Since I never play this mode I guess I should see what players I have. I'm imagining this is like baseball cards or something? I also want to know how I can turn my cards into money. Please explain.
Yeah, it is like digital trading cards and then you get to use the teams you assembled in game. This is basically exactly what my friends and I did with football cards when we were little, so I've got a soft spot for the game mode.
The trading takes place on a huge market with millions of items listed at any given time. Each card has a minimum/discard value (quick sell) that sets the base price. Beyond that, supply and command drive the prices of certain players much higher. Players are broken into three tiers: Gold (75+ OVR), Silver (65-74 OVR) and Bronze (Under 64 OVR), with Rare (shiny) and non-rare (dull) cards in each category. You can play in special tournaments that have entry rules requiring certain types of squads, etc.
You basically build a fantasy team and players "link" to each other via team, league, and nationality to get extra chemistry (1-10 depending on links and proper position) Basically Chemistry dictates how well a player functions in a certain role. With 7 chemistry, they basically perform as you'd see that player perform in a a normal seasons game. With 9/10 chemistry they perfom better than their normal seasons mode counterparts. If you try to play players out of position or with no links to other players, then they'll have low chemistry and they will perform worse than their stats suggest.
In order to sell players for real money, you must first sell them for fifa coins and then sell your fifa coins to a shady internet scammer and risk getting banned by EA. The real money to fake money exchange rate is constantly changing, but around Christmas time you can usually get $1 for every 10k fifa coins. With boosts and promotions you can easily average 1000-1500 coins per game played, so even without trading it is easy to rack up a lot of fifa coins by just playing the game mode. If one were tempted to sell their coins, I'd suggest using some fake Paypal account that isn't linked to any of ur real info. Then you can just transfer from that account to ur real account later if everything goes through. The worst that can happen that way is your account gets a warning/ban from EA or you get scammed out of ur fifa coins.
I sold a player worth almost 700k coins last night and current exchange rates makes that well over $100
(pure luck to get a top 5 player in the game in one of my preorder packs).
*Of course it is immoral to sell coins and I never would engage in such behavior, the above information is hypothetical only.