
Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Bring me ur FUT TROG TEAMS!

I got a bunch of loyalty packs and shit for playing for the last two years. I pulled a Benatia card and a bunch of other non-rare Bundesliga dudes, so I built a starting team around that. At this point I have a full Gold team and a full 30 player trade pile looking to make profit. By Wednesday I hope to sell Benatia and the rest of the Bundesliga squad for a profit and then invest in an in-form player and build around him.

Here is my first squad for profit:


Well-Known Member
Bring me ur FUT TROG TEAMS!

I got a bunch of loyalty packs and shit for playing for the last two years. I pulled a Benatia card and a bunch of other non-rare Bundesliga dudes, so I built a starting team around that. At this point I have a full Gold team and a full 30 player trade pile looking to make profit. By Wednesday I hope to sell Benatia and the rest of the Bundesliga squad for a profit and then invest in an in-form player and build around him.

Here is my first squad for profit:



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
To me, this is the most fun game mode, to me. The gameplay was MUCH better in FIFA14, I couldn't play seasons without jabbing my eyes out.... but the best part is you can build your team around some under appreciated mong king and dominate pubers who only know how to use speed. Ur 80 pace/70 strength CB might be great against the normal puber strikers, but not against Llorente!


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
He's another dude who is so under-appreciated that he's basically free (sells for just above discard value). You can buy him, play 7 games with him as a free contract essentially and then discard him for what you paid.


Well-Known Member
I hate seeing this thread pop up every year. The same amount of effort applied towards the stock market or even gambling would reap larger benefits


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
To me, this is the most fun game mode, to me. The gameplay was MUCH better in FIFA14, I couldn't play seasons without jabbing my eyes out.... but the best part is you can build your team around some under appreciated mong king and dominate pubers who only know how to use speed. Ur 80 pace/70 strength CB might be great against the normal puber strikers, but not against Llorente!


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Did the download preorder come with any of this troggery?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
That's a good looking team, Winged.

I sold Bale for like 700k and then picked up the IF DiMaria for 470k and basically all the other silver IFs I could find for cheap, Kagawa IF, and Miranda IF. Those guys should really go up in price the next few weeks if the trend from previous years holds (Week 1 IFs end up super rare). I'll probably pick up the rest of the cheaper gold players as well and just try to flip them for at least 25% profit in the next few weeks.

Anyway, since I'm going to be holding on to DiMaria for a bit while his value hopefully goes up, here is a squad I built to feature him:


Well-Known Member
Since I never play this mode I guess I should see what players I have. I'm imagining this is like baseball cards or something? I also want to know how I can turn my cards into money. Please explain.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Since I never play this mode I guess I should see what players I have. I'm imagining this is like baseball cards or something? I also want to know how I can turn my cards into money. Please explain.

Yeah, it is like digital trading cards and then you get to use the teams you assembled in game. This is basically exactly what my friends and I did with football cards when we were little, so I've got a soft spot for the game mode.

The trading takes place on a huge market with millions of items listed at any given time. Each card has a minimum/discard value (quick sell) that sets the base price. Beyond that, supply and command drive the prices of certain players much higher. Players are broken into three tiers: Gold (75+ OVR), Silver (65-74 OVR) and Bronze (Under 64 OVR), with Rare (shiny) and non-rare (dull) cards in each category. You can play in special tournaments that have entry rules requiring certain types of squads, etc.

You basically build a fantasy team and players "link" to each other via team, league, and nationality to get extra chemistry (1-10 depending on links and proper position) Basically Chemistry dictates how well a player functions in a certain role. With 7 chemistry, they basically perform as you'd see that player perform in a a normal seasons game. With 9/10 chemistry they perfom better than their normal seasons mode counterparts. If you try to play players out of position or with no links to other players, then they'll have low chemistry and they will perform worse than their stats suggest.

In order to sell players for real money, you must first sell them for fifa coins and then sell your fifa coins to a shady internet scammer and risk getting banned by EA. The real money to fake money exchange rate is constantly changing, but around Christmas time you can usually get $1 for every 10k fifa coins. With boosts and promotions you can easily average 1000-1500 coins per game played, so even without trading it is easy to rack up a lot of fifa coins by just playing the game mode. If one were tempted to sell their coins, I'd suggest using some fake Paypal account that isn't linked to any of ur real info. Then you can just transfer from that account to ur real account later if everything goes through. The worst that can happen that way is your account gets a warning/ban from EA or you get scammed out of ur fifa coins.

I sold a player worth almost 700k coins last night and current exchange rates makes that well over $100 :laughing: (pure luck to get a top 5 player in the game in one of my preorder packs).

*Of course it is immoral to sell coins and I never would engage in such behavior, the above information is hypothetical only. ;)


Well-Known Member
Last year my final FUT team had a TOTY Diego Costa, Wayne Rooney, Raheem Sterling, Felipe Luis, and Lalanna (I think at the height that's about 300 squigglies worth of cards.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Here is the Bronze/Silver Norway/Sweden League squad I built so that I could utilize two of the in-form silver players I bought. Also managed to get that Mix Diskeruud dude in there, for good measure. Both leagues have some Nigerian players too, so I have another arrangement on the bench that features 3 nigerian CMs, a Swedish CAM that plays in the Norwegian league, and a Nigerian striker who plays in the swedish league. Anyway, everyone is on 9 chem



Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Harry Redknapp and the Chip Chip Cheerios, featuring the first Bronze IF player, in the 4-4-2, as is tradition. The striker on the right is 32 pace, but 85 Physical... I'm just going to park him up front and dominate the bronze CBs with his God-like strength.


btw, I love playing with bronze players because when they run out of contracts, the cheapest way to get more contracts is literally to buy a new bronze pack. I keep all the bronze players (because why not?) and by the end of the season I can make some interesting squads.


Well-Known Member

This is the other team I've been using. Should be 100 chemistry once the Manager cards go down to a reasonable price and I can get a Spanish Liga manager in there. Will also replace Insua with Varane and Parejo with Thiago Alcantara, I think.


Well-Known Member
I never bother too much with chemistry.

I find I get by on just using players which suit my style. The whole chemistry system is bullshit anyway. If I put Suarez and Sturridge up front then they should have perfect chemistry based on their history but now that their in different leagues they wont have any....which is ironic since one of the features this year was based on history...


Well-Known Member
I just lost my first FUT game in the most ridiculous manner.

I need to figure out how to upload whole matches


Well-Known Member
I wish I had any clue what the hell is going on with this mode. Started it the other day and my team is turrible. Full of a bunch of 50 and 60 OVR guys.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Fap fap, best lb in the world


There's my current team. Rodriguez and Kagawa are IF investments and everyone else is a discard value bargain player. I really like that the LM and RM on this team are almost wide target men style players with a lot of strength/aerial ability. I love switching the field to either of them and just bossing the shit out of the small fullbacks. I also obviously went for the Japanese connections as well and I've been impressed with those players.
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Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I think we should do a FUT TROG tournament. We can have some rule about max amount you can spend on a team and I can certainly finance anyone who doesn't have enough to build a cheap team yet. I can even put up one of my IF players (Not Di Maria, lol) as the prize. If we can even get 4 players for a quick tourney we can make this happen maybe this weekend?


Well-Known Member
I think we should do a FUT TROG tournament. We can have some rule about max amount you can spend on a team and I can certainly finance anyone who doesn't have enough to build a cheap team yet. I can even put up one of my IF players (Not Di Maria, lol) as the prize. If we can even get 4 players for a quick tourney we can make this happen maybe this weekend?

I did lots of transferring on Sunday night, basically getting rid of the shite I got with my free packs, trying to cash it all in now for new packs....but so far iv gotten even more shite in return.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I did lots of transferring on Sunday night, basically getting rid of the shite I got with my free packs, trying to cash it all in now for new packs....but so far iv gotten even more shite in return.

I honestly think the best way to make coins early is to just build a really cheap team of discard value players, unlock the EASFC coin boosts and play 10 games with that squad and then sell/discard them all. At the end of that 10 games you'll have enough money to buy a better squad. Rinse and repeat. It is pointless to buy expensive rare golds right now as they will plummet in value in the next month.

For the proposed FUT TROG tourney I'd propose the following team composition rules:

If we play with Gold Squads -
$7,500 budget (same cost as a premium gold pack)
18 Players (squad + full subs bench)
No consumables allowed, so you have to use your subs to maintain fitness throughout the tourney.

If we play with Bronze squads, same rules but budget = $3,000
If we play with Silver squads, same rules but budge = $5,000


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
If you play games with the EASFC coin boosts unlocked (extra 1,000 coins per game) then it will literally only take you 5 games to get 7,500 coins (you should get 1,500 coins per game). Just remember to unlock them one at a time because they don't add to each other.

I think I've only played 20 games total in FUT and I've earned 38k coins just from playing. That's from the coins you earn from the game, the 1,000 coin EASFC game bonuses, and then additional bonuses for winning a season online and a season offline and an offline tourney.


Well-Known Member
I tend to transfer everything to make a small profit on each pack, ie if youre spending 5k on a pack, you need to try and make as much back as you can, rinse and repeat that formula.

It takes longer than your process and you get a lot of shit which is worth 300-400 max but then you get the odd decent one which sells for more than 5k and youve earnt your pack back.

Basically you transfer everything which isnt going to make it into your squad, and even then, only keep a player if youll actually use him, eg I just got a Mertesacker - hes shite so ill transfer him and hes worth bout 3k.

I find bronze and silver squads a bit indulgent so i dont bother with them until end game time.


Well-Known Member
If you play games with the EASFC coin boosts unlocked (extra 1,000 coins per game) then it will literally only take you 5 games to get 7,500 coins (you should get 1,500 coins per game). Just remember to unlock them one at a time because they don't add to eachother

I made this mistake...


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Chibob, I honestly think Gold packs are generally a losing proposition, especially later in the year Most gold packs will have negative value, so you are relying on luck. As the year goes on and the rare gold players become worth less (mertersaker will be like $700 coins by December) then the packs are an even worse deal.