2022 ZAPPE


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
thankfully they've raised Stephen A Smith to talk about this

Dr. Shats Basoon

Closed mouths don't get fed
Is this going to usher in some Teddy Roosevelt style rule changes for the safety and sanctity of the game? It seems like a freak accident type of a play but christ the kid still might die
I don't think we'll see much in the way of changes. This stuff is still so exceedingly rare. It's happened in other sports (I can recall a few hockey situations) and it's not really something that you can do much about that will have any impact. They postponed the game, and that's about all they can do.


Well-Known Member
I have heard of something similar happening in high school sports where a strong enough blow to the chest can interrupt the heart's rhythm and cause the heart to stop. The fact that the medical response was immediate and his heart was apparently beating on its own again by the time he was in the ambulance are huge signs in his favor.
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I ain't got friends, I got FamILLy
Sanjay Gupta on CNN said it's seen in baseball and lacrosse with fast movijg objects hitting the chest.

fried rice

Who wants to sex Mutombo?
I have head of something similar happening in high school sports where a strong enough blow to the chest can interrupt the heart's rhythm and cause the heart to stop. The fact that the medical response was immediate and his heart was apparently beating on its own again by the time he was in the ambulance are huge signs in his favor.

Commotio cordis. The example I’ve heard is someone who was hit in the chest with a line drive softball. Just a guess, but if this is what happened then I think his prognosis would be somewhat better than most people getting CPR.
Someone at the hockey rink close to my house died in an adult league game after getting hit in the chest back in 2018. This stuff happens, but it's so rare considering how many people participate in organized sports.


I ain't got friends, I got FamILLy
I was thinking it was a spine injury

Like when Rey Mysterio accidentally killed that dude in AAA

I could see that given the nature of football but I think that Damar stood up on his own clued the medical staff that it was not a spinal injury, though I'm sure they didn't rule anythinf out right away.


Well-Known Member
i think i read last night in an AHA article that there are 10-20 cases per year of this, and usually in kids/adolescents who's chest walls have not yet fully developed. Exceedingly rare in adults.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
One guy almost dies in a violent contact sport and the whole nation turns its attention. Tons of kids are being groomed in the basement of Comet Pizza and we continue to ignore it! Sad for country


Utopia Moderator
I know we don't have any doctors here yet, still waiting on @fried rice, but has anyone heard why his lungs are damaged or why he can't breathe on his own? Is it from his heart being stopped and a lack of oxygen getting to them or what is going on?


I ain't got friends, I got FamILLy
I know we don't have any doctors here yet, still waiting on @fried rice, but has anyone heard why his lungs are damaged or why he can't breathe on his own? Is it from his heart being stopped and a lack of oxygen getting to them or what is going on?

NOT A DOCTOR but my understanding is after enough chest compressions the lungs become injured and going on a ventilator/putting them on their stomach helps facilitate healing.


Well-Known Member
I know we don't have any doctors here yet, still waiting on @fried rice, but has anyone heard why his lungs are damaged or why he can't breathe on his own? Is it from his heart being stopped and a lack of oxygen getting to them or what is going on?

Ventilators fuck your lungs up basically. I think it’s likely he couldn’t breathe on his own as a result of the interruption of blood flow to the brain and then the sedation. I think it takes the body a while to reset?


Well-Known Member
Even Damar knows that this week's Onion headline about nothing being more important than football is correct. /gun2head.jpg
Wat. Or maybe it's his first reaction because that's what he's spent his whole life doing. Hell, that'd probably be one of my first questions if I woke up after being injured during a game.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Nah, you'd just ask if Scalia was still alive. Lighten up, new CJ, it was a joke.
