Awards/Superlatives Thread


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Awarded yearly in honor of @ZackMills gimick pitcher Orlando Grinaldo, this award is given to the pitcher with the most Innings Pitched without starting a game!
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2079 GIMMICK WIZARD - Abi Aydin (NDR)
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Abi Aydin played in 84 regular season games and 6 additional playoff games, pitching 149 innings in the regular season and 9 innings in the playoffs. He's an extreme groundball pitcher with 65 Stamina, the perfect SYSTEM PITCHER for NDR!

2079 GIMMICK WIZARD RUNNER UP- Lindsay Bendeich(SEO)
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SHOWTIME is a PRANKSTER tasked with keeping the rest of the bullpen on their toes for Seoul. He pitched 124 innings in 86 regular season games, but did not appear in the post season. With only 40 stamina it is pretty amazing that he appeared in so many games this season. A true testament to @Karl Hungus and whatever gimmick he's using!

In 2080 several of the top WBL teams embraced the STOPPER/RELIEF ACE role, so we had some great GIMMICK SYSTEM pitcher stats this year!

2080 GIMMICK WIZARD - Victor Miranda (UK)

Here we have a pitcher who is truly worth of the YABOI BUGZ nickname! Miranda pitched 184 innings in 92 games and was on the league leaderboard in Games, Ks, and Ks/9! @NML certainly made effective use of the 80 stamina relief ace, showing that a 2 pitch guy can still WIN SOME MAJOR WARS (3.6 stupid pitching WARS, to be exact!). He had a 2.83 ERA and a 1.12 WHIP, helping lead UK to the playoffs this season. Unfortunately, once there he had a rough go, as he helped facilitate the SWEEP by giving up 5 runs (3 ER) in an ugly playoff outing that lead to a 6.75 ERA for the 2080 playoffs (he did play well in his other appearance). The 80 stamina miranda is an absolute prototype for this role! I bet even @ZackMills would covet him!

NDR chose to employ a DOUBLE STOPPER system, so that in theory one of the relief ACES could pitch in every close game all season long! Last year's BUGZ award winner Abi Aydin took a bit of a step back, appearing in only 68 games, so that LURCH could take on the primary high leverage relief ACE role. Hawe pitched 160 innings in 86 games with a 3.08 ERA and a 1.08 WHIP while racking up an NDR leading 15 wins along with 12 saves (3.1 stupid pitcher WARS). Hawe was also a crucial player in NDR's SHIP winning playoff run, as he pitched 35 innings in an amazing 15 playoff appearances (3 wins, 2 saves 0 losses). He had an ERA of just 2.55 and a WHIP of 0.88, managing a 3 inning SAVE in game 7 of the SHIP.


Will-Gnome Member
All we need is to get superheroes involved in the WBL and we have the 5 year old boy's TRI-FACTOR OF ENTERTAINMENT.