Well-Known Member
I don't even know what this is supposed to implyPretty sure you're no position to judge mate
I don't even know what this is supposed to implyPretty sure you're no position to judge mate
Do you buy IFs now? Or is there a drop in price.@Travis7401 you may have mentioned it but I missed it/too lazy to find it.
When do you buy IF and when do you sell in order to maximize profits?
They cost a lot more, but they generally increase in value over time because there is a limited supply because they are only in packs for 1 week whereas normal shiny gold cards lose a lot of value over time because the supply is constantly increasing while the demand stays relatively stable. So the idea is I'd rather spend more on an IF card since it should increase in value than spend less for shiny gold cards that lose value. The key is to buy them toward the end of the week they are released when the supply is highest (ie they've been in packs the full week and people are already bored of them after playing a bunch of games). Team of the week releases on Wednesday, so I typically start looking for deals Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday the following week. 1st week In Forms are the best investments every year, I bought IF Jonas for 20k last Tuesday and sold him for 75k on Saturday. These Week 2 in forms won't do that well, but I should be able to get at least 20% profit by holding him for a few weeks (ie playing games with teams built around him). So now is a good time to buy Week 2 in form cards. Week 3 In Forms come out tomorrow and will be massively overpriced for the first few days and then lose value through the weekend before stabilizing at their low point on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday of next week. Then they'll slowly gain value over time. The one exception to this (and why you don't hold forever) is if a second in form card is released for the same player. Players typically don't get a 2nd in form until at least a month later, so holding them 4-5 weeks is safe.
I bought IF Higuain for 115k today and his value is somewhere in that 110k-115k range (I could have done better had I been more patient). In a couple more weeks he'll probably be 125k-130k and in 4 weeks I'd guess he'll be 150k. If I bought a regular Higuain right now I could get him for 50k but in 4 weeks he'll be worth less than 20k almost for sure (might even be less than 10k, honestly). In the long term, IF cards are typically worth at least 5-10x more than normal cards due to scarcity and the fact that they keep value. I'll quote this post in 2-4 weeks when I sell IF Higuain and let you know what the IF and Normal versions are going for at that point.
They cost a lot more, but they generally increase in value over time because there is a limited supply because they are only in packs for 1 week whereas normal shiny gold cards lose a lot of value over time because the supply is constantly increasing while the demand stays relatively stable. So the idea is I'd rather spend more on an IF card since it should increase in value than spend less for shiny gold cards that lose value. The key is to buy them toward the end of the week they are released when the supply is highest (ie they've been in packs the full week and people are already bored of them after playing a bunch of games). Team of the week releases on Wednesday, so I typically start looking for deals Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday the following week. 1st week In Forms are the best investments every year, I bought IF Jonas for 20k last Tuesday and sold him for 75k on Saturday. These Week 2 in forms won't do that well, but I should be able to get at least 20% profit by holding him for a few weeks (ie playing games with teams built around him). So now is a good time to buy Week 2 in form cards. Week 3 In Forms come out tomorrow and will be massively overpriced for the first few days and then lose value through the weekend before stabilizing at their low point on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday of next week. Then they'll slowly gain value over time. The one exception to this (and why you don't hold forever) is if a second in form card is released for the same player. Players typically don't get a 2nd in form until at least a month later, so holding them 4-5 weeks is safe.
I bought IF Higuain for 115k today and his value is somewhere in that 110k-115k range (I could have done better had I been more patient). In a couple more weeks he'll probably be 125k-130k and in 4 weeks I'd guess he'll be 150k. If I bought a regular Higuain right now I could get him for 50k but in 4 weeks he'll be worth less than 20k almost for sure (might even be less than 10k, honestly). In the long term, IF cards are typically worth at least 5-10x more than normal cards due to scarcity and the fact that they keep value. I'll quote this post in 2-4 weeks when I sell IF Higuain and let you know what the IF and Normal versions are going for at that point.
Squad #3 is a budget Bundesliga team with a bunch of IFs thrown in for good measure. Kiessling is my favorite Target man yet. Kagawa is a really nice player, but neither of the other CAMs have played much better than my $350 subs (I like Didavi better than Rafael). Bundesliga has some great long shot taking FBs too. @kella, you know that TRASCH CAN MAN is on the bench for that hot fiya when I need it.