TODO list and feature requests



I don't know if this is possible and it's certainly not a top priority request, but it would be nice to go back to whatever page you were on when you clicked the forum link from a thread. That probably doesn't make sense, so here's what I mean -

I'm catching up on threads and I'm currently on the second page in the Off-Topic Discussion. When I'm done with a thread I'll click on "Off-Topic Discussion" to go back, but then I'm back on page 1. It would be nice it if remembered I was in a thread on page 2 and put me back there.

Again, not really important, just something that would be nice. Thanks!


I don't know if this is possible and it's certainly not a top priority request, but it would be nice to go back to whatever page you were on when you clicked the forum link from a thread. That probably doesn't make sense, so here's what I mean -

I'm catching up on threads and I'm currently on the second page in the Off-Topic Discussion. When I'm done with a thread I'll click on "Off-Topic Discussion" to go back, but then I'm back on page 1. It would be nice it if remembered I was in a thread on page 2 and put me back there.

Again, not really important, just something that would be nice. Thanks!
This is how it's supposed to work, I believe. When you click a thread title, it takes you to the last-read post in the thread. This is working properly for me. Is it not for you?


This is how it's supposed to work, I believe. When you click a thread title, it takes you to the last-read post in the thread. This is working properly for me. Is it not for you?

Sorry, I knew I wasn't explaining it well. Say I go to the second page of threads (in the sub-forum, not the actual thread) in the Off-Topic section. I click on a thread, read whatever, and want to return to the second page of threads (maybe I've read several pages in a thread so just clicking "Back" doesn't get me there).

On the top there's the forum listing Home -> Forums -> General Discussion -> Off-topic Discussion. When I click "Off-topic Discussion", I go back to the first page of threads in the Off-Topic area. I was just wondering if it would be possible for it to take me back to whatever page I was originally on.

Haha, am I just making it worse? It's really not a big deal, just thought I'd ask as I'd seen it on other forums.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I know what he means. If you are looking at a thread on the 2nd page of a specific node's index (page 2, off topic) and you click the breadcrumb link for "Off Topic", it keeps you on page 2.

This is something MyBB did that our old vBulletin didn't.

I'll poke around in options but I doubt this is something that's natively available without some kind of addon.


I know what he means. If you are looking at a thread on the 2nd page of a specific node's index (page 2, off topic) and you click the breadcrumb link for "Off Topic", it keeps you on page 2.

This is something MyBB did that our old vBulletin didn't.

I'll poke around in options but I doubt this is something that's natively available without some kind of addon.

Thanks Kella, glad somebody could decode my Monday mroing babble.


Ahh, I got it now. The second explanation was better. That, or I had just been awake longer :)

We'll see what we can figure out. You're right, that would be nice to have.

Mr. Tennessee

That Crazy Linux Guy
Utopia Moderator
Is there a way to have an option to see who is viewing such and such thread at the bottom of the page we're on? The old place had it and I liked seeing that.


Is there a way to have an option to see who is viewing such and such thread at the bottom of the page we're on? The old place had it and I liked seeing that.
For me, if I click on your profile it tells me. Right under your username and title, it says:
Mr. Tennessee was last seen: (On Tapatalk) Viewing thread The Public School Thread - An Elegy for Mongs, 24 minutes ago

I'm not sure if everyone can see that, or if it's only because of my status as supreme ruler and dictator of everything Utopia.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
It used to show who was viewing each thread. I agree it's a nice feature, but the available addons don't seem to support it from my cursory google research.


Something funny I noticed. Why is there a home tab?
Eventually (if we ever get around to it), that will be the home page, which would be separate from the forum. But for now, I'm just redirecting all traffic to the forum, since that's all we have here.