NCAA Basketball And Clownzano Twitter Aggregation Thread


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Utopia Moderator
Now I need to find a rooting interest. I generally root for gym rat teams to get blown out and dunked on about 75 times, but Baylor is awfully churchy and rapey.

wat do?


Naz Reid
Now I need to find a rooting interest. I generally root for gym rat teams to get blown out of the gym, but Baylor is awfully churchy and rapey.

wat do?
Zags for sure. Timme looks like a fool but they are damn fun to watch. Suggs is a great kid and Kispert plays harder than anyone. Best college team I've ever watched.


Utopia Moderator
I was at the Duke-Kentucky game so it's pretty hard to top for me.

That would be the best for me too since before tonight it was the best college game ever. That had to have been insane, my basketball love was in its infancy when that game was played and I only cared about the NBA. My first vivid memory was Jordan shaking his head in the 92 finals after hitting however many 3s it was.


OUT with the GOUT
The Bo Kimble game where Loyola Marymount put up 149 against defending champ Michigan was pretty dope as well

I remember watching that one on my little 13" Hitachi TV with the foil-enhanced bunny ears antennae. The spirit of Hank Gathers and Bo Kimble's left-handed free throws still gets me in the feels.


Have mercy



Well-Known Member
The one that gets me is the Suggs hack on Riley. Comes from behind and swats. 9 out of 10 times refs blow the whistle. Zags went down and got a lay up. 4 point swing with 3 min to go.

Ok, I’ll stop..