Pro Clubs Thread


Well-Known Member
I bought FIFA '14 and I haven't even popped it into my PS3. Such a waste. Kella sort of told me this game blows that one time on Day Z and that made me lose all desire to play this... Talk me off the ledge NML... how is this game to you?


Well-Known Member
It's pretty bad. I've managed to make offline tolerable by slowing the game way down, but obviously you can't do that online.

I can't get into seasons or UT this year. Neither plays well at all. Pro Clubs is still fun for the trolling, drunk banter, and other randomness that arises when that many 20 and 30 something's get together.


Well-Known Member
Damn that just about pushed me off the ledge. I guess I need to at least try this shit though. Maybe I'll hop on Sunday.


Well-Known Member
LOL. What makes it amazing please. I haven't gone next gen console yet because I have a beast gaming PC but I'm interest in your take


Well-Known Member
I'm not properly able to elucidate, I guess. But I absolutely hated the PS3 version, and can't get enough of the PS4 one.
  • Players actually do what I want them to. If you haven't played '14 on the PS3 yet then you have no idea what I'm talking about, because players on FIFA '13 did what you wanted them to, too. But on '14 just getting a player to turn 90 degrees was an exercise in futility. The worst part was that sometimes they would turn/move correctly, so you couldn't get used to the ham-fisted turning radii. The PS4 version does not have this problem. EA added a few animations (receiving the ball while doing a scoop-turn type thing is the most beneficial among them) so a player can receive a ball that's nominally out of his gait and continue in a forward motion, rather than having to come to a literal complete stop or watching the ball roll by less than a foot away because the turning animation hadn't kicked in yet.
  • Stopping and starting, similar to my complaints above, was so jagged on the PS3; you could never be sure when your player would start moving. On the PS4, players have a natural movement so that the outrageous high pressure defense that was impossible to pass around is a borderline useless strategy.
  • The L2 shield button doesn't randomly kick in, meaning you can actually use it effectively.
I could go on and on. If you haven't opened the PS3 version yet, don't.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Keith I will play you head to head (friendlies) on PS3 version. It's playable in Seasons on PS3 although the only teams you will play are Mexican and Brazilian because the first world has all moved to PS4, lol.


Mod Alumni
The redeeming quality of Pro Clubs is sitting in the arena and going "OOOOOOOOH DID YOU SEE THAT?!?" then everyone laughs cause thats what Keith used to do.


Well-Known Member
@Kella ... I've never truly been interested in 1v1's in FIFA. I gave them a try last year but I honestly did not enjoy them. I appreciate the offer though.


Well-Known Member
"Hello, good sirs and madams..."

We should definitely give it a whirl soon. I haven't played since they did the beach update.


Utopia Moderator
Milo was it you and me that found that random stranger who battled the cops on the beach for 3 hours non-stop one night? Maybe it was Orlando


Well-Known Member
Let's do GTA then, it's been a while.

Yankee is on and someone else is playing GTA right now, but I forget wat their utopia name is.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I've been updating for a while now haha

Gator said he's on his way too. Milo gives us 5 (I see you lurking)


Hot Girl Summer
I think my voice is fine, but for whatever reason other people's voices are really light. Maybe my hearing is messed up.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Are pubers still playing GTA online?


Well-Known Member
It's pretty bad. I've managed to make offline tolerable by slowing the game way down, but obviously you can't do that online.

I can't get into seasons or UT this year. Neither plays well at all. Pro Clubs is still fun for the trolling, drunk banter, and other randomness that arises when that many 20 and 30 something's get together.

You can have success slowing the game down, I've done it plenty of times. I average 60-70% possession :trollface: I do agree that it is a downgrade from last year and I haven't played much. My club rarely plays too so that's another reason


Well-Known Member
That was a lot of fun, but the thought of actually finishing that race was terrifying


Utopia Moderator
I got booted and just quit. Good times tonight though. Next time we need to get on the beach and load up on sticky bombs to wreck havoc.


Well-Known Member
I got booted and just quit. Good times tonight though. Next time we need to get on the beach and load up on sticky bombs to wreck havoc.

NML mentions a race which threw me off but I still thought y'all were playing FIFA right up until this lol
