Air Raid Offense


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Do they have Mesh Dig out of that Pistol formation? That's a great play.

There are a few Mesh Digs in Pistol but I took them out. The most obnoxious thing in the world are the plays in certain formations that have adjustments where your WRs tighten their alignment. Most users see that coming from a mile away and know there are 1-2 plays tops you're running.

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
@TXHusker05 The trick is making adjustments to the plays. I discovered last night that some of those plays can use motion. I was able to stack the tailback with the solo receiver. That's gonna be a nice series. :love:


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@TXHusker05 The trick is making adjustments to the plays. I discovered last night that some of those plays can use motion. I was able to stack the tailback with the solo receiver. That's gonna be a nice series. :love:

Yep, running a wheel route with the HB out of that stacked alignment is great.

Are you guys talking on the plays like Mesh Dig or Scat where the receivers align tight to the formation? That sounds like it could be nice. I'm probably going to start going more and more Pistol in all my offenses. Even in my Osborne offense I'm running at Nebraska in Powerhouse I want to plug in some Pistol.

Pistol is one of those things that is better in theory (ie real life) than it is in game but I feel like it has some uses in certain spots. I hate how slow all the run plays hit, especially when I only have slow backs to begin with but I like Speed/Load Option and Zone Stretch out of those sets. Zone Wk out of Wing Offset is also nice and has a cool PA boot leg off of it.

Play action as a hole is much better out of Pistol than it is Gun. In Gun you're pretty much limited to PA Read if you want any sort of true run action to fool users. Even then you're not getting much action. In Pistol you have PA boots, PA counters, PA off the dive/read action and I actually feel like the PA Bubble/WR Screen plays are a bit more effective.

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
@TXHusker05 Yep, those are the ones.

I'm made some serious changes to my offense inspired by the minimalism from guys like John Grass at Jax State. He is an Air Raid disciple that has went to more of a Tony Franklin balance due to the lack of elite QB's available to smaller schools.

Against Jacksonville U, Grass ran the entire offense out of two of my favorite formations. Check out the breakdown:


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@TXHusker05 Yep, those are the ones.

I'm made some serious changes to my offense inspired by the minimalism from guys like John Grass at Jax State. He is an Air Raid disciple that has went to more of a Tony Franklin balance due to the lack of elite QB's available to smaller schools.

Against Jacksonville U, Grass ran the entire offense out of two of my favorite formations. Check out the breakdown:

It's a shame those two formations really aren't in the game. I suppose technically Pistol Flexbone Slot/Trips are those exact formations but you're really limited in terms of personnel and plays there. You can sort of replicate it via the Wing Trio/Wing Trips/Slot Flex Wing plays out of Pistol, but you have a bit less of a direct vertical threat with the TE. They exist in the Gun, but it isn't quite the same.

The biggest reason I want to install a bit of Pistol into my under center power run offense is so I can run Bubble. Bubble is probably my go to play in the Spread-I and Air Raid. If things are tough, I can usually go 3x1 and throw Bubble to at least keep people honest and get a guy out of the box.


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Here are my numbers from the 2016 Powerhouse season:



Would've liked more YPC from the X and Z but speed kills in this game, which is why my H, who was an absolute burner, had 1500+ yards. Otherwise, very pleased with the distribution. Very balanced.

QB was 512/651 for 5709 yards, 47 TDs to 12 INTs, and 78% completion percentage.

As much as I really don't want to muddy up my Raid book, I may add some Read Option and QB Wrap plays for next year. The QB coming in is a threat to run the ball (86 SPD, 83 AGI, 81 ACC, etc.) so I'd be somewhat wasting his abilities. He's very capable as a passer so it's not like I have to add these in to be successful on offense, it'd just to be to utilize his talent.

I don't know, I may be stubborn about it and keep it the way I want it.
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It's 3,4, or 5 wide the whole time for me. That's the way my hero Leach does it so that's how I do (except he never goes 5 wide but I like to occasionally).

You get more speed on the field and you don't need a TE for run blocking since you're running against 5 or less in the box.


Here are my numbers from the 2016 Powerhouse season:



Would've liked more YPC from the X and Z but speed kills in this game, which is why my H, who was an absolute burner, had 1500+ yards. Otherwise, very pleased with the distribution. Very balanced.

QB was 512/651 for 5709 yards, 47 TDs to 12 INTs, and 78% completion percentage.

As much as I really don't want to muddy up my Raid book, I may add some Read Option and QB Wrap plays for next year. The QB coming in is a threat to run the ball (86 SPD, 83 AGI, 81 ACC, etc.) so I'd be somewhat wasting his abilities. He's very capable as a passer so it's not like I have to add these in to be successful on offense, it'd just to be to utilize his talent.

I don't know, I may be stubborn about it and keep it the way I want it.

My lawd. I'm a loyal air raider, but I never have my X and Z have that many catches. Tips?


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NCAA Moderator
My lawd. I'm a loyal air raider, but I never have my X and Z have that many catches. Tips?

What camera do you use? Wide really helps me.

The Shallow Cross series, Smash, Stick, and All Curls are good plays for those guys to get involved.


I'm pretty sure I use wide.

I've started to get better hitting the post, but my biggest issue is the corner route. I feel like I always under throw it, and while I haven't tested it I assume it is because of what I'm doing with the left stick. Because of that I rarely run smash. All curls seems scary to run as well.


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I'm pretty sure I use wide.

I've started to get better hitting the post, but my biggest issue is the corner route. I feel like I always under throw it, and while I haven't tested it I assume it is because of what I'm doing with the left stick. Because of that I rarely run smash. All curls seems scary to run as well.

Yeah, leading that corner can help. It can be tricky against man regardless, though. The CPU likes to jump that route a lot.

All Curls works really well against off coverage, particularly Cover 1 and 3.


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Something I discovered a few months ago was that you can motion the X or Z in Spread Flex to line up next to the H or Y, kind of like a Flanker Close look. I've been using this to run Mesh closer to the boundary, motioning the X or Z running the corner to give him more space. However, today I discovered that this works in Double Flex as well and I believe it works in any 2x2 formation, as long as you motion the WR on the side of the RB. I started using it to create Mesh using the X or Z rather than the H and Y. So using a play like Smash or Y Corner, you can hot route your Z to a drag, your H to a drag, your X to a go (or keep him in a post in Y Corner), and your RB to a swing or a wheel (whichever you prefer, I like the wheel more because the RBs have a tendency to run out of bounds on the swings). Then motion your flanker and run the play.


Active Member
My Dream would be run a offense like Tony Franklin's Starts getting better around 6:00 mins

We documented several variations in 2010 when Dykes and Franklin first arrived, noting that much had changed from the founding cannon of air raid. After a breakout season in 2011,Franklin is sharpening his arsenal into an even more dynamic attack. Noting what has changed, what has been streamlined, what is 'missing' will ultimately impress upon you the reason WHY they are doing it; SPEED.

No more quick game (save for 68 and 66), no more mesh, very little shallow, hardly any verticals..... everything is perimeter-focused with 94 (Sail) / 98 (Out) with a handful of tags, 41/51, zone and counter.

Anybody have any info on there reads in the passing game. I like how they are really perimeter based then when you spread your flat defenders out defend that they run inside.

I don't know if that would work in ncaa because the flat players can stay attach to the box and play the perimeter as well but I still would like to know more.


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They basically run Stick, Smash, Y Cross, Verticals, Flood, and screens. A lot of their stuff attacking perimeter players is packaged plays which you can't really get into the game.


Active Member
I know air raid guys see 3 man rush more than most what is the real life answer for it? Also what are your game answers for it?


My Dream would be run a offense like Tony Franklin's Starts getting better around 6:00 mins

Anybody have any info on there reads in the passing game. I like how they are really perimeter based then when you spread your flat defenders out defend that they run inside.

I don't know if that would work in ncaa because the flat players can stay attach to the box and play the perimeter as well but I still would like to know more.

The difference between Leach/Mumme and Franklin is an Attacking Tempo, Commitment to Running the ball, Pass Pro set is different (which doesn't matter in VG)and Throwing Screen passes (I believe Cal threw the most Screen pass last year).

They basically run Stick, Smash, Y Cross, Verticals, Flood, and screens. A lot of their stuff attacking perimeter players is packaged plays which you can't really get into the game.

THIS. TFS uses all the traditional air raid pass plays and reads, nothing radically different except while Mesh is in the arsenal, it's just not relied on like Mumme does.

To run more, TFS teams not do the wide splits that UK, Wazzu or Texas Tech were well known for, they are also more willing to use power sets (3 and 2 back formations).

Also agree, You cannot run "True" package plays, however I use PA and Middle screens to "simulate" similar reads.

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
The difference between Leach/Mumme and Franklin is an Attacking Tempo, Commitment to Running the ball, Pass Pro set is different (which doesn't matter in VG)and Throwing Screen passes (I believe Cal threw the most Screen pass last year).

THIS. TFS uses all the traditional air raid pass plays and reads, nothing radically different except while Mesh is in the arsenal, it's just not relied on like Mumme does.

To run more, TFS teams not do the wide splits that UK, Wazzu or Texas Tech were well known for, they are also more willing to use power sets (3 and 2 back formations).

Also agree, You cannot run "True" package plays, however I use PA and Middle screens to "simulate" similar reads.

The only packaged play I've see is the middle screen with stick on the backside. I think that's in spread weak? I'll be honest, the best packaged play I've seen is the stock middle screen with the backside quick screen. Shoot the RB to the flat on the mid screen side and read soft zone, cover one, or man in that order.


I don't think they even run Mesh anymore, it's too expensive for them.
Agree it's been sacrificed late at La Tech and Cal, however Tony Franklin Circa Troy, Auburn,MTSU,La Tech it was still used.

When I package I run middle screen as my "Run play" and motion/hot route stick concept. Also playing around with speed option connect that I saw SHSU run against TTech this weekend that looks like a nice little ply, in this case it will stick, swing concept with deeper hooks.


How are you dealing with the man coverage whores ? That's the only thing that makes me get away from where my heart is at I'm humming along and the it's mirrors everywhere

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How are you dealing with the man coverage whores ? That's the only thing that makes me get away from where my heart is at I'm humming along and the it's mirrors everywhere

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That stem post on the back side of Slot Corner out of Trips Open and 5WR Trips destroys man.


I don't really use TEs, but if you do you can look to them a lot since they can't be bumped at the line and get mirrored less. Corner routes from them are pretty safe against man and WRs running corners work pretty well too if you time it right at the cut. Option routes from backs are also fantastic against man if you have RBs with good awareness. The way I run Y Cross, I almost always have the back on an option route. If he has good awareness, he'll break it out against man every time and it always beats man. If you're playing users, you can always take advantage of users trying to cover guys. I go pretty fast and scored a TD with a back on the arrow route out of Stick from Trey 4WR because the user just lost the back.

I was planning on posting something later tonight in this thread ( about a Mesh/Flood concept I have that beats every coverage provided you read it right.

Of course, it should be mentioned that you can always easily run the ball if you're getting a ton of man, especially against light boxes. But that's my least favorite solution. :smile:


I'm thinking utilizing the corners a lot more so the realize man isn't the answer and mixing in a compressed formation definitely gotta try the HB option routes

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Yeah man, Tight Slots is a good answer too. Mesh Switch and WR Stick Nod (I think it's called?) are good man beaters.


I like shotgun tight because the drags from that actually end up picking someone off more often than not also in 3x1 I make use of The drive concept and motion the middle slot doing the drag onto the line and it does major damage against man

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