2077 Season Thread


Will-Gnome Member
Welcome True Brexit Callum Seal, to bring a special relationship to the pitching staff of the Freedom. We wish you all the luck in the world with the UK's endeavours to crash the economy and make Ingerland great again.


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
Draft is coming soon. I don't think I ever saw a prompt about the all-star voting. It's probably in an email, and I have those filtered to block everything but injuries.

Don't you guys ever look at ur schedules? I'm voting a HARD NO on the AI picking All-Stars and post-season awards. Don't want to play in a league that would keep Ernest "LIGHTS OUT" Larkin "LF" from being an All-Star.

@Karl Hungus can you add "LIGHTS OUT" to that donks name? Thanks in ADVANCE babby.


Well-Known Member