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Might just play him and see, and then hold him, not sure. Here is my squad with him in it, otherwise I alternate him for Inaki Williams and Quaresma when Inaki pisses me off.


This started as a French club and has morphed into what it is now. I really just like messing around with different players and finding guys I like regardless of Chem. Thinking of buying Azpi and putting him at RB.


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Didn’t play any squad battles in the later part of the week, but still managed to pack Hamsik in one of my gold pack rewards.

Currently rolling with and having good luck with this squad


Well-Known Member
Might just play him and see, and then hold him, not sure. Here is my squad with him in it, otherwise I alternate him for Inaki Williams and Quaresma when Inaki pisses me off.


This started as a French club and has morphed into what it is now. I really just like messing around with different players and finding guys I like regardless of Chem. Thinking of buying Azpi and putting him at RB.

Looks a nice squad, i think you'll get a little chem boost if you switch Belotti and Zaza. With Zaza hitting Carrasco too

Didn’t play any squad battles in the later part of the week, but still managed to pack Hamsik in one of my gold pack rewards.

Currently rolling with and having good luck with this squad

Hamsik is so good. When he's got the ball for me running towards goal i can rip it from 30 and its just like a layup for him. I like what youve done with that team, creative stuff and it looks like itd be fun to use.

I just got the Scream Kompany from the new Ultimate Scream SBC, will use him in future Man City SBC which will need a highly rated team i imagine


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This is my current squad. With the exception of two players everyone is under 1k.

I have a stacked BPL team which I got bored off.

The two CM Delaney and Sabitzer are absolute beasts! Delaney is like the German Kante and Sabitzer just carves teams a part with his passing.

He CBs are also mega, especially Vogt. He just man handles everyone.

Embolo and Boateng also link up really well. Both a bit quick, a bit strong, but with good ball control and composure especially Embolo, he’s the man! I wish he’d get an Inform.


Well-Known Member
Looks a nice squad, i think you'll get a little chem boost if you switch Belotti and Zaza. With Zaza hitting Carrasco too

Hamsik is so good. When he's got the ball for me running towards goal i can rip it from 30 and its just like a layup for him. I like what youve done with that team, creative stuff and it looks like itd be fun to use.

I just got the Scream Kompany from the new Ultimate Scream SBC, will use him in future Man City SBC which will need a highly rated team i imagine

Thanks. I always find myself leaning to a PL squad just because that’s what I watch the most but I tried to get a little more creative with it this go round. Before Bats got his IF, this squad was more Spaniard/Bundesliga heavy.

Hamsik was a beast in the two games I played last night, even on 4 chem lol. I also have Zielinski and Milic on the bench as subs which creates some nice links with Hamsik and I have Brooks and Yedlin on the bench to link with Pulisic depending on how the particular match I’m playing is going. Also have Ander Herrera and Mata on the bench to up the Spanish connection.


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View attachment 5033

This is my current squad. With the exception of two players everyone is under 1k.

I have a stacked BPL team which I got bored off.

The two CM Delaney and Sabitzer are absolute beasts! Delaney is like the German Kante and Sabitzer just carves teams a part with his passing.

He CBs are also mega, especially Vogt. He just man handles everyone.

Embolo and Boateng also link up really well. Both a bit quick, a bit strong, but with good ball control and composure especially Embolo, he’s the man! I wish he’d get an Inform.

Delaney the GOAT

Him and Eriksen are on a tear right now



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Did the ULTIMATE SCREAM!!!!111!! SBC and got Deulofeu. Seems ok even without the boost mode. I was able to use a couple untradeable which was nice but still costed a bunch.

Ended up buying IF Icardi as well who does nothing but score apparently.

Tried Fabs at RM and he was OK but slow. CAM was OK, great passing, shit shooting.


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Played 4 Squad Battle games after the patch on Pro.

Lost 1-0. Game was a pretty big adjustment to how I was playing before.
Won 3-0. Was more used to it and the new passing.
Won 4-3. Switched formations and got rocked 3-0 at half. Switched back and came back.
Won 2-1. Pretty even game, was up 2-0 and they scored a 90th minute goal to make it 2-1.

My thoughts:
  • Passing is "harder" but imo more realistic. For both human and CPU. Maybe slightly too much so, but overall OK imo.
  • Players seem less responsive. If that is even possible.
  • Only 4 games but less shots. Didnt have a game where it was 17 shots to 15 shots. Most were in the 9-11 range.
  • Game is slower.
  • Inputs seem to take a second, seems for the animation.
After game 1 I had a lot of fun to be honest. I thought it played much better eve with some of the annoyances.


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Holy balls i just got boned on my first squad battles game post patch. I dont even think passing felt any different, if anything it was better as i felt in control. Got rammed 4-2 on WC when id been breezing through before :Dizzy:

Daylight Savings has screwed me, i only just finished the Monday SBs thinking i still had 20 minutes to update to get the Tuesday ones, but now its too late and i have the Wednesday ones...


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Played a couple more, online this time, still think passing is much different. I can no long ping pong at all, opponents the same. Game still feels slower to me.

Going through Super Lig SBCs, packed Coutinho for the 2nd time.


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I hardly play online anymore. Squad battles just seems more fun and I get to play a good variety of formations and teams. Online it's literally the same team and formation over and over again.


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Iv given up SBs, it just felt like a grind.

I’d rather play a human player. Online Seasons seems to still have variety but the DKT is full of the Son, Jesus, Martial team or the Rio Costa, PoM Mane and Jesus team.


Can anyone gift me the level 30 increased transfer size list and the level 45 one? Really getting screwed by the xp bug.

I can buy a player for coins or whatever in return


Well-Known Member
So I fucked up an investment during scream week and basically bought a load of Championship silvers and had them listed at like 4900 each.

I bought them all for roughly 2k a piece and I probably had about 12. Well Iv just left them in my trade pile and always refreshed it when its expired.

Somehow they've been selling. I can categorically say that they aren't any use for a current SBC and they are also available for much less on the transfer market but little by little people have been accidentally paying their full BIN.



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Just got bored and played a guy in the DKT, went to penalty shooutout, i came out on top 10-9 with my Consigli scoring and then saving the GK penalties :laughing:


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Squad battles I win on pro every time, cannot win for the life of me above that level unless the team is rated shit.


I've made a lot of progress in my game, and am now consistently beating the AI on legendary in squad battles. Got elite 3 last week after messing up a ton of games, good start so far this week as I'm a few thousand points into elite 1 currently. For whatever reason, legendary seems to be the easiest difficulty for me to play on, world class seems 800x harder.

My team has basically been the same for the past 50 or so matches, I've gone with a Serie A/Italy side. Got very lucky packing Hamsik, was easy to slot him right in to my squad. Also packed Chiellini (whom I sold since I had no coins at that point), and Verratti (also sold because I really didn't like him). For a while I was using 4-3-2-1, but I have really got into the 4-5-1 vs the AI.



Nice team I've been doing enough squad battles to get silver 1 I think, to get the 10k coins. Can't be bothered enough to do more.

Tried doing the knock out tourney to get into weekend league but no luck yet. And I think I'm in div 7 in seasons.



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Been having trouble with controller last 2 days and it turns off sometimes. I just played a guy on seasons, he was full pace so i just played super possession, it ended up like 72/28. Game ended 0-0, i had a chance at the end, literal 100% goal and my controller turned off :laughing::laughing::laughing:


All of the sudden, I'm having zero fun playing this. I don't know if they changed something in the past week, but all of my players are extremely sluggish but still run out of stamina insanely quickly, even if they are on full fitness to begin a match. That's been making it difficult to get an attack going, and even when I do find a good opportunity, my guys have zero finishing ability. Seems to be some new bullshit each week


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My thoughts exactly. Post patch I was still having fun. Now past 10-15 games have been a chore and terrible to play.

Stepping away for a few days.


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Not a bad run of form in my 3 games played today...


The 10-0 guy was playing serious until 8-0 when he scored an OG and the 7-0 quit in the 49th minute, not sure why he waited so long :laughing:


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A guy just quit on me in DKT when i was winning and i didnt get a win :emo: Lost in final to a Serie A guy who then brought on Musa who scored the winner. I would personally cycle that cunt out of Leicester to Brazil if it meant getting him out of FIFA. Never scores for us :Poo:

EDIT: Just did the EA support thing for FUT Champs access and when i did it, it said successful and now im qualified for WL... I can only assume it sees i had 4 wins in a row, since i was credited with it in my record too, but just not on the WL page


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Finished the Quaresma SBC and also packed PTG Sane in the pack reward of the last team I did. Easily the most expensive pull I've ever had. Is now the time to sell this card?


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Sold sane and pretty much everyone. Icardi. Gone. Oblak. Gone.

Built around SBC quaresma as much as possible.

Was going to get naingollan but then decided to go with matuidu and dybala instead. Almost got Dr bryune just cuz but he didn't really fit.

Did the untradable otw SBC and got the Brazilian dude.


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