

Naz Reid
I want to see the emails before I condemn the man. Anyone have a link?
Not full emails but unless you believe the NY Times is lying...

, Gruden called the league’s commissioner, Roger Goodell, a “faggot” and a “clueless anti football pussy” and said that Goodell should not have pressured Jeff Fisher, then the coach of the Rams, to draft “queers,” a reference to Michael Sam, a gay player chosen by the team in 2014.

But Gruden’s behavior was not limited to 2011. Gruden exchanged emails with Allen and other men that included photos of women wearing only bikini bottoms, including one photo of two Washington team cheerleaders.

In 2017, Droste shared with the group a sexist meme of a female referee to which Gruden replied, “Nice job roger.”


Utopia Moderator
I don’t care if he calls goodell a faggot. I understand it isn’t pc, but he isn’t being a homophobe with that. See South Park. I dont care if he looks at pics of topless women. I guess the only thing I see wrong is calling Sam a queer. Surely there is more. Where is the racist shit?


Utopia Moderator
I don’t care if he calls goodell a faggot. I understand it isn’t pc, but he isn’t being a homophobe with that. See South Park. I dont care if he looks at pics of topless women. I guess the only thing I see wrong is calling Sam a queer. Surely there is more. Where is the racist shit?

It's more the fact it's part of the WFT thing with Bruce Allen. But yes, if you got all the corches' emails you'd almost certainly find worse, ROGER is steamrolling him because of the slur while almost certainly holding back evidence of what Snyder has done


Naz Reid
Yeah wat, him looking at naked ladies isn't the issue, its the FWD:FWD:FWD: of naked ladies to his buddies on his work email.

Tbh, I think sending porn to your friends on your personal time is even a little trashy, but much more excusable than doing it AT WORK ON YOUR WORK COMPUTER


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Yeah wat, him looking at naked ladies isn't the issue, its the FWD:FWD:FWD: of naked ladies to his buddies on his work email.

Tbh, I think sending porn to your friends on your personal time is even a little trashy, but much more excusable than doing it AT WORK ON YOUR WORK COMPUTER

It was the FWD:FWD:FWD: of naked ladies who are his subordinates and were currently in the midst of incredibly toxic working environment where they were flown to other countries and had their passports taken away until they agreed to go on "dates" with rich weirdos, a toxic environment that resulting in a huge sexual harassment lawsuit

But can't we ogle some broads anymore?


sun of nothing
I for one am really enjoying watching boomers get outraged at cancel culture after telling ULG to make sure we didn't have any controversial posts (political, religious, any type of opinion on anything) or party pictures on our SOCIAL or we'd get fired \ would be unhireable. THAT BEER PICTURE DISQUALIFIES YOU WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CANT CALL PEOPLE BY RACIAL OR HOMOPHOBIC SLURS ANYMORE????

The generation of "YOURE BEING A BABY" until it happens to them and then its a world ending injustice

u reap what u sow grey ballz


Well-Known Member
I don’t care if he calls goodell a faggot. I understand it isn’t pc, but he isn’t being a homophobe with that. See South Park. I dont care if he looks at pics of topless women. I guess the only thing I see wrong is calling Sam a queer. Surely there is more. Where is the racist shit?
I don't know, to me, some of those statements in the emails (at least the ones being used as the primary evidence) seem pretty pointed, to me. I had a jerb that had an internal chat function and there are certainly statements I made in jest with friends (who happened to be coworkers) that could be tough to explain if read out of context at a confirmation hearing (a lot of jokes about Buck v. Bell being correctly decided, or making indefensible arguments as a joke, joking about euthanizing the children to end child support disputes), but I never said anything pointedly racist or homophobic about or at another person. And I certainly never sent any adult images or made sexually-implied comments about anyone, let alone people we work with.

My point is, I can understand how someone can read Gruden's statements and think that they are not the end of the world. But I think that if one really examines what he said and where he said it, he's crossing some clear lines.


sun of nothing
to me, you're a fucking goddamn moron idiot who deserves everything bad in the world if you're using your work stuff for non work business to me.

It was 2011, I think its a bit too late to play the i DiDnT kNoW i CoUlDnT uSe ThAt SlUr AnYmOrE argument, but lets take a step back ignore that for a second and figure out why we're sending nudes and calling people homophobic slurs from a work email address. Is it much better if it was sent from a private\personal address? Not really, but at least you'd have some expectation of privacy. If any of us fucking dimwits sent shit like that from our work email addresses and someone bothered to report us we'd 100% be talking to HR (and likely fired) as well. It's only CaNcEl CuLtUrE when someone thinks they're too important to get fired for being a fucking asshole, otherwise it's just "protecting the image\integrity of the brand" or whatever


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
to me, you're a fucking goddamn moron idiot who deserves everything bad in the world if you're using your work stuff for non work business to me.

It was 2011, I think its a bit too late to play the i DiDnT kNoW i CoUlDnT uSe ThAt SlUr AnYmOrE argument, but lets take a step back ignore that for a second and figure out why we're sending nudes and calling people homophobic slurs from a work email address. Is it much better if it was sent from a private\personal address? Not really, but at least you'd have some expectation of privacy. If any of us fucking dimwits sent shit like that from our work email addresses and someone bothered to report us we'd 100% be talking to HR (and likely fired) as well. It's only CaNcEl CuLtUrE when someone thinks they're too important to get fired for being a fucking asshole, otherwise it's just "protecting the image\integrity of the brand" or whatever

I have a friend who is a 36 year old boomer. She says she only checks personal gmail once a week (?) and asks that everyone send personal emails to her work account lol.

Listen, I know all y'all don't work in infosec or data privacy, but this is a really bad idea. Esp at large companies - the number of junior or intern-level jackasses who likely have system entitlements to read your email is incredibly high. At the very least, they are going to store it (probably forever just to really check the box hard on compliance) and thus as stored it's going to be subject to discovery for any random lawsuit even if it doesn't directly involve you. Depending on where you work it could also be subject to FOIA.


I have a friend who is a 36 year old boomer. She says she only checks personal gmail once a week (?) and asks that everyone send personal emails to her work account lol.

Listen, I know all y'all don't work in infosec or data privacy, but this is a really bad idea. Esp at large companies - the number of junior or intern-level jackasses who likely have system entitlements to read your email is incredibly high. At the very least, they are going to store it (probably forever just to really check the box hard on compliance) and thus as stored it's going to be subject to discovery for any random lawsuit even if it doesn't directly involve you. Depending on where you work it could also be subject to FOIA.

Further many companies have an email retention policy which journals every email and chat msg and it is not erasable within the retention policy. Some companies have that policy set to 6 months. Some have it set forever. Bottom line is dont treat business email as personal. Only send business related emails and you will be fine.

What prompted the lookup of Gruden's emails from a decade ago? I didnt hear what prompted it.