
Well-Known Member

Was saving up for Lukaku but the Hazard SBC has driven his price up.

I either blow teams out at the moment or concede last minute goals. Minutes 70 - 90 become a grind


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Mod Alumni
Would like to get icardi in there. Jourghino has been great. I have a 2nd bundesliga squad, maybe time to stop with the fitness squad model as I feel I'm losing out late when not subbing.


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Well-Known Member
Haven’t tried career mode yet. The addition of champions league does make it more appealing, but it’s always super buggy. Have to weigh playing the games and dealing with that vs Football Manager.

I’m always really into FUT for the first couple months, but then I plateau and I’ll switch it up. Division 1/Weekend League is just cancer and I can only tolerate it for so long.


Well-Known Member
So my first weekend league this year was... interesting. Basically all my opponents were the same. EPL teams with POTM Lucas. Almost everyone plays constant pressure who somehow never tire. I started 4-7 and annoyed as hell at my play style and players.

Basically went

and sold everyone. Had just under a million coins.

Decided I’d rather play with players I like and how I want to play then try and play the meta. I’m not good enough to be top 100 anyways, so why try and play that way? I bought a team of discard USMNT players, who sat deeper and all had their chemistry styles to up their passing. I went 1-1, but Steffen was letting everything in, so I went ahead and bought the best keeper in the game. Also needed somebody for set pieces so I added two icons. Here’s the squad now


Deco just roams around and sets the pace for the game. Pulisic and FabJo give us a ton of width and we’ve got plenty of pace out there. Yashin is a beast.

Went 10-4 with them. Jozy inspired three different rage quits. I can’t imagine how happy people were to see this squad.

Only upgrades I’d like are an icon at left back and a CAM who can score.

Taking suggestions on new team names. Make FIFA Great Again doesn’t fit


The Skeleton Debator
Mod Alumni
Even compared to other years, the press is way overpowered in this year's edition.

All they have to do is actually make fatigue a thing, or hand out more cards, and this shit would go away.

I'm sick of all the matches feeling exactly the same.



Well-Known Member
I don’t mind constant press being a strategy, because it does exist. But yeah there’s got to be a fatigue issue there.

I think they did a better job with cards, but fouls themselves still seem completely random. If Jozy’s got the ball and I’m holding L2, they shouldn’t be able to push me over without a foul.

I actually like playing against it because I know I’m going to get 5-6 one on one’s in the match. Then it comes down to me finishing and not giving the ball away cheaply. It’s not really a viable strategy at the higher levels because people pick it apart


The Skeleton Debator
Mod Alumni
I am able to deal with the pressure and I'm winning more than my fair share. Im just sick of every match feeling the same. I'd like some variety.



Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
Agreed, it's so nice to play vs someone not playing that strategy. Also to play vs someone who isn't using a default PL team. I don't play WL and don't mind at all being in the lower divisions. I just want to enjoy my games, build some cool and different to me teams, players and mess around with SBCs, and so far I have been doing that.


Well-Known Member
I think that Deco is my best ever profit for one card in less than 24 hours. Sniped him for 280k yesterday morning. Just sold for 485k

They just released a Prime Icon SBC that requires an icon. Also thinking of selling my Yashin since he’s one of the rewards, his value could drop.

Although it cost 900k to do, and I bought him for 650k, so not sure why anyone would do it for him.


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Mod Alumni
Sniping is so hard, but I have been learning Python for some stuff at work so am working on a program to try to snipe a few more haha. I was thinking of doing the Hazard SBC but figure I'll need around 400-500k and doubt I will get there before the end of the month.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I could do a tourney. I would say no 4.5 or 5* teams. With as ping-pongy as the game is now I can't even imagine how much better "hold R2 and run forward" works now in 1v1 games.


Well-Known Member
Even compared to other years, the press is way overpowered in this year's edition.

All they have to do is actually make fatigue a thing, or hand out more cards, and this shit would go away.

I'm sick of all the matches feeling exactly the same.


Hug the touch line seems to deal with the press a bit


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
Probably my biggest complaint is how they auto run your player at times when you are controlling them without the ball.


The Skeleton Debator
Mod Alumni
Hug the touch line seems to deal with the press a bit

Cheese and rice, fellas...I don't have issues dealing with the press.

I just hate for all of my Seasons matches to feel the same, and that's what I'm experiencing because it seems that just about everybody is playing defense the same way.



Well-Known Member
Guy plays FUT now?!

I had my first ever 20 win weekend league. I never get enough time to play but the kids were with grandma this weekend!


pressure cooker full of skittles

I don't know what you mean by embrace the league. What do leagues have to do with anything?

Ironically Teixeira is already one of my strikers.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Guy plays FUT now?!

I had my first ever 20 win weekend league. I never get enough time to play but the kids were with grandma this weekend!

I don't know what I'm doing. I started playing Diamond Dynasty in The Show and Travis convinced me FUT is where it's at, so I started fiddling around with that.

But I only kinda understand what's even happening here or what I should be doing with my time.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I don't know what you mean by embrace the league. What do leagues have to do with anything?

Ironically Teixeira is already one of my strikers.

So the main difference between this and Diamond Dynasty is that "Chemistry" between players matters. Players who share "links" to adjacent players get chemistry bonuses for sharing national origin, league, or team (double bonus). They also get chemistry bonus for playing in the right position (ie you won't get as much chemistry for playing a LM at LW or a RW at LW). You generally want your players to have at least 7 chemistry in order for them to not suffer penalties. If they are on 9-10 chem they actually get boosted stats.

The best way to make coins is to exploit the difference between the open market and the "buy it now" (BIN) market. As long as this spread exceeds the tax (5%) you can make coins by flipping them like in Diamond Dynasty.


pressure cooker full of skittles
So the main difference between this and Diamond Dynasty is that "Chemistry" between players matters. Players who share "links" to adjacent players get chemistry bonuses for sharing national origin, league, or team (double bonus). They also get chemistry bonus for playing in the right position (ie you won't get as much chemistry for playing a LM at LW or a RW at LW). You generally want your players to have at least 7 chemistry in order for them to not suffer penalties. If they are on 9-10 chem they actually get boosted stats.

The best way to make coins is to exploit the difference between the open market and the "buy it now" (BIN) market. As long as this spread exceeds the tax (5%) you can make coins by flipping them like in Diamond Dynasty.


So I basically get how chemistry works but I wasn't sure if the buffs/debuffs were strong enough that I should really build a team around it.

And is there an online market for cards like in The Show? I have the companion app on my phone but it says I'm not allowed to use the app transfer market yet.

And is it worth saving up or collecting cards of players I'm not planning to use or should I just flip them ASAP?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison

Here is a guy who has a "strong link" with ur boy Teixara. He has the same national origin and same league, so they'll get a nice chemistry bonus for playing next to each other.

Now into how to FLIP players... Based on the FUTBIN update from 30 minutes ago, his lowest "Buy Now" price was 3,100. Based on the fact that the top 5 BINs are all the same price, you can tell he's basically price fixed by a bot or by someone who is paying attention. If you listed him for Buy it Now of 3,000 he would sell basically instantly. Taking advantage of bots is a great way to make small amounts of coins quickly. So I know I can sell him instantly for 3k coins ($2,850 after tax). This means buying him for anything less than 2,800 will make me a profit. So I search for his card on open bid for less than 2,800 and find several with <1 minute left for like 2,100 or whatever. Now you just get in a bidding war with bots for those expiring cards and try to get them for 2,800 or less.

I just bid on a bunch of them and got 8 of them for between 2,500 and 2,800. I will now list them for 3,000 BIN (but not all at once, we don't want the bot to get triggered). This took me <5 min on the mobile app and I'll make 50-350 coins each on those players (lets say 150 coins average X 8 = 1200 coins)


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison

So I basically get how chemistry works but I wasn't sure if the buffs/debuffs were strong enough that I should really build a team around it.

And is there an online market for cards like in The Show? I have the companion app on my phone but it says I'm not allowed to use the app transfer market yet.

And is it worth saving up or collecting cards of players I'm not planning to use or should I just flip them ASAP?

Chemistry is definitely worth keeping in mind. I'd sell everything you don't plan on using to make enough coins to buy cards you do want to use. Also, go into the game menus and find the "coin boost unlocks." You can unlock this thing that gives you 1,000 coins for every game you play. The best way to make coins early on is to just play the game.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
In mere minutes I earned 1,200 coins worth of Tax for EA. Bots do this same flipping technique (with slightly smaller profit margins, but paying the same 5% EA tax) 24/7. Buying/selling bots are technically illegal, but EA never stops them because that constant 5% tax churn from the bots is how EA avoids hyper inflation of their fake digital currency.

FUT coins are currently being sold on the black market at an exchange rate of about 5k Coins =$1 (EA obviously charges a lot more for their FIFA POINTS). Even using the black market exchange rate, I just made EA a fuckin quarter for my efforts.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Oh and if you ever do make a shady sale (ie the time I sold a bronze player for 5 million coins back when there weren't coin caps on players) you can expect to never open a good card again in a pack :laughing:

EA so corrupt they can't even make loot boxes as "fair" as scratch tickets, lol. There are definitely different odds based on whether you're on the good list or the bad list.


pressure cooker full of skittles
You do all this trading from in-game? There's no webpage like for DD?

And at 76 PAC that bitch better play goalie if he wants to be on my team.


Well-Known Member
You just have to play a handful of games to unlock the app. I think you should have access to the web browser app already, but not sure. Just google fifa web app and you can trade from your computer

Naturally Travis going full sperg about how to trade players without any introduction to the simple things...

For the team you play with, you pick a formation and you want to buy players that fit those positions and from similar leagues or nations. To start simple, pick a league (like the CSL that Travis suggested or the Premier League) or a nation (Brazil, France, etc) and buy only players from that. You can set filters on the transfer market to only search/buy the players that fit that criteria. You also want to match positions in your formation and the position on their card. It’s just like FM - a guy whose natural position is CM will play better (or in this case, get a chemistry boost) in that position. If you play him in something similar, like CAM or CDM he’ll still get a bonus, but a smaller one. If you play him somewhere like LB, he’ll take a hit. As a note, this only matters to the starters and in the starting formation. If you change formation in game, they keep the same bonus (for example, my starting formation is a 5-3-2 so everyone is on 10 chem, but I switch to a 4-2-3-1 in game). And any subs you bring in will be on 5 chem.

Futbin is a really useful resource for starting out. They have a squad builder where you can build teams to test out chemistry, and their database contains every player and how much they cost. Once you get how the team stuff works, use the EA catalog to unlock coin boosts - these will give you a bonus of 1000 coins per match which is great when you start.

I’d suggest buying a cheap gold squad in one league or one nation that fits perfectly in whatever formation you want to run. Play six games with them and get the coin boosts - a card starts with 7 “contracts” and after that you have to use a contract card to play more. So after the 6 games, you can re-sell the players and you’ll have a lot more coins and a better idea of what you want to do next.


pressure cooker full of skittles

So my club is 15-2 and I still don't have the web app unlocked.

Also I get the point of putting players in the proper position, but I'm still confused about picking them all from the same shitty league. Is that for chemistry?

And I can unlock a 200 coin boost through the catologue. Actually 2 if they stack. But I'm not seeing a thousand.


Well-Known Member

So my club is 15-2 and I still don't have the web app unlocked.

Also I get the point of putting players in the proper position, but I'm still confused about picking them all from the same shitty league. Is that for chemistry?

And I can unlock a 200 coin boost through the catologue. Actually 2 if they stack. But I'm not seeing a thousand.

Maybe it’s a lot of games? It probably increases the longer the game has been out to stop people from creating multiple accounts

So each player gets “chemistry” based on their position and links. If they play in the right position, that goes up. If they play around people from the same league or nation, it goes up.

They also get stat bonuses based on the chemistry. Here’s three screenshots of Alex Teixeira’s stats. The first is his base card, no chemistry effect. The next is him on 10 chemistry (the max) and then on 2.


So you can see how is stats get changed based on chemistry. Obviously you want the highest stats possible so it’s pretty drastic from 2 to 10. You can also apply specific chemistry styles - these cards that change specific stats. Like if you had a slow striker, you can bump him pace stats by +10 and his shooting stats by a bunch (instead of +5 all over the place)


Well-Known Member
Here’s my team to talk about links

So you’ll notice there’s a ton of orange lines between players. These are soft links - if everyone had these and were all in the right position, everyone would be on 10 chem. So my keeper, for example, is Brazilian like Eder (my left CB) and plays in the Premier League like VVD (my right CB). My center CB is an “icon” which has orange links with all players. So he has orange links with everyone, he’s on 9 chem. He’s actually on 10 chem because he has a loyalty bonus - when a player plays at least 10 matches for you, they get an extra point. You can also use a manager from their league or nation to get that extra point.

Now if you look at my RWB, he has both a green and red link. His red link is because he has nothing in common with the CM - different leagues and different nations. If he had both red links, he’d be on 3 chem, which is what they get for being in the right position. But he also has a green link, which you can think of as a hard link. He and VVD are both in the premier league, but they also both play for Liverpool - sort of like two links in one. Because of that, the extra link from being both in the league and on of the same club makes up for the red link. Its similar with that CM, de Rossi. As mentioned, he has nothing in common with my RWB, but both he and Quagliarella are Italians in Serie A, so he has a green there.

It doesn’t come into play here, but my LWB and LCB are on like a triple link. They are both Brazilian, in Liga Nos, and on the same club. So if my CB had two other red links, he’d still be on full chem.

Think of it this way - for every line that connects a player, they need one link.

- same league or nation, 1 link
- two of league, nation, club, 2 links
- all three, 3 links