FCS Championship Game Sunday 5/16 1PM CT ABC


Disney and Curling Expert
Hopefully it will be better officiated than last night's field hockey championship!

Michigan played a player down for 10 minutes of the 66 minute game (60 minutes of regulation plus 6 minutes of overtime).


Disney and Curling Expert
I've heard that no logos will be painted on the field due to the game taking place during the middle of the MLS season.


Well-Known Member
How did they not have officials ready to look at that fumble ruled a TD? I mean, I don’t mind the TD call but you’d think they’d look at that.

CFB Live! Yes!


OUT with the GOUT
Tuned back in in time to see the SDSU QB miss a wide open swing pass, then a long TD run on the next play.

This is a fun game.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Lol that play calling was dogshit, let’s run a hook and lateral again when we only have 5 seconds


Well-Known Member