NML's NCAA 06 Dynasty


Well-Known Member
All the talk in the Utopia History thread has made me itch to play this game again - this version is certainly my favorite. It had a cool soundtrack, IMPACT PLAYERZ, and the game play was solid.

Anyways, this will be a dynasty thread. I haven't decided what school I'll use yet, but it will either be a create a school or 1AA. Feel free to make suggestions.

Season Schedule and Results

Independent, :star: Prestige, :star::star::star::star::star::star: Academic
LOSS 6-117 @

LOSS 3-66 vs

LOSS 21-101 vs








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Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
This is the one right after they fixed statistically accurate drop rates (i.e., very few wide open drops) with receivers that would drop everything in '05, right?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and the passing defense was possible. Everything after went down hill


Well-Known Member
NCAA 04 is still my favorite version, but I'm definitely following along with this.

I never played 04, although that does seem to be consider the best. My first game was NCAA 05 - I actually only bought it after I read a favorable review in some playstation magazine my mom bought me. Now 12 years later I'm still posting on a forum that it eventually led me to. FATE

05 was a solid game. It introduced "home field advantage" and spamming the R2 button. Added the top 25 toughest places to play (which I've always wanted to get a school onto the list but never did), match-up stick (what a cool feature idea that I never used), and custom PBs (to an extent). 06 just took all of that to the next level - I think impact players is sort of a silly feature, but it was also so bad ass. And I do feel like that's a thing in football, where the dude just cannot be stopped. I loved the soundtrack. It also brought create a school, which I'll likely use here.

07 was the beginning of the end, for me. Once they started working on the next-gen systems, the gameplay fell apart. I never played a game as much as I played 06 (05 would be second).


Well-Known Member
Use Alabama State

No thanks. Appreciate the suggestion though. The only way I see myself doing a 1AA school is if there was an interesting story line I could play with (and a bad ass logo).

Which schools have added football recently? Anyone have a list of that?


aka spiker or DeadMong
That's funny, because I stopped playing 05 about 2 weeks after it came out. The drops were so ridiculous on it that I'm pretty sure I used the disc more as a Frisbee/coaster than for actually playing the game.


Well-Known Member
That's funny, because I stopped playing 05 about 2 weeks after it came out. The drops were so ridiculous on it that I'm pretty sure I used the disc more as a Frisbee/coaster than for actually playing the game.

I think I was saved by the fact that I didn't play 04.

I did have to buy three copies of 07 because I threw it in RAGE. Puber NML had a lot of going on when he was 16.


Well-Known Member
For an offense, I'm inspired by a poster on the site that initially brought me to the online world of NCAA Football talk - VG Sports. VG is still kicking around, now called MaddenTips, and in reading over old threads there I've found a handful of Utopians that posted. Pretty funny stuff to read (including my own).

Anyways, Air Raid wrote a lot about the power spread offense and I've always been interested in that, especially an H-back version he ran. Here's some quotes on the matter from the site:

Simply put, the "Power Spread" is the concept of using spread formations (primarily from the SG) to run the football...... The idea is to "Spread the defense Horizontally and Vertically" both with formations and play calling like using both screen passes and Option to stretch horizontally and PA passing and Go routes to stretch vertically..... The idea is to get 1 on 1 matchups (both in the running game and the passing game) for your offense by eliminating the 8-9 man fronts.... because, like the Run and Shoot (which much of this offenese was taken from), if the defense doesn't match-up to your recievers you throw the ball to the open man.

The running game is based off the "Read Option" (or QB Choice as EA calls it) and then you build upon that with the speed option, double option, the inside zone, the outside zone, WR reverses etc...all the while keeping the field spread with your personnel groupings...

The passing game is mainly short and quick (Slants, Screens, Ins, Outs), but if run correctly, the short passing game and the running game are used to set up the PA Pass (PA Read, PA Choice, PA Rollouts) and the Go routes....this is where the offense really shines! And this is where this offense gets the really big numbers.... (because the defense will try and bring people to the box to stop the run and try and contain the QB)....

And on the H-back

The main idea is to get as many of your athletes (RBs, WRs and those players who are great athletes, but may not have just one position) on the field at one time, but yet maintain a balance offense between run and pass. It is also designed to provide a duel threat to run between the tackles with a lead blocker and also present as many as 4-5 passing options from any given formation by way of an "H-Back". An "H-Back" is essentially a TE (sometime considered "undersized") with great athletic ability that enables him to be a lead blocker on run plays and a mismatch in the passing game, either against smaller corners or slower LBs. He will normally line-up close to the line of scrimmage and move left or right to help aid in the run game or to motion out to the flats for the passing game or you can line him up in the slot and create blocking mismatches.

Reading these kinds of posted ultimately led me into my research of Mike Leach, my past and current namesake. If anyone has more detailed information of the power spread (in either 06 terms or real life), I'm always interested in reading.

If you are so inclined, you can read all this info here and here.


Well-Known Member
Defensively, there's this fantastic guide by a dude named Ian and I'm 100% certain he also posted on utopia. Anyways, he broke down the 3-3-5 in a great way for the game, although - again - I'm interested in reading about the defense in real footbaw. Some really great info can be found here.

One of the things that his guide talks about - and one I'm going to do as a way to challenge myself - is user-ing the FS. I remember back in the day trying that and having no success because I could not, for the life of me, judge a pass correctly. I always overran it and ended up getting burned for six. Now that I'm older and wiser and my stick skillz are non-existent, I'll give it another go.

Here's some quotes on that:

Zone Coverage
All out zone coverage with the FS is the really one opportunity you have to make plays on the ball. One thing I always do while in zone coverage is hold the R1 button to keep my chest square with the line of scrimmage, the only time I will not do this is while I am getting depth in a deep coverage. Once again pre-snap reads are important for zone coverage so you can anticipate who might be entering your zone. I generally try and play behind guys in my zone and shadow them as they pass through, the reason I play behind them is so that if the QB tries to go over my head he will have a harder time finding the deeper seam. Once again I will hopefully be getting pressure with my blitz package so there is really no need to worry about dink and dunk passes. I really suggest though holding R1 while in zone coverage because keeping your shoulders square to the line of scrimmage allows you a great deal of mobility when a pass is thrown. Zone coverage is fairly easy though and does not need much explanation.

Run Support
This is the big daddy responsibility for the FS in my scheme. It is vital to know how to provide proper and fundamentally sound run support, as you are typically the last line of defense.

Know Your Responsibility
Like mentioned before in the pre-snap reads/diagnosing plays section you must know your responsibility and whether or not you should provide immediate run support. The situations in which I provide run support immediately are man coverage vs. RB/FB and deep zone coverage with man under. I will only provide run support in man coverage vs. WR/TE if I am 100% certain that the RB has the ball and his intentions are to run it. I will sometimes provide immediate run support from an all out zone coverage depending upon my role in the zone.

How to Properly React to Run
The worst thing you can do is read run and charge in like a mad man trying to make a big hit or just a reckless hit. You must always break down before hitting the line (to break down I hit R1 to square up). I am not saying to go cautiously up to the line as that does no good I want to charge and hit that line hard but I want to be in a controlled manner and break down so that the RB doesn’t run right past me. Your pursuit angle is vital as well to run support, I always shade the RB a little bit to the outside of him whether the run is in-between the tackles or a toss to the outside I believe 100% in forcing him inside and keeping contain. This is not a full proof strategy because if you do get blocked up and for some reason your support players are in trouble the back can bust it good, but it is a lot more effective then shading a back to the inside and giving him the outside. Containment is vital on tosses etc. When defending the option if I am the first person on the scene my goal is to wipe out the QB, I can’t really worry about what the RB is going to do if he gets the pitch because that is out of my control and if I don’t stop the QB who’s to say the RB will ever get the ball.

So in summary when providing run support act on instinct however you must do it in a controlled manner because like I have said time and time again you are the last line of defense. If you get this down you will likely be the leading tackler on your team as everything does kind of get funneled to you. You will have plenty of opportunities to be one on one with a back, it’s how you treat that split second that will decide your success.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
That's funny, because I stopped playing 05 about 2 weeks after it came out. The drops were so ridiculous on it that I'm pretty sure I used the disc more as a Frisbee/coaster than for actually playing the game.

Yeah I remember when it came out, I was home for the weekend. Went over to my HS buddy's apartment and we popped it in, played a few games and just kind of stared at the TV. It was so bad.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
My longest lasting dynasty was on this game. I went MSU -> UCLA -> Miami. I think I still have that on my Xbox in the attic. I should break it out sometime and see if it still runs.
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Well-Known Member
@bruin228 @JSU Zack

I saw you posting a bit in the spread thread. Can you fill me in on personal numbers? Is there like a generally accepted grouping for 11, 12, etc?

I understand what they are, just not what numbers represent what. Also any power spread materials you have to share, I'd love to look over.

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
@bruin228 @JSU Zack

I saw you posting a bit in the spread thread. Can you fill me in on personal numbers? Is there like a generally accepted grouping for 11, 12, etc?

I understand what they are, just not what numbers represent what. Also any power spread materials you have to share, I'd love to look over.

The first digit is the number of backs, and the second digit is the number of tight ends. For example, 11 means one back & one tight end (your typical personnel these days). 30 would be a wishbone with two receivers. 00 is five wides.

For power spread, are you looking at a Malzahn Wing T Spread or a Meyer Spread-I. Either way, look at @TXHusker05's thread. For auburn film, check out WarRoom Eagle on YouTube & SB Nation's College & Magnolia blog. He has film cutups of offense, gifs, and diagrams.
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Mod Alumni
I still have my 06 game. I had 07 but I guess it got lost in my last move. I'll throw it on the PS3 and fart around in practice mode when I have a football itch.

07 IMO was a better game. The IPs were toned down, but everything else was pretty much even or tweaked to the better with maybe the exception of deep balls.

As far as 05... I always convinced myself the WR drops was the games shitty way of counteracting the too accurate passing game so I would consider them missed passes instead of drops. Fond memories of having a dynasty w/ Texas A&M and finding randy moss 2 in recruiting. 6'4 with 99 speed and acceleration. I had a 2000 yard season with him. NEVAR 4GET
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Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison

I'm pretty sure the screen capture/record feature is built into PCSX2, so I should be able to get a lot of info/videos pulled easily.

The emulated version I was running was pretty broke-dick. Bad frame rate drops and slow downs during action and now fans/stadium graphics. How is ur version?

I'd say 06 was one of the best but the IMPACT PLAYER thing got a bit out of control at times (still allowed the CPU to have a running game at least). I liked both 06 and 07 a lot and they both had a few areas that bothered me. 04 was great at the time, but a lot of the advancements in playbooks and shit in 06 and 07 made them better if you look back on them now. 05 was fuckshit.
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Well-Known Member
It's running smooth now. At first, I was missing the stadiums and play design, haha. I had to change some obscure setting and now it's perfect.

The most frustrating thing about the impact players is the randomness at which they become IN THE ZONE. I remember making like a 2 yard run with the fullback from Colorado and suddenly he's pulsing lol

JSU Zack

How do I IT?
It's running smooth now. At first, I was missing the stadiums and play design, haha. I had to change some obscure setting and now it's perfect.

The most frustrating thing about the impact players is the randomness at which they become IN THE ZONE. I remember making like a 2 yard run with the fullback from Colorado and suddenly he's pulsing lol



Well-Known Member
Since I'm not really creative enough to create a school, I think I'll do a 1AA school. Currently debating between UMass and Delaware - I want a school in a tough area to recruit (basically the northeast) to challenge myself, and these two seem like good candidates.

Also, if anyone has realistic restrictions, plz share. I know in season recruiting is basically guaranteed if you only recruit a few, but I don't remember much other than that.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
@bruin228 @JSU Zack

I saw you posting a bit in the spread thread. Can you fill me in on personal numbers? Is there like a generally accepted grouping for 11, 12, etc?

I understand what they are, just not what numbers represent what. Also any power spread materials you have to share, I'd love to look over.

All the stuff Zack posted is good. Alongside that, check out Ian Boyd on SBNation and Smart Football.


It'll be interesting to see if you can pull this stuff off in 06, do they even have offset gun or pistol in there?


Well-Known Member
It'll be interesting to see if you can pull this stuff off in 06, do they even have offset gun or pistol in there?

Ha, no. I'm pretty sure this is the first year they added the option read from the gun, let alone things like that. QB Wrap was still a few years away as well.


Well-Known Member
So, in studying up on the power spread offense and 06 playbooks, I've determined a bit of what I can/cannot do

Run Game
- Inside/Outside Zone, by using what NCAA calls "HB Off Tackle." As close as we can be, this play represents Outside Zone. Inside Zone needs the playside DE closed off, which I'm hoping I can replicate using motion. Namely, bringing the H-back/FB just outside of his shoulder and closing him off. So while we have the outside zone pretty close, we are kind of faking the inside zone. Also, neither has the option/read counter with it. Here's the play from SG Ace, which has a 12 personnel.


- Power/Power Option, and I'm being generous here. The "QB Choice" or "Option Choice" has the same general idea, but a very simplified blocking scheme. This does, however, have the QB keep built off of it, so likely it will be a staple of the offense. My novice understanding of the concept is that the backside guard pulls to get the fullback, but we don't have that happen here. Here's a rare example where we do pull a backside lineman to get to the second level.


- Draws. Meh, I feel like they just did not work in this version (and some reading confirms that), but I'll lab it a bit and see if I can.

- Speed Option: Simple enough, although I don't really remember the read for it. I think playside DE, if he stays you pitch and if not you keep with the QB? Or maybe it's the OLB. I dunno.

- Basically everything else. We can't recreate the Wrap/Trap, Buck Sweep, or Counter. We have some other ways to attack a defense, but these are not concepts within the more well-known Spread-I/Power Spread attacks.


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NCAA Moderator
Should be the playside DE for Speed, but I'm pretty sure EA fucked up the read game until 14 when they made it OP so who knows
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Well-Known Member
Played one game with the above mentioned sliders. Won 47-46 with A&M over Colorado. Reggie McNeal ran for over 400 yards lol.

May need to adjust some things...


Well-Known Member
Oh and I completely shut down Lawerance Vickers (Colorado Impact FB), but got picked apart by their QB. 3-3-5 did not work at all.


Well-Known Member
Their QB in that game is Joel Klatt.

Yeah he had a great game. I kept cheating in with the FS and it was BOMBS AWAY.

I feel like, in this game, stopping the run is simple but stopping the pass is near impossible. I think I may need to revaluate what I want to do defensively.

Also, on offense, I had no issues doing whatever I wanted. It seemed like the defense had a good play call at first, but then I'd audible out of it and destroy them. Even though I think the spread offenses tend to rely a lot on reading the defense pre snap and audibling, I may have to put a house rule in that I can't do that.


Well-Known Member
Changed sliders to a Heisman-level set, and the game played a lot better.

Didn't let myself audible and the numbers were much more realistic. Instead I used motion to create the looks I wanted and it worked fairly well.

Created Boston University Terriers. Gives me the recruiting disadvantage I wanted and a cool rival in BC. Gonna sperg on this tonight.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he had a great game. I kept cheating in with the FS and it was BOMBS AWAY.

I feel like, in this game, stopping the run is simple but stopping the pass is near impossible. I think I may need to revaluate what I want to do defensively.

Also, on offense, I had no issues doing whatever I wanted. It seemed like the defense had a good play call at first, but then I'd audible out of it and destroy them. Even though I think the spread offenses tend to rely a lot on reading the defense pre snap and audibling, I may have to put a house rule in that I can't do that.
Roll coverage to the more open side of the field


Well-Known Member
Here's the recruiting restrictions I'm putting on myself, based on our STARZZZ:

In Season
6*: no restrictions
5*: five star recruits must come from in-state or pipeline
4*: max four star recruits, must come from in-state or pipeline
3*: max three star recruits, must be in-state or pipeline
2*: maximum of four in-state/pipeline, three stars only
1*: maximum of two in-state/pipeline, three stars only

Off Season
I'm not starting with any restrictions here. If I feel like I'm getting unrealistic results, I'll adjust. But if I remember correctly it's fine.

Academic Restrictions
BU is a notoriously great academic school. So, the expectation is that we stay at 6* there. If we drop, we lose the following scholarships:

5*: three scholarships
4*: six scholarships
3*: ten scholarships
2*: twenty scholarships
1*: no scholarships allowed

Also only allowing myself to redshirt freshman. Position changes must be done after recruitment (obviously no exploiting that system).


Well-Known Member
Here's our schedule for this year:

8/27: @ #19 Arizona State
9/10: @ Wisconsin
9/17: vs Toledo
9/24: vs Western Michigan
10/1: @ UConn
10/8: vs Central Michigan
10/22: @ Notre Dame
10/29: vs Miami University
11/5: @ Army
11/19: @ Navy
11/26: @ Boston College

Playing all three other independents, a few money grabs on the road against bigger schools, managed to convince four MAC schools to come to us, and finishing with the annual BOSTON RIVALRY.

We will go 0-11


Well-Known Member
So here's the first three plays in the history of BU FOOTBAW

Kick off, Arizona State returns it for a touchdown
After a touchback, -1 yard loss and fumble
17 yard touchdown pass for AZST
