BYU @ Nebraska - Seeking help... for a friend


Resident Mormon
My company has weekly calls with all our sales reps around the country. One of our reps played football for Nebraska. I'm not sure when.

Anyway, the sales manager wants to have us face off against each other in an upcoming call to try and get the other reps around the country to pick the team they're going to cheer for.

I know there are a lot of Nutopian Nebraska fans. For my research, I thought I'd ask for some input as to what your fears are for this first game. Something I can use as ammo for my part. I'm not above having my entire thing just be funny stuff if you don't feel like helping someone against a former 'Husker. Any takers? Anyone willing to give me something I can use? I mean, I can research, but Nutopians will be much better at what I'm looking for than anything I can find online.


Well-Known Member
Tommy Armstrong still can't pass, and he doesn't run enough to have an athlete at QB.

If our Dline doesn't stop the run, then Nebraska is in trouble, because they don't have enough LBs to fill out a first team, let alone a 2 deep.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Tell them this is a matchup game special. Nebraska probably has the edge in talent, but the match up negates some of that.

Nebraska was bad against the run last year, and BYU will be running a 50/50 offense, more if it thinks it can. Mendenhall is a good game day coach, and he will find out early if Nebraska's run D is any better. Taysom Hill can run with the best of them, and the BYU OL is above average this year, so the loss of Williams is not as big a blow as feared. If BYU can run, BYU will take over and Hill will be able to throw and pass and look like a Heisman candidate again.

BYU is good against the run, but poor against the pass, as it has a weak pass rush. Too bad NU can't pass well. Armstrong is not a good drop back passer, and BYU, though not a good pass rushing team, is good at running confusing coverage schemes, which makes things hard for Armstrong as running QB. Nebraska needs to run well to have a passing game, and that is BYUs strength.

It's a matchup problem for Nebraska.
And then there is this problem: this is probably the big get-ready game for BYU. Michigan is the other big game, but it's 4 games in. Nebraska is the first game of the season, and BYU is geared up to win this game.

Disclaimer: while these general comparisons are true, this was spun to help the BYU argument. I actually think this is a close game favoring Nebraska. I think it will come down to Hill and if he has regained the same form as last year before the injury. If so, BYU can score and win it. If the BYU offense is mediocre, Nebraska eventually wins it on the talent edge.
I also think the run D for Nebraska gets a little teeny bit better. I think Collins, Valentine, and McMullen are better than they have played, and Riley may use them better. I liked Pelini but I think he asked too much of his DTs and made the DL less aggressive. He rushed one DE hard on passing downs and basically made the DL slow and reactionary to the run, wanting the DTs to 2-gap and plug the middle themselves. That is too tough for guys not named Crick and Suh.

And yes, UCLA will likely be the highest ranked team BYU sees this year, by many points, and Mizzou is a top SEC team, but public perception of the big games is in favor of Nebraska and Michigan to BYU fans.


Well-Known Member
That is a wholesome smile filled with Midwestern values and Christian goodness. Nebraska is already at 10 wins based on this alone. With Riley leading the way, God's light will lead the faithful to the promised land, which is surprisingly in Arizona. The forces of evil will be beaten back as Sodom & Gomorrah (east and west coast respectively) are smitten with a righteous scourge.


Well-Known Member
Riley looks worse in a polo than BRONCO. Did he ask someone to iron that collar down while he was wearing it? I don't even.


Well-Known Member
Riley looks worse in a polo than BRONCO. Did he ask someone to iron that collar down while he was wearing it? I don't even.
Excellent analysis. Is the white stripe too high on that collar? When did you turn into queer eye for the straight guy? Where is your football talk?


Resident Mormon
Nebraskans are uncouth mumble-mouths, and I suspect that many of them fornicate with livestock.

Despite this not being appropriate for a business setting, I plan to use it anyway.

Thanks for the stuff Travis. You basically said what I thought, but you worded some of it better than I would have. So I think I'm set.

And brick didn't even understand my question, so don't be expecting football talk here when he can BearDown on shirts.


Well-Known Member
Despite this not being appropriate for a business setting, I plan to use it anyway.

Thanks for the stuff Travis. You basically said what I thought, but you worded some of it better than I would have. So I think I'm set.

And brick didn't even understand my question, so don't be expecting football talk here when he can BearDown on shirts.
Wait a minute, I gave you a page of decent analysis...but you are going with livestock fornication? GJGE utopia.


Tath Meacher
One word. health. Of both teams. Either Nebraska (injuries) and BYU (legal issues) cant field a team. Maybe 8 man rules??

In reality...Taysom Hill vs.inexperienced back 7. Could be talking Tim Rattay/Troy Edwards type numbers.

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Well-Known Member
Taysom gonna pwn.

Until he breaks his leg on the second play of the game.

On the bright side, he will be given a medical hardship, have the broken leg replaced with a bionic leg, and come back next year to win the Heisman with 5,000 yards rushing. The following year Urban Meyer and Nick Saban will face each other in the championship game fielding a team of all robots. Thus saith the prophet...


OUT with the GOUT
Until he breaks his leg on the second play of the game.

On the bright side, he will be given a medical hardship, have the broken leg replaced with a bionic leg, and come back next year to win the Heisman with 5,000 yards rushing. The following year Urban Meyer and Nick Saban will face each other in the championship game fielding a team of all robots. Thus saith the prophet...

As long as the ball becomes a live bomb on 4th down that explodes if the ball carrier fails to make a first down, I'm good with it.


Resident Mormon
Until he breaks his leg on the second play of the game.

On the bright side, he will be given a medical hardship, have the broken leg replaced with a bionic leg, and come back next year to win the Heisman with 5,000 yards rushing. The following year Urban Meyer and Nick Saban will face each other in the championship game fielding a team of all robots. Thus saith the prophet...

We CAN rebuild him. We have the technology.


Tath Meacher
Until he breaks his leg on the second play of the game.

On the bright side, he will be given a medical hardship, have the broken leg replaced with a bionic leg, and come back next year to win the Heisman with 5,000 yards rushing. The following year Urban Meyer and Nick Saban will face each other in the championship game fielding a team of all robots. Thus saith the prophet...
I believe in the apostle Woody.

Weathrr gonna be a factor. Welcome to Nebraska murmons, prepare to melt in summer midwest heat and humidity.

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Well-Known Member
Not wasting my time on this one with better games on. Someone got a pic of Broncos outfit?


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Ya'll should start scheduling cupcakes as home openers again and start your next winning streak!


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
The college footbaw season couldn't have started any better for me! Oklahoma State won, CSU demolished some little sister of the poor, and Nebraska lost at home in heartbreaking fashion.

Karl Hungus

Here to fix the cable
The college footbaw season couldn't have started any better for me! Oklahoma State won, CSU demolished some little sister of the poor, and Nebraska lost at home in heartbreaking fashion.

Why did the Pokes play at Directional Meatchicken, anyway?


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
If you live in scenic Michigan it would take a vast sum to get you to the giant strip mall that is Oklahoma


Resident Mormon
Actually, Mangum was under center for a play at one point; I remember noticing it. So...

I thought Bronco was dressed fine. But I'm not a woman, so I don't care what he wears. And not that I care what you think about how my coach dresses, because I don't think you'll ever be happy with it or like anything about BYU, but here you go @Brick. Glad you didn't waste time on the closest game of the day with the best ending.


Sucks for Hill. I could see him go for a medical redshirt. But I know he's got a New York finance job all lined up if the NFL doesn't pan out so I could see him just say he's done, too.

The best part of the game (and my U fan bro-in-law agrees) was Houk hugging the ref after he signaled touchdown.



Well-Known Member
For those who don't know, BYU QB Taysom Hill is out for the year with a fractured foot. This is his third season ending injury in the last 4 years.

When he is on the field, he is impressive, lots of yards and TDs, but he can't catch a break. I think he can try for a medical hardship and get another year, but he might just want to quit now. Broken leg, blown out knee, broken starts adding up. Poor kid.


Well-Known Member
For those who don't know, BYU QB Taysom Hill is out for the year with a fractured foot. This is his third season ending injury in the last 4 years.

When he is on the field, he is impressive, lots of yards and TDs, but he can't catch a break. I think he can try for a medical hardship and get another year, but he might just want to quit now. Broken leg, blown out knee, broken starts adding up. Poor kid.

dudes gonna have to use a walker by the time he turns 50


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
For those who don't know, BYU QB Taysom Hill is out for the year with a fractured foot. This is his third season ending injury in the last 4 years.

When he is on the field, he is impressive, lots of yards and TDs, but he can't catch a break. I think he can try for a medical hardship and get another year, but he might just want to quit now. Broken leg, blown out knee, broken starts adding up. Poor kid.
That is a bummer. Another year would make him like 30 when he enters the draft.


Resident Mormon
I find it interesting that most media articles and tweets I've seen about Bronco and the team celebration say that it's neat to see a coach enjoying a victory so much with his team.

... then I see the comments from Ute fans about it...

Bronco's not perfect. He can be goofy sometimes. But I'm glad I don't live in a world were acting like you don't care about anything (a la Urban or Saban) is the only acceptable option in life.

I'm also glad I don't live in a world where the opinion of Ute fans mean squat to me. I just love that they are better than the rivalry and it doesn't matter to them at all anymore. They tell me every day, so I know that to be true.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that most media articles and tweets I've seen about Bronco and the team celebration say that it's neat to see a coach enjoying a victory so much with his team.

... then I see the comments from Ute fans about it...

Bronco's not perfect. He can be goofy sometimes. But I'm glad I don't live in a world were acting like you don't care about anything (a la Urban or Saban) is the only acceptable option in life.

I'm also glad I don't live in a world where the opinion of Ute fans mean squat to me. I just love that they are better than the rivalry and it doesn't matter to them at all anymore. They tell me every day, so I know that to be true.

UNC fans are the same way. Its only a rivalry when they win. Thankfully, its only been a rivalry 2 out of the last 8 years. Makes stomping a mudhole in their ass even sweeter to be honest.


Well-Known Member
I find it interesting that most media articles and tweets I've seen about Bronco and the team celebration say that it's neat to see a coach enjoying a victory so much with his team.

... then I see the comments from Ute fans about it...

Bronco's not perfect. He can be goofy sometimes. But I'm glad I don't live in a world were acting like you don't care about anything (a la Urban or Saban) is the only acceptable option in life.

I'm also glad I don't live in a world where the opinion of Ute fans mean squat to me. I just love that they are better than the rivalry and it doesn't matter to them at all anymore. They tell me every day, so I know that to be true.
If you didn't care you would not have replied.
That being said Bronco is perfect for BYU and their fans. Beat Boise State and you can start talking national championships like BYU does every year.


Resident Mormon
Normally, I'd agree that some fans would do that. But with too many tough games still on the schedule and no Taysom I think we'll actually get a break from that this year. And I hope it starts a trend for future years, too.


Burning Couches
I don't have anything to add other than how weird and unnatural Bronco's hair looks on his head (it was the only thing I could think about when espn was showing the recap), which is strange since he's apparently a natural blonde? dafuq