Michigan Thread


Disney and Curling Expert


aka spiker or DeadMong
The line of thinking is that his methods don't work long term in the NFL, and he's a former Michigan QB, so obviously he fits into the job. I don't know about any public statements, but again, the rumors are that he did play some footsie with Michigan in the past.

Personally, I expect an NFL team to throw a wad of cash at him, and he'll stay in the NFL.


Disney and Curling Expert
I'm guessing Dominos isn't going to be or become the official pizza of University of Michigan athletics for awhile.


Well-Known Member
Harbaugh isn't going back to college, no way no how. Once the Cowboys flame out again Jerry will offer him 10 mil a year or something.

Michigan would be better off hiring Dana Holgorson or Todd Graham.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
I would never say never, but I would be surprised it if happened. Michigan could easily offer him 7 or 8 mill a year and make him the highest paid coach in college if they really wanted to. I don't think we would be better off with one of those two over Harbaugh though lmao. But I think if he comes back it is because he decides in the end he loves the college game more and wants to try to restore Michigan.

Those are two names though but personally they are not at the top of my list of candidates to look at.


My understanding on Harbaugh being a potential coach. He doesn't like the NFL. Want more control over the players. It wouldn't be the first guy from college to the NFL go back to college. Saban and Petrino have done it recently.


Utopia Moderator
Spurrier, Saban, Petrino, Lane Kiffin, Lou Holth, and on and on. More money in the NFL and your program doesn't rise and fall based upon the whims of 18 year old spoiled brats. I would be really surprised to see Harbaugh go back to college, even his alma mater. If he does, though, I think that would be great because he is obviously a hell of a corch.


Well-Known Member
Outside of their ability to pay a coach large amounts of money, it's not really that much of a dream job anymore.


aka spiker or DeadMong
I'm not saying it's not a great job. All I'm saying is they haven't won a title since 1997 and they don't pull the recruits like they used to.

Bruin nailed it. If Michigan can get their shit off the field in order, then Michigan is a top 10 job. It's certainly not up there with Florida, Texas, or Ohio State, but that's because those programs are in extremely fertile recruiting states.


Well-Known Member
On top of not being a top recruiting spot, they have a fan base who thinks they should be a top 10 program every year. Then you can't just be a good team you have to play Michigan football.


aka spiker or DeadMong
On top of not being a top recruiting spot, they have a fan base who thinks they should be a top 10 program every year. Then you can't just be a good team you have to play Michigan football.

Keep fucking that chicken.

First part is a half truth at best, second part is no different from any traditional power.


Well-Known Member
Keep fucking that chicken.

First part is a half truth at best, second part is no different from any traditional power.
What traditional power gives a shit how they win? Do you think Ohio States gives a damn how Urban runs his offense as long as they win?


aka spiker or DeadMong
Oh I had no idea that's what you're saying. That is a problem to an extent, but it won't matter as long as the coach wins. Plus I think most fans at this point realize that it doesn't matter how you win. One of the biggest proponents of that bullshit just got fired.


Uber felon
In that state up north for the night and curling is on tv. Wanted to give a shout out to my njtopians!


aka spiker or DeadMong

“The Victors” could soon have a modernistic younger sibling.

If a resolution presented to the Central Student Government on Tuesday night passes, the body will provide funding to a group of students looking to develop an additional thematic song to play at University athletics events.

In addition to discussion of the resolution, the meeting also included an interactive presentation on reacting to an active shooter.

Business sophomore Adam Weiss, a representative on the CSG Assembly, spoke on behalf of the song campaign, which he called “Hail and Unite.” He said his friend, LSA senior Mike Weinberg, conceptualized the project.

“This project is meant to be, number one, extremely unique,” Weiss said. “The goal of this song is to get a lot of big names that are associated with the University.”
He added that the project would also be backed by a crowd-funding campaign, which is tentatively set to launch next month.

The Hail and Unite organization asked CSG to allocate $2,750 from its Legislative Discretionary Fund to the project: $1,750 would go toward funding for a promotional video to recruit donations from students, and $1,000 would go toward “speaker fees,” or accommodations for potential visiting contributors.

While the song’s lyrics and tune are still undetermined, Weiss said it is the organization’s aim to involve big names in the music business and University alumni to contribute to the song. For example, he said Weinberg wants to get Eminem involved.

Weiss also said that David Banner, a rapper and music producer, has already agreed to produce the final product.

Numerous representatives voiced uncertainty about the project because they felt its initial budgetary breakdown and ultimate goals were not clear enough to elicit funding. Others voiced concerns that it lacked the philanthropic value of student organizations that had received funding in the past, like MUSIC Matters or optiMize.

After it was suggested that a more detailed budget for the project be disclosed to the assembly, the resolution was sent to the finance committee for review.

Another important focus of Tuesday’s meeting was a presentation on active shooter situations, delivered by University Police Officer Matthew Butzky.

Butzky emphasized that in a situation where an active shooter is present, one has three options: run to a safe location, hide and attempt to barricade your space or fight to repel the threat.
“You’re not stuck in any one decision. This is fluid,” said Butzky about the three options. “If you can remove yourself from a dangerous situation, do it. Get out. It’s a simple solution, but people overlook it.”

Butzky delivered a similar presentation for the first time to a University undergraduate lecture last month. Previously, the Division of Public Safety and Security delivered the presentation upon request to campus units.



Disney and Curling Expert

“The Victors” could soon have a modernistic younger sibling.

If a resolution presented to the Central Student Government on Tuesday night passes, the body will provide funding to a group of students looking to develop an additional thematic song to play at University athletics events.

In addition to discussion of the resolution, the meeting also included an interactive presentation on reacting to an active shooter.

Business sophomore Adam Weiss, a representative on the CSG Assembly, spoke on behalf of the song campaign, which he called “Hail and Unite.” He said his friend, LSA senior Mike Weinberg, conceptualized the project.

“This project is meant to be, number one, extremely unique,” Weiss said. “The goal of this song is to get a lot of big names that are associated with the University.”
He added that the project would also be backed by a crowd-funding campaign, which is tentatively set to launch next month.

The Hail and Unite organization asked CSG to allocate $2,750 from its Legislative Discretionary Fund to the project: $1,750 would go toward funding for a promotional video to recruit donations from students, and $1,000 would go toward “speaker fees,” or accommodations for potential visiting contributors.

While the song’s lyrics and tune are still undetermined, Weiss said it is the organization’s aim to involve big names in the music business and University alumni to contribute to the song. For example, he said Weinberg wants to get Eminem involved.

Weiss also said that David Banner, a rapper and music producer, has already agreed to produce the final product.

Numerous representatives voiced uncertainty about the project because they felt its initial budgetary breakdown and ultimate goals were not clear enough to elicit funding. Others voiced concerns that it lacked the philanthropic value of student organizations that had received funding in the past, like MUSIC Matters or optiMize.

After it was suggested that a more detailed budget for the project be disclosed to the assembly, the resolution was sent to the finance committee for review.

Another important focus of Tuesday’s meeting was a presentation on active shooter situations, delivered by University Police Officer Matthew Butzky.

Butzky emphasized that in a situation where an active shooter is present, one has three options: run to a safe location, hide and attempt to barricade your space or fight to repel the threat.
“You’re not stuck in any one decision. This is fluid,” said Butzky about the three options. “If you can remove yourself from a dangerous situation, do it. Get out. It’s a simple solution, but people overlook it.”

Butzky delivered a similar presentation for the first time to a University undergraduate lecture last month. Previously, the Division of Public Safety and Security delivered the presentation upon request to campus units.


Dave Brandon is somewhere wondering why he didn't think of this first.
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