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  • Well Memphis, Tn makes the national headlines for the wrong reasons. Eliza Fletcher was found dead this past Monday after she was kidnapped early Friday morning while jogging. Sad man..just sad
    The following PB's need to be in the new EA NCAA football game: Florida 96, Nebraska 95, Penn State 94, Oklahoma State 88 USC 2005,Texas 2005 & BYU 1983. The following playbooks needs updates: Air Raid, Multiple, One Back(the Dennis Erickson version) Pistol, Pro(West Coast) with Near, Far & Close formations, Run & Shoot & Spread
    Was watching a couple of Youtubers play NCAA10 & 14 dynasty modes, JESUS they can be TOUGH to watch at times
    Since EA is bringing CFB back, I hope the Create A Player mode is similar to NBA2K's
    Why should we think it wont be whatever the current madden engine will be at that time, with recruiting??
    Hopefully they improved the engine as far as recruiting goes
    wwwwww. gimme a new dynasty to rub my baws on yes yes.
    I wish some of these former NCAA/NFL players & coaches would conduct shoot interviews like the wrestlers do.Would luv 2 hear gr8 stories
    I think the CFB discussion forum should have a thread called QB Hot Seat carousel because Auburn QB Jeremy Johnson is sorry as hell
    Enjoyed my trip to Tuscaloosa to see my boys whup ass. Look forward to going to another game next year
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