Southpaw Gon' Look Are you from PD looking for evidence on @brick, sir? The Miami Hurricanes Thread aka Baseless Rumors Corner


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pressure cooker full of skittles
I just don't know man. It feels kinda dumb to criticize a gameplan where literally everything worked, but I just don't know how Duke gets 10 carries (for 162 carries) and Yearby gets 8 (for 113 yards) in a game you led the whole way.

I don't mean to go all Wooly or anything, but just run the ball coach.

Defense still bad. Cincy just couldn't do anything about it.
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pressure cooker full of skittles
Haha if I had to compare Yearby to somebody, I'd say he looks an awful lot like a young Duke Johnson. Excellent vision, willing to cut against the grain, not world class speed but fast enough.

The OL has been great this year. I don't know why we don't run the ball 50 times a game.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Was debating if this game could be a turning point for Al but then he keeps Duke in there for some reason. My alarm grew from the 3rd quarter on until the game was wayyyyy past over.

I'm really not a hater but the guy is a moron. Lucky that hit wasn't an injury. Tech is consistently dirty with hits and in a blowout game you're just asking for it.


Active Member
Duke was amazing tonight! Finally over a 1,000 yards with 4 games left. Really hope we can fuck up FSU's season!

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
A few minutes after Miami junior tailback Duke Johnson finished destroying his defense Thursday night, Virginia Tech coach Frank Beamer was asked if Johnson Beamer was the best running back he had seen this season.

"Not only all season," said Beamer, 68, who has been the Hokies' coach since 1987. "Forever."


Well-Known Member
A few minutes after Miami junior tailback Duke Johnson finished destroying his defense Thursday night, Virginia Tech coach Frank Beamer was asked if Johnson Beamer was the best running back he had seen this season.

"Not only all season," said Beamer, 68, who has been the Hokies' coach since 1987. "Forever."
oh, so this explains why beamer's offenses always suck so much.


Well-Known Member
God damn that was some horrendous clock management by Miami at the end of the 1st half. I mean so bad that Les Miles wonders what's up.

If you're Miami why don't you just immediately spike the ball with your heavy personnel on the field after you converted 4th down? Mass subbing means that not only will the clock keep moving, you'll also force the refs to sit on the ball longer to allow VT the opportunity to sub as well. Just fucking stupid by Golden/Coley.

Speaking of Coley, I'll give him credit for a great call running Duke Johnson on that crease pattern at the end: can't call a better play based on what VT ran defensively at the end. And Kayaa also made an awesome throw. Just never should have been rushed like that.


Well-Known Member
Golden/Donofrio/Coley/the coaching staff/Swasey/whoever I'm missing are just terrible. They are what they are. As long as Miami's AD is ok with this mediocre crap football product than that's what it will be. The basketball team would suck too if Laranaga didn't luck into the AD's laps. The whole AD is a bad joke but it's whatever at this point.

btw that had to be the worst VT team I've ever seen I think.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Well when we're back to being irate about 30-6 beatdowns in Blacksburg, I guess things are on the upswing. Biggest win against VT since 1953, offense did exactly what I've been begging for for months (because our OL dominates), defense attacked all game long. I'm not gonna bitch.


Well-Known Member
Also Duke Johnson is not truly elite. He's good but like almost all highly ranked/high potential recruits that get to Miami, he really hasn't gotten discernibly better from where he was as a true freshman. He entered Miami as one of the most dominant, highlight reel making special running backs in the toughest high school football division in the country and he'll be leaving as the best back in a weak conference that doesn't favorably compare to the truly elite top 5 or so backs in the country when he was arguably better then these dudes in HS. What happened? They got developed, he didn't. The story of a Miami player's life.

On the right staff in the pros, he'll get the development and coaching that he'll need to reach his true ceiling if he's willing to put in the work. That's when it'll be interesting to really watch him.


Well-Known Member
Well when we're back to being irate about 30-6 beatdowns in Blacksburg, I guess things are on the upswing. Biggest win against VT since 1953, offense did exactly what I've been begging for for months (because our OL dominates), defense attacked all game long. I'm not gonna bitch.

Things are right where they've always been. Upswing. LOL.


pressure cooker full of skittles
I know this is all an elaborate troll, but really? We're going to start bitching about Duke Johnson too now? The guy who's going to break every yardage record in Miami history by the end of his junior year?

I don't understand why someone would even bother following a program they had so much loathing toward. If you can't have fun watching Duke play football, I don't know what to tell you man.


Well-Known Member
Nice misdirection. No I'm bitching about how Duke Johnson has not come anywhere near his potential. He had -best running back in the country- ability and skill coming into the program yet he leaves as just the best runner in a mediocre conference when he could have been so much more. That's not on him, that's on Miami.

That's the worst part about Miami's shit administration and coaching. The kids getting fucked out of a proper college football experience and coaching.

The mediocre to shit state of the football program is the second worst thing. I get no satisfaction from another great player not reaching his full potential because that's what Duke is to me. I knew he wouldn't reach his awesome potential when he initially came in because the program was deep into it's decline way back then but it's still upsetting now that this is his last season. He won't increase his draft stock so he'll be leaving this year to the NFL, there's no other reason for him to stay unless he's lazy, it's not like there's anything for him to win by staying so what else could there be unless he receives word of a program shift with wholesale coach and AD/football staff changes all over lol.

My loathing is towards the shit administration and the idiot coaches they keep bringing in... you should try to use that same solid logic and reasoning that you bring to your politics into your thoughts on the program because Miami stinks and it doesn't have to. Administration incompetence has brought them to where they are now.

Donna Shalala leaving has let the slightest bit of light begin to show through a crack along the edge of that heavy concrete lid over the top of the pit the Miami program is in but any number of slight things can easily put that lid back to being light tight. Miami is that close to being nothing in college football and too many Miami fans and supporters don't realize it. I will always be a Miami fan but I'm in that small group that realizes how fucked things are. So considering my lack of a deep tie to the program and my awareness with how fucked things are with Miami football, no I can't have fun watching Duke dominate a really shit opponent because he's underachieving to me.

I'll get excited and enjoy it if he manages to murder FSU. I know that won't happen... do you?


pressure cooker full of skittles
Logic dictates that if some form of entertainment is so offensive to you, you should stop engaging in it.

And Duke is plainly one of the best backs in the country, he's added 30 pounds, he can carrya heavier load, and it's ridiculous to hold him to some standard equivalent to your own pipe dreams about what he should be rather than comparing him to, you know, his competition.

I watch the Walking Dead even though I hate it, but it doesn't elicit that kind of hostility, it's still fun. I don't know why you still bother.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Lol, i get enough of this nonsense listening to entitled Thunder fans demand a refund for their hundreds of hours of free entertainment because James Harden took the money.

I just don't get the fan attitude that gets people so worked up about this stuff.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By

Former Hurricanes greats Jerome Brown and Russell Maryland are set to be added to Miami's Ring of Honor during Saturday's game against North Carolina. They will be only the 17th and 18th members of the Hurricanes' Ring of Honor.


Well-Known Member
Two poorly coached teams went at it and the one with more talent won handily. Woop dee doo. The coaching staff still sucks and Miami's football program is still circling the drain.

I can't and don't want to find joy in these paper victories. The long term problems are still there. The program is still not even on the path towards being close to where they used to be.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Well when we're back to being irate about 47-20 beatdowns against UNC, I guess things are on the upswing. Biggest win against UNC since ever in history, offense did exactly what I've been begging for for 7 days (because our OL dominates), defense attacked all game long. I'm not gonna bitch.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Yeah, it almost seems like we figured out we have a great offensive line, great backs, and a true freshman QB who has a much easier time if we establish the run before asking him to carry the offense.

Whether that's a fluke or a genuine light bulb moment, we'll see. Same with the defense figuring out not to sit back and catch everything.

Of courses the staff has a bye week to overthink all of this so who knows.

Carolina Blue

Well-Known Member
I've watched A LOT of bad Carolina teams over the years, and I honestly can't remember the last time I watched the Heels get their asses handed to them like that. Just a beatdown.

I guess the only good part about the game was that I got to sit back and watch Duke do his thing. Dude is a beast.


Yeah, it almost seems like we figured out we have a great offensive line, great backs, and a true freshman QB who has a much easier time if we establish the run before asking him to carry the offense.

Whether that's a fluke or a genuine light bulb moment, we'll see. Same with the defense figuring out not to sit back and catch everything.

Of courses the staff has a bye week to overthink all of this so who knows.

My concern is our D-line play has been sporatic at times. And our linebackers are not run stoppers. Our safeties weigh just about as much. I am not worried about our ability to put points on your defense. But with a strong running game. It could deny us the ability to distance ourselves.


pressure cooker full of skittles
The only question for me is whether we go out there and get intimidated like we have the past few years. Win or lose, just fight those fuckers. The offense, especially the OL, has brought that attitude all year. The defense has shown signs the last couple weeks, so I'm hopeful.

If the defense just sits back and gets carved up I'm going to get pissed haha.


pressure cooker full of skittles
Bummer. Got too conservative in the second half. Just tried to hang on for dear life and that shit rarely works, especially when you're playing a team with that much talent and confidence.

I was also really impressed by FSU's OL, and I thought ours played pretty damn well too.