even do that, go read PJ's if-then rules. Then go watch GT's 2014 season (the entire thing is on youtube; just search "Georgia Tech vs. XXXXXX 2014 full game"). Watch how Johnson calls his plays and counters various things. Specifically watch the Clemson and Virginia Tech games. Both of those teams base out of a bear front and forced PJ to use constraints the entire game.

When you're ready, send me a PM and a friend request on Xbox Live. My Gamertag is in the link in my signature ("List Yourself on the Utopia Gamertag Directory").
I've been using Deuces on footballislife he based his off of PJs

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