FIFA 16: Every game is a draw


Well-Known Member
Exactly. This is not some great leap forward for women's soccer. It's a publicity stunt / marketing gimmick.
There's an old March Madness game that used to have women's teams in the game. My sister would play against me here and there. I wanna say she maybe even beat me once, but she probably didn't.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Don't understand why anyone would be upset by an addition to the game. Sounds cool to me, I only hope I can use them online to troll pubers. USWNT should prolly be better than the USMNT anyway, at least they have some atholetes.

USMNT - The player you call up because he's a poacher/goal scorer (and nothing else) misses the practically open net from 5 yards.


Watch them destroy that puber pressing tactic that would kill the USMNT

Even makes the @osick87 announcers salty for celebrating in BTT style

Left foot volley. Oh players can use their other foot too?
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Well-Known Member
It doesn't bother me at all that the women's teams are in. In fact, my daughter will probably appreciate it even though she's still too young to game with me. I just don't think it's some great leap forward for women athletes either.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Looks like 16 is aiming to bring some actual defending back to the game. Probably the first time since 12 where you won't feel at the mercy of pubers just running fast.

Tackle feints - yessssss


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Haha, how?

ew, I got one for FUT


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member

This is pretty great.

"You should have passed."

"You lost the ball again."

/skies a wide open volley 20 yards over the net

They'd fit in perfectly on the Turkeys.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Beta codes are out. Goes live today.

Anyone else who signed up wanna try a friendly? @Orlando


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Nobody? Really? Not one of you bums just clicked on the link to register? ffffff


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
It's gay as hell. You basically pick one player at a time for infinity and some guy somehow has Bale, lol


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Basically the guy sat here all day drawing 1 player at a tike


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
It's only the FUT part and you don't get packs. You get these mini packs with 4 cards, only 1 of which can even be a player, and one of the cards is always a card to redeem another "pack". So if you have really good players, you literally just sat there drawing cards all day, lol.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
and you don't do this on your own time? You do this at the match up screen with your opponent?


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
No you do it on your own time but only spergs and 12 year olds on summer break have this kind of time. It is a hilarious process that results in most teams playing with 0 chemistry and like a single gold player, but the first sperg I played had Bale and one of the big french African CDMs and raped me.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Oh and I can't stress enough how retarded it is to sit around and grind packs for 1 player at a time in a fucking beta. You don't keep these cards. And the whole point is to play and find flaws, stress test the game. Jesus, pubers are idiots.

Notes from my brief games which are somewhat thrown off because a 32 team chemistry results in a lot of errant passes

1) Ball shielding works a little better. Your player is more proactive in using his body, he doesn't just stop and stand there and hope the guy can't get to the ball.
2) Defensive AI is a lot better. On lazy passes rolling up to forwards they will step in and take it instead of standing there watching it.

That was about all I could tell.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
I thought the problem was the other way around where the forwards would just wait for the lazy passes instead of moving towards them.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Well yeah when you're drunk on clubs and using manual passing and leave it 15 feet short...I'm not tombout actual terrible passes though. I'm talking when strikers are holding the stick toward the goal trying to sprint as soon as they get it. The defender will just poke it out. If ur playing back to goal ur gonna have to commit to it a little more with ball shielding and taking touches away from goal.

Again it could just be this FUT mode and the fact that I have a 50 rated Georgian guy trying to pass to a 60 rated Polish guy


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
I have always had more of an issue with players just sitting there waiting for a pass to get to them and defenders, who aren't that close, intercepting it. I'm not referring to clubs either.


Well-Known Member
Interesting what you sat about chemistry, the eventual consensus of last year was that chemistry meant lil too fuck all.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
It has a serious impact this year. Passes going everywhere. I mean, a chem difference of 90 to 60 may not be bad, but my team had like 32.


Utopia Moderator
I have always had more of an issue with players just sitting there waiting for a pass to get to them and defenders, who aren't that close, intercepting it. I'm not referring to clubs either.


Well-Known Member
It has a serious impact this year. Passes going everywhere. I mean, a chem difference of 90 to 60 may not be bad, but my team had like 32.

Personally I think chemistry being significant for FUT makes the teams all the same. You cant be creative with the players you put together which is a real shame. The whole original concept was that you could make these insane teams which you would never see in real life.

Nothing more depressing than playing FUT and just seeing a rehashed Bayern or Barcelona team as your opposition.


Well-Known Member
Here are some of my wants for player career mode in no particular order:

- contracts instead of just staying with a team until you demand a transfer
- better interaction with your manager such as the ability to ask for a change of position or to demand more playing time
- more immersive interactions in general like interviews, discussion with the physios after an injury (maybe the ability to come back from injury early but with a chance of worsening it)
- secondary positions
- improved player customization - the current options haven't changed in several years
- the ability to play as a sub

Basically, they should take the best parts of the career mode from The Show, and the NBA games and incorporate them into this mode.

As far as game play, I hope they do something about the bone head AI. It's frustrating to watch guys stand there as the ball goes past when you send a nice pass their way or watch an attacker blow past them while they do nothing.

I enjoy this mode a lot but it could be so much better.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I honestly doubt EA will touch their pro/career modes. FUT, and to a lesser extent Pro Clubs, are what butter their bread.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Yup. There's 2 betas, one for fut and one for pro clerbs. No beta for offline career mode.


Well-Known Member
I use my god like mind to see through their marketing schemes for FUT and reject that outright. I'm sure if they could find a way to monetize offline career mode through micro-transactions they would spend some time on it.


Well-Known Member
I use my god like mind to see through their marketing schemes for FUT and reject that outright. I'm sure if they could find a way to monetize offline career mode through micro-transactions they would spend some time on it.
Yeah, I don't mess with FUT. Would love to see some major improvements to offline mode though.