S6/Bowl Season ADV Fri 10 PM EST


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#3 ULL (@Flanntastic) @ #6 Utah
ECU (@Walter323) @ SCar
#4 UTEP (@NavyHog) @ #12 Georgia Tech
#5 NIU (@TXHusker05) vs. UVA
#2 Troy (@RamesuThe1) vs. #1 Michigan State

I transferred commish to Navy, as I'm done playing in ODs. After this semester, it's seems pretty apparent that it's going to be harder to play NCAA to a deadline rather than just my leisure. It also has been pretty tough to try to play the games when I don't feel excited about them at all, I just want to hurry up and get them over with. I told myself I'd finish the season though and here we are. Anyway, it's been fun playing with everybody. I certainly had a lot of good times and I'll definitely still be around the forum.


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Damn, Heisman runner up this year. Nearly had back to back Heisman winners. Surprised McCauley finished 2nd, I didn't think he was that great.

Now I get to play in the Belk Bowl against a 6-6 team despite finishing #5.


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Utopia Moderator
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We will try and reset XP at some point in the offseason.


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I may have to go on auto for awhile. I am in the middle of a busy wrestling season and the wife is getting on my ass about family time.
Imfigure I have enough time for one OD and it might as well be the one without the xp glitch.
i will keep my team on auto for the rare chance I do have time to play.


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Noooo finally have my most talented team in years and everyone is leaving. Was finally going to move on to a power run offense as well.

NIU wins the bowl game over UVA 42-17. Slow start for the offense as I was trying to run the power offense with some guys out of position. My defense was great though, held them under 300 yards, put up 471 yards myself. I managed to run 83 plays despite being a power offense, helps that I held the ball 20+ minutes. 57 rushes for 258 yards and 3 TD and 15 of 26 passing for 213 plays and 3 TD.

McCauley threw 15-26 for 213, 3 TD, 1 INT and ran for 20 yards. Hansen ran 26 times for 119 yards and 3 TD. My FB Newton ran 10 times for 58 yards. A few other guys ran well.

Had some good pass plays but McCauley is not meant to throw so I may have to run something a little bit different next year if we keep going.


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Utopia Moderator
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Couple misc thoughts:

1) Keep going with the 5 1/2 we have (I say 1/2 because of Walter's status.
2) Start over in a new conference. SEC or PAC 12? Or everyone could take their favorite school (Arkansas for me, Miami for Legend, Nebraska for Tex, etc) and lump them into the American so everyone can play each other.
3) Call it quits

Thoughts - @Flanntastic @RamesuThe1 @TXHusker05 @LEGEND @Walter323


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NCAA Moderator
#1 or #2 are fine. I like what I've built at NIU considering I started off with a 1-3 2* team, wouldn't mind seeing them through at least next season with my QB, HB, FB all graduate.

At the same time, I'd like to be Nebraska in an OD at some point and a new OD would help solve the XP issues and perhaps could get us a few more members. I always see Herrb and others on, a new OD could spark some interest.


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#1 or #2 are fine. I like what I've built at NIU considering I started off with a 1-3 2* team, wouldn't mind seeing them through at least next season with my QB, HB, FB all graduate.

At the same time, I'd like to be Nebraska in an OD at some point and a new OD would help solve the XP issues and perhaps could get us a few more members. I always see Herrb and others on, a new OD could spark some interest.

Yeah I'm leaning to keeping it the way it is. I would miss my Miners, but I'm open to suggestions.

Hopefully @bruin228 will reconsider/miss the game after a week or so.


Well-Known Member
Couple misc thoughts:

1) Keep going with the 5 1/2 we have (I say 1/2 because of Walter's status.
2) Start over in a new conference. SEC or PAC 12? Or everyone could take their favorite school (Arkansas for me, Miami for Legend, Nebraska for Tex, etc) and lump them into the American so everyone can play each other.
3) Call it quits

Thoughts - @Flanntastic @RamesuThe1 @TXHusker05 @LEGEND @Walter323

I like the idea of the power teams put into the American.


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i think bruin is upset that i beat him by returning a kick with 12 seconds left on the clock. why he didnt squib kick it is beyond me


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NCAA Moderator
i think bruin is upset that i beat him by returning a kick with 12 seconds left on the clock. why he didnt squib kick it is beyond me

I never squib kick either because half the time the squib drills an up-man and he some how catches it like a gold glove shortstop and it ends up being good field position for a hail mary or one play to FG range. My kickers usually can drill it through the endzone these days though which helps a lot.


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I'm really good with either option. I love what I have at NIU and would love to finish out the Senior seasons of my core players but at the same time, the OD has gone on a while and the XP glitch is obviously a major issue for bringing in new users.

Since we've all pretty much built up our teams to an elite level, starting over with power teams in one conference really wouldn't be that big of a deal. We can all pretend we were lured away to our dream jobs by a lot of money.


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NCAA Moderator
Of the people that are left, how many are dealing with the XP issue? Walter, Navy and Legend? Half?

That might be as good of a reason as any to start over with everyone at their favorite school. Everyone would be earning XP, everyone would be on equal(ish) footing in terms of prestige and ratings. Hopefully we could add a few users back and get up to 8 again. That might make the most sense at this point. We won't be able to add any new members to this OD because of the XP issue and 2 of the 6 users left are way behind and not gaining any XP to help bridge the gap.

We could always take our teams and move them into the Big 12 where there is no conference championship game and keep the round robin format.


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I'm good either way. I'm leaning towards staying with the current format and letting @LEGEND pick whoever he wants. I looked at Miami and while a step up from ULM, they are not on our teams level.

I do think that the XP glitch will settle out after this off-season, but I'm not totally sure. Need @Flanntastic opinion.


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I'm not sure I have the faith in the game to fix the XP issue and we'd still have some guys way behind and adding guys would be tough.

If I leaned one way or the other, it would be towards restarting just so we can get everyone on relatively equal footing and be able to add users easily. Would be good to get back up to 8 or so.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
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I'm not sure I have the faith in the game to fix the XP issue and we'd still have some guys way behind and adding guys would be tough.

If I leaned one way or the other, it would be towards restarting just so we can get everyone on relatively equal footing and be able to add users easily. Would be good to get back up to 8 or so.
If we start a new league I recommend you to set it up and run it.

Buffeyes roster from Operation Sports seems to be the best ones out there.


NavyHog - Arkansas
Legend - Miami
You - Nebraska
@bruin228 - UCLA (come on you know you want to)
Flann - ?
Walter - ? (If he plays)
Ramesu - ?


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Also I say people can pick whoever the hell they want. Bama? Go for it.


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Yeah, everyone goes to their favorite school or just wherever. If you don't have a favorite at the FBS level or your favorite is just shitty, take whoever. I was going to take a look at the different rosters later just to see what they looked like. Throw everyone into the Big 12 with a few similarly rated CPU teams that other users might be interested in and go from there.

Really up to everyone else, I'm as good with continuing with this one as I am doing a new one. Just think it may be better to get everyone on equal footing and gaining XP in a new OD. Would probably be easier to keep and add users that way.

Hopefully we can get some more people interested.


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NCAA Moderator
Jesus. Nebraska's roster on the BuffEye rosters is not that great. Tommy Armstrong with 88 THP and 73 THA, Johnny Stanton with 91 THP 68 THA. That dude was an elite 11 QB. I wonder if they artificially dropped THA to help compensate for QBA 10. I like it though, it seems fairly accurate and true to results. Nebraska probably shouldn't be that great. I'm sure others would want to take a look at their teams first to see but I like those rosters.


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Champions!! Josh Leonard goes out on top tossing the winning TD with :51 left to beat Sparty and cap his amazing career as a 4 year starter for the Trojans!


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Closing the books on this magnificent OD.

Good times ole sport!



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May Josh Leonard be forever remembered as the greatest virtual quarterback to ever grace this online dynasty! :grin: