2090 WBL Season


Well-Known Member
Yeah he is struggling. Not even half way through the season yet, so I’d give him some time and see where he ends up.

yeah, hes my guy for the near future no matter his production so he'll be the starter throughout this season and next basically no matter what. I did get another catcher in the 2nd round of the last draft Won min Nam who is hitting well in A ball for a 19 year old straight out of HS and has already seen a ratings bump to match OSA by my scout...so i expect he'll be up to give some competition in 2-3 seasons.


Well-Known Member
@Wolfman21 - Isn't he a hit or miss batter though with that 45 contact?



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Utopia Moderator
Pretty much tied for 4th, but this team really seems to be underperforming. Cisneros is back to being a hack. Starting to wonder if Ishii will ever pan out. The bullpen, which is normally top 2, is mediocre. Craig can’t play a passable SS for some reason and isn’t hitting either.


See You Next Wednesday
-7 triangles. +111 runs
Think this team gonna let me down and take that 5th spot, yet again.
dat WS run causing this hangover?:dunno:


Well-Known Member
0-4 vs Lisbon...seems my guys did not utilize the all-star break properly

edit: oof...3 one run losses and two in extras. Tough week

Also, i'm worried Barlini is hurt. Hes now hitting .262 and only hit 2 homers in June and none so far in July.


Well-Known Member
2-9 so far after the all star break..........cooooool

juan gonzalez and Barlini carried me at parts of last season and they've just been bad. Gonzalez all season and Barlini over the last month or two.
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Will-Gnome Member
2-9 so far after the all star break..........cooooool

juan gonzalez and Barlini carried me at parts of last season and they've just been bad. Gonzalez all season and Barlini over the last month or two.

Snap! This is so cool.


Well-Known Member
I honestly have no idea whats wrong with my team post all star break. This is the strangest run i think ive seen from any of my teams since i joined the league


Well-Known Member
we may not even make the playoffs at this point...this is nuts

Here is Barlini's line in July: .107/.193/.173

Only slugged .370 in May and is slugging .313 in August so far. This from a dude with an OPS over 1.000 in his first 192 games.


See You Next Wednesday
we may not even make the playoffs at this point...this is nuts

Here is Barlini's line in July: .107/.193/.173

Only slugged .370 in May and is slugging .313 in August so far. This from a dude with an OPS over 1.000 in his first 192 games.
Similar situation with 1-2 hitters. No matter who gets slotted at the top of the lineup last month, they were dogshite.
It is a weird one.
Team was 1/2 in offensive cats til Phu goes down. Now 6-8th in most everything. I dunno wth to do besides wait for Phu and Tanaka to return; hoping they will balance the lineup out.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
we may not even make the playoffs at this point...this is nuts

Here is Barlini's line in July: .107/.193/.173

Only slugged .370 in May and is slugging .313 in August so far. This from a dude with an OPS over 1.000 in his first 192 games.
He’ll probably close the year strong and end up with acceptable numbers for his ratings. Streakiness sucks though.

Cisneros is struggling again. Don’t know what to expect from him or Ishii at this point. At least my Swede rookie has been a nice surprise bringing some power.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
we may not even make the playoffs at this point...this is nuts

Here is Barlini's line in July: .107/.193/.173

Only slugged .370 in May and is slugging .313 in August so far. This from a dude with an OPS over 1.000 in his first 192 games.
You're up 10.5 games with 50 to play... :laughing:

Barlini is struggling for two very obvious reasons.