Week 4 - Year 3


Well-Known Member
What's the dilly yo?

I'm all about that life boss!

LoL, you still have two openings? A cpl OD's I was in ended, so I have room for a dyn. I know it's still at 5 qba but oh well.


Well-Known Member
Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
What's the dilly yo?

I'm all about that life boss!

LoL, you still have two openings? A cpl OD's I was in ended, so I have room for a dyn. I know it's still at 5 qba but oh well.

Hell you can join right now.

File name: Powerhouse
Password: either nutopia or powerhouse (I think it's nutopia)

Alabama and UCLA are open. Or you could take an OOC team and be folded into the conference next year.


Well-Known Member
Hell you can join right now.

File name: Powerhouse
Password: either nutopia or powerhouse (I think it's nutopia)

Alabama and UCLA are open. Or you could take an OOC team and be folded into the conference next year.

At work will join after.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Guys, I think this is my final season. There is nothing more insulting than to spend an entire day traveling and rushing home to get on earlier than planned only to watch as your opponent proceeds to break EVERY defensive rule we have in this league. We aren't talking about missing one rule, it was blatant and intentional attempts to break rules in key parts of the game in order to win it. These plays were not accidents, they were not someone forgetting or not knowing rules, they were 100% intentional attempts to ignore the rules to win a game.

Every single occurrence happened at a key moment in the game, every one. The first three run commits came inside the 5 going in, the following 3 game on my game winning drive, the final 3 came all in a row as I was trying to run out the clock late after he failed to convert 4th down inside the 5. He knew precisely what he was doing. Period.

The run commit alone, independent of all the other rules he broke in the game and the pathetic manner in which he played, is enough for me to remove him from this league. When you add in MULTIPLE attempts to walk a linebacker up directly in front of another linebacker and on a DT's hip to create a nano-blitz, manually moving defensive lineman off the line of scrimmage (including jumping offsides) and the two play offense... yeah, no thanks.

If you guys want him to stay, I don't give a fuck. You are the ones that will have to play him, I already did and I've never seen someone play more lobby ball than that. You all can make the decision.
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Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
We all must do what feel is right. If you are going to go we will miss your competitive spirit and dedication.

I will retain commish for now.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
We all must do what feel is right. If you are going to go we will miss your competitive spirit and dedication.

I will retain commish for now.

Navy, please return commish to me. This continues to be my OD and you were passed dynasty leadership simply to keep it going.


Well-Known Member
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NCAA Moderator
Navy, please return commish to me. This continues to be my OD and you were passed dynasty leadership simply to keep it going.

You said this, "Guys, I think this is my final season."

I don't care about being the commissioner either way, but I assumed you didn't want it.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, considering your volatility @TXHusker05 I think @NavyHog should keep commish.

Obviously you and I have had our differences and frankly I've been on the other end of one of your tangents and I feel like it was completely unwarranted and misplaced because I know I play sim-ball. Saying that to say our differences don't have anything to do with my opinion in this case.

My suggestion is purely based on the fact that you don't value due process at all and have been operating like a dictator which I simply don't believe is best for this or any other league. I'd like to continue this OD and I fear that having navy hand commish back to you could potentially end it prematurely.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
You said this, "Guys, I think this is my final season."

I don't care about being the commissioner either way, but I assumed you didn't want it.

It is Week 4. Please return commissioner duties to me like I requested.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Honestly, considering your volatility @TXHusker05 I think @NavyHog should keep commish.

Obviously you and I have had our differences and frankly I've been on the other end of one of your tangents and I feel like it was completely unwarranted and misplaced because I know I play sim-ball. Saying that to say our differences don't have anything to do with my opinion in this case.

My suggestion is purely based on the fact that you don't value due process at all and have been operating like a dictator which I simply don't believe is best for this or any other league. I'd like to continue this OD and I fear that having navy hand commish back to you could potentially end it prematurely.

Let me ask you this Ram, what exactly do YOU think the punishment should be? The player admitted what he did, he admitted he did it on purpose, what do you think the punishment should be? Please, tell me. Players suspended? A warning? We are talking some pretty black and white rules here, rules he admitted to breaking, what do you believe the punishment should be?

That anyone can read the stuff he wrote and even remotely believe that type of player should remain in the league is absolutely baffling to me. He knew what he was doing, he admitted to it and we're supposed to be like "oh well it's okay?"

Should we even bother with the rules any more?


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It is Week 4. Please return commissioner duties to me like I requested.

No. It's a coup.



Well-Known Member
Let me ask you this Ram, what exactly do YOU think the punishment should be? The player admitted what he did, he admitted he did it on purpose, what do you think the punishment should be? Please, tell me. Players suspended? A warning? We are talking some pretty black and white rules here, rules he admitted to breaking, what do you believe the punishment should be?

That anyone can read the stuff he wrote and even remotely believe that type of player should remain in the league is absolutely baffling to me. He knew what he was doing, he admitted to it and we're supposed to be like "oh well it's okay?"

Should we even bother with the rules any more?

Personally, I've always been in favor of strike systems for leagues with rigid rules. You break one, by mistake or otherwise, you get a strike.

Make this his first strike. You get more complaints then get rid of him.


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Let me ask you this Ram, what exactly do YOU think the punishment should be? The player admitted what he did, he admitted he did it on purpose, what do you think the punishment should be? Please, tell me. Players suspended? A warning? We are talking some pretty black and white rules here, rules he admitted to breaking, what do you believe the punishment should be?

That anyone can read the stuff he wrote and even remotely believe that type of player should remain in the league is absolutely baffling to me. He knew what he was doing, he admitted to it and we're supposed to be like "oh well it's okay?"

Should we even bother with the rules any more?

Yes of course rules matter. Almost everyone that weighed said give the kid another chance. If he continues to flout the rules then off with his head. However, you also have a responsibility to stop the game and simply write, "run commit is not allowed". You have done that with me a couple times on 4th down situations. It was no big deal and we moved on.


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NCAA Moderator
Yes of course rules matter. Almost everyone that weighed said give the kid another chance. If he continues to flout the rules then off with his head. However, you also have a responsibility to stop the game and simply write, "run commit is not allowed". You have done that with me a couple times on 4th down situations. It was no big deal and we moved on.

Except for a few things. The run commit came on my no-huddle, go ahead drive. So not only would the game have not allowed me to pause (it didn't, I tried), I had ZERO intention of stopping a go ahead game winning drive to huddle up, pause and tell someone that the most obvious and most serious rule in this league is illegal.

This wasn't an isolated occurrence where a player slipped and made a mistake, this was a player INTENTIONALLY choosing to break a rule in the most important part of a close game. And it is MY responsibility to stop all of MY momentum to get someone to follow a rule they KNEW they were breaking?!

Sorry, but no.


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NCAA Moderator
This is unbelievable. A player purposefully disregarded rules in an attempt to win a game. There was no misunderstanding and there was no room for interpretation, the player knew the rules and deliberately abused them at key points of the game in an attempt to change the outcome. Not only that, but the player admitted to doing so.

What exactly should my reaction have been? Should I have paused in the middle of a hurry-up drive in an attempt to win the game to tell him to stop doing something he intentionally chose to do? Really? We have long held that "not knowing" the rules is not an excuse for breaking them, it is why we remind EVERY new member to read the rules and ask questions if they do not understand them. Jordan was reminded of those rules and the rules here are the same as those in BSCFL where he's been playing for longer. I'm sorry but you lose the "I didn't know" defense when it comes to things as important as run commit. It is a black and white rule, there is no way to misinterpret or misunderstand it.

Run commit has always and will always be a zero tolerance rule for us. You all know that just as well as I do. This player didn't slip and accidentally run commit, he purposefully lined up in a Dime and Quarters defense vs heavy formations and used run commit in an effort to stop a game tying, game winning and game clinching drive. That I even allowed him to finish the game was FAR more than I needed to do for such a blatant and intentional attempt to break the rules to win a game.

If you all feel he should be pardoned, I will listen to and appreciate your stances and he will remain. But he will be punished for it at MY discretion.


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NCAA Moderator
Last thing I'm going to say. Just try to not to be so inflexible in the way you treat new members. If I was doing that to you it would be one thing, but the kid literally joined the forum 2-3 weeks ago. Yes he carries some responsibility too, but a little leeway at first is not unreasonable.

I will transfer commish if you intend on carrying it into next season. If you are really quitting at the end of this season I'm not transferring it back.


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NCAA Moderator
I agree with everybody else, if somebody is breaking a rule, and you do not pause to tell them, then you are guilty as well.
@TXHusker05 we all know your a hot head, i think even you know this as well. You had a long day, guy pissed you off, you went apeshit....its now time to admit it and lets move on. Navyhog should hold commish until all this is sorted out. I remember another angry commish deleting a dynasty once, we need Navyhog to hold the dynasty in escrow.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
I agree with everybody else, if somebody is breaking a rule, and you do not pause to tell them, then you are guilty as well.
@TXHusker05 we all know your a hot head, i think even you know this as well. You had a long day, guy pissed you off, you went apeshit....its now time to admit it and lets move on. Navyhog should hold commish until all this is sorted out. I remember another angry commish deleting a dynasty once, we need Navyhog to hold the dynasty in escrow.

You think I would delete a dynasty I have put hard work into maintaining including the records section that no one else gives a fuck about to delete it? Fuck off.

It is MY job to enforce the rules. A player INTENTIONALLY broke them and ADMITTED IT. Not only did he admit to it, he did so in all caps over and over and over. He didn't say he didn't know or forgot, he said he did it on purpose in key game situations in an effort to stop a rushing attack that up to that point had been devastating against him in the second half. And yet I am somehow the one in the wrong?

Here is the absolutely hilarious thing about people who weren't there telling me I should have paused to warn him. Had I paused, I would have lost the game. I was in the middle of both game tying and game winning drives when these things happened, running an up-tempo offense because I had FINALLY caught him in bad personnel (Quarters). I attempted to pause the game the very first huddle I had, but the game did not allow me to. Had I huddled up, he would have gotten fresh personnel on the field and I would have put myself at an even bigger disadvantage.

So had I paused and lost, here is the exact quote I would have gotten in return "you're just upset that you lost". You god damn know it, not just from Jordan (who said the exact same thing to someone in BSCFL if I recall correctly) but from you and ram and Navy I'm sure. I waited until I took the lead in the game before I even so much as reacted to anything precisely for that reason, because I knew damn well had anything else happened, you fucks would have told me I was just upset about losing.

A player willfully broke the rules. He admitted to breaking the rules. And I am the one getting shit? HE FUCKING ADMITTED TO IT.

I've yet to hear ANYONE suggest what I should do in the matter? You don't get a "warning" for repeatedly and intentionally breaking rules. So you tell me, someone tell me. What should his discipline be? Name it and I'll do it. A player suspended? Two players? Probationary period? Scholarship restrictions? Someone tell me. Because I played a game against someone who intentionally resorted to lobby tactics in the key moments of a close game knowing full well what he was doing was illegal. So you tell me. Please.


Active Member
Guys, I think this is my final season. There is nothing more insulting than to spend an entire day traveling and rushing home to get on earlier than planned only to watch as your opponent proceeds to break EVERY defensive rule we have in this league. We aren't talking about missing one rule, it was blatant and intentional attempts to break rules in key parts of the game in order to win it. These plays were not accidents, they were not someone forgetting or not knowing rules, they were 100% intentional attempts to ignore the rules to win a game.

Every single occurrence happened at a key moment in the game, every one. The first three run commits came inside the 5 going in, the following 3 game on my game winning drive, the final 3 came all in a row as I was trying to run out the clock late after he failed to convert 4th down inside the 5. He knew precisely what he was doing. Period.

The run commit alone, independent of all the other rules he broke in the game and the pathetic manner in which he played, is enough for me to remove him from this league. When you add in MULTIPLE attempts to walk a linebacker up directly in front of another linebacker and on a DT's hip to create a nano-blitz, manually moving defensive lineman off the line of scrimmage (including jumping offsides) and the two play offense... yeah, no thanks.

If you guys want him to stay, I don't give a fuck. You are the ones that will have to play him, I already did and I've never seen someone play more lobby ball than that. You all can make the decision.
lol first off, to say that i was intentionally doing it like, hey you know what fuck txhusker... seriously? and it was one rule? that I don't plan on breaking and was literally my first time breaking, if I would have known this was a perfect od and there was no room to fuck up even once I probably would have thought twice about joining, everyone else besides you and fon seem to be on an absolute rampage against me for breaking 1 minor rule (which did not affect the game, no to mention the last run commits literally were on time that you should have been kneeing the ball like a professional commish as yourself should have, instead you chose to run plays for some dumb reason? and it seems im not the only one you 'have a problem' with as ramesu, who I've played and was very professional and played very honorably and respectfully has also been 'accused' of this, which I doubt. and quite frankly I'm tired of you making up this bullshit that I was moving players and shit, that is the biggest lie and you can take that and shove it, I will not be labeled as a cheater as you claim when I did not do what you claim, you are completely overboard and quite frankly have no proof of anything except your 'word' which I think has to be taken with a grain of salt as you have done this to multiple people, seriously dude, you need to check yourself as you have completely gone overboard on something that didn't affect gameplay and could be solved with simple punishment and not trying to slander me in any way, in which you have done many. Never once did I move a backer the the line, I may have timed your snap to get a beat on a play, but tell me please where that is illegal, that is not anything like running a nano blitz, that's just playing smart, and everything else you claim is just absolutely absurd. I would expect more from someone that puts an effort in to appearing respectable and then showing their true colors as I and I think others in the league have as well.


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Last thing I'm going to say. Just try to not to be so inflexible in the way you treat new members. If I was doing that to you it would be one thing, but the kid literally joined the forum 2-3 weeks ago. Yes he carries some responsibility too, but a little leeway at first is not unreasonable.

I will transfer commish if you intend on carrying it into next season. If you are really quitting at the end of this season I'm not transferring it back.

Had what happened in this game happened to you, you would have gone ballistic and quit for the 525th time. THAT is how severe the infractions were. You know damn well I have no problem pausing a game or just approaching someone after the fact and saying "hey make sure you watch out for ________, it's not a big deal but we don't allow it here." I've done it many times, including with you and other new members. If I recall correctly I did it with either walter or bluejay in one of their first games re: manual DL movement.

That is NOT what happened here. This game had a player intentionally seeking to exploit the game in an effort to win. This was not someone not knowing the rules, this was not someone not understanding the rules... it was someone admittedly choosing to break the rules to win a game.

If it was someone not knowing the (admittedly complex) 4th down rules that even long time members sometimes don't keep straight, that's fine. It happens, shit I have to keep the 4th down rules open in front of me on a computer so I remember what they are. That isn't what happened. We are talking about someone lining up in a Quarters defense vs heavy personnel, manually walking multiple players where they are not supposed to be, and using run commit in an effort to cheat the programming and opponent. Not only did the player know exactly what he was doing, he admitted to doing it and even quoted the rule back to me showing that he understood it and knew it existed.

At what point is it past the point of "oh he didn't know?"


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NCAA Moderator
lol first off, to say that i was intentionally doing it like, hey you know what fuck txhusker... seriously? and it was one rule? that I don't plan on breaking and was literally my first time breaking, if I would have known this was a perfect od and there was no room to fuck up even once I probably would have thought twice about joining, everyone else besides you and fon seem to be on an absolute rampage against me for breaking 1 minor rule (which did not affect the game, no to mention the last run commits literally were on time that you should have been kneeing the ball like a professional commish as yourself should have, instead you chose to run plays for some dumb reason? and it seems im not the only one you 'have a problem' with as ramesu, who I've played and was very professional and played very honorably and respectfully has also been 'accused' of this, which I doubt. and quite frankly I'm tired of you making up this bullshit that I was moving players and shit, that is the biggest lie and you can take that and shove it, I will not be labeled as a cheater as you claim when I did not do what you claim, you are completely overboard and quite frankly have no proof of anything except your 'word' which I think has to be taken with a grain of salt as you have done this to multiple people, seriously dude, you need to check yourself as you have completely gone overboard on something that didn't affect gameplay and could be solved with simple punishment and not trying to slander me in any way, in which you have done many. Never once did I move a backer the the line, I may have timed your snap to get a beat on a play, but tell me please where that is illegal, that is not anything like running a nano blitz, that's just playing smart, and everything else you claim is just absolutely absurd. I would expect more from someone that puts an effort in to appearing respectable and then showing their true colors as I and I think others in the league have as well.

Here is the thing Jordan, and this is important. Yesterday night after the game, you asked me what you did wrong and I calmly explained them to you. When I did, you admitted to what you did and just said you misinterpreted the rules. You said it multiple times in fact. And you know what, that's fine. If you misinterpreted a rule, it happens, we have a lot of rules.

But then, to continue on both last night and tonight and try and retract all of that and say it never happened and you broke just one rule, that is straight up lying and in doing so you're trying to portray me as a liar. It isn't your word vs mine, it is your word vs your own word.




But that comes after you clearly remembering exactly WHEN you used run commit first, at the goal line earlier in the game:


Had you just broke one rule, fine. It happens. We have a shit ton of rules, some of them are pretty complex and it happens. Fine. But you didn't break just one rule. When I explained to you exactly what you did, you admitted to each and every one and only after realizing the situation did you attempt to back track and say you didn't.

You admitted to the run commit, you admitted to moving defensive linemen, you admitted to moving multiple players but tried to say you didn't move anyone you didn't control, you admitted to inside zone and four verts as your entire offense. You said these things, I'm not making them up they are words you typed. And now you're trying to play the victim card, I don't think so.

I don't give a flying fuck what people on the internet think of me, but to imply I'm lying about something when not only did YOU admit it but then clearly backtracked after when you realized you were caught... I'm not going to stand for that. I can detail you the exact down & distance of every single occurrence of run commit in that game. I didn't pluck the number out of a hat, I know exactly where and when each of them happened because I typed it up the moment each of them happened specifically for this purpose.

If the rest of the league wants to endorse your play and let you stay, then by all means that is their right and I will happily listen to their wishes. They are the ones that have to play you, not me, I already suffered through it once. But do not ever, EVER imply that I am lying about something when you know god damn well what you did and admitted to each and every one. If you do again, I will remove you from this league so fast Usain Bolt will be in awe of the haste with which it was done. End of story.

Should you remain, your discipline will be decided upon after discussing it with @NavyHog. It will be his decision.


Active Member
Here is the thing Jordan, and this is important. Yesterday night after the game, you asked me what you did wrong and I calmly explained them to you. When I did, you admitted to what you did and just said you misinterpreted the rules. You said it multiple times in fact. And you know what, that's fine. If you misinterpreted a rule, it happens, we have a lot of rules.

But then, to continue on both last night and tonight and try and retract all of that and say it never happened and you broke just one rule, that is straight up lying and in doing so you're trying to portray me as a liar. It isn't your word vs mine, it is your word vs your own word.




But that comes after you clearly remembering exactly WHEN you used run commit first, at the goal line earlier in the game:


Had you just broke one rule, fine. It happens. We have a shit ton of rules, some of them are pretty complex and it happens. Fine. But you didn't break just one rule. When I explained to you exactly what you did, you admitted to each and every one and only after realizing the situation did you attempt to back track and say you didn't.

You admitted to the run commit, you admitted to moving defensive linemen, you admitted to moving multiple players but tried to say you didn't move anyone you didn't control, you admitted to inside zone and four verts as your entire offense. You said these things, I'm not making them up they are words you typed. And now you're trying to play the victim card, I don't think so.

I don't give a flying fuck what people on the internet think of me, but to imply I'm lying about something when not only did YOU admit it but then clearly backtracked after when you realized you were caught... I'm not going to stand for that. I can detail you the exact down & distance of every single occurrence of run commit in that game. I didn't pluck the number out of a hat, I know exactly where and when each of them happened because I typed it up the moment each of them happened specifically for this purpose.

If the rest of the league wants to endorse your play and let you stay, then by all means that is their right and I will happily listen to their wishes. They are the ones that have to play you, not me, I already suffered through it once. But do not ever, EVER imply that I am lying about something when you know god damn well what you did and admitted to each and every one. If you do again, I will remove you from this league so fast Usain Bolt will be in awe of the haste with which it was done. End of story.

Should you remain, your discipline will be decided upon after discussing it with @NavyHog. It will be his decision.
lol dude you are so out of line, I never admitted to moving anything. you are misquoting my one about the lineman anyway so don't even. that quote is about pinching the line and moving them using the LB and RB buttons to highlight the entire line, not just a single player. so try again there, literally the only thing I did was the run commit, which I did admit to, but like I said before I did not have the rules directly in front of me and had no idea it was illegal while i was running it. you claim that my entire offense was inside zone and four verts? that's another lie, dude you are lying so hard about literally everything and I did not admit to only running inside zone and four verts, i said I had ran it on occasion when you would absolutely stack he box and press the corners, which is not unreasonable as others have told you and you refuse to listen. I never backtracked about anything because I'm not the one lying here, I told you that I ran the run commit, but that i was not aware of it being an illegal move at the time that we played, and was not told as such while I ran it. I don't care what you think about the others or about me, but you are seriously lying about all your accusations beyond the run commit and misquoting me. I have said everything I have to say, I will not be slandered, misquoted, and lied about. I SHIFTED, make sure you quote that, lines and backers which is not outlined in the rules of the OD. You have lied continuously about the accusations of me moving players and nano blitzing, etc. and misquoting me is just wrong. I will not post again towards you or about this subject. if you choose to post about this response, it will not be read, it will fall upon deaf ears. Quite frankly if I play someone and I'm the commish and lie about accusations and slander another player, while having no evidence whatsoever beyond my personal admitted fault in doing run commit periodically through the game, while I was not aware of the illegality of it and if I would have been told so I would have altered my gameplay, which I have already done with other players. If someone makes false accusations would they not be in trouble themself? I ask of the others in the dynasty who seem to be quite cautious of your accusations already as I am not the only member to feel the wrath of false accusations that have been made. If you have other rules that I have broken that are not within the rules, then you need to alter the rules of the dynasty and quite accusing me of doing things I did not do.

if you choose to post about this response, it will not be read, it will fall upon deaf ears


Well-Known Member
NCAA Moderator
Jordan has been removed from the OD effective immediately. I am not going to stand for someone like this in this OD. I'll retire the OD before I allow a person who acts like this to remain and I have put far too much effort into this OD to retire it. He probably should have been removed for his comments towards @ArmyVol which were more than out of line and led to Army quitting. If it wasn't apparent the type of person he was before, it certainly is now between the nonsensical gibberish, the all-caps and the nature with which he has attacked both me and other members of this forum.

The idea that I'm just making all these things up is laughably hilarious considering I won the game and invited this guy into the league to begin with. My initial post was made after I took the lead so as not to deal with any typical "you only said this because you lost" bullshit that would have inevitably followed. I keep up with the BSCFL forum, it wouldn't be the first time that has happened with this particular member. These things happened. They happened repeatedly and intentionally. It is not my responsibility to put myself in a position to lose a game just to warn someone that what they are doing is against the rules, especially when they know damn well it is and are choosing to break them anyway.

There is a reason Jordan did not use run commit in this game until the most important moments of the game, including earlier short yardage and goal line situations. He knew it was illegal but was in a position where he needed stops to win the game so he went to Dime and Quarters and used run commit. I will go play by play, game situation by game situation and tell you exactly what personnel he was in and what the down & distance was each and every time he used run commit. Like I said, I was typing them as it happened specifically for this purpose because I knew I wouldn't be able to save replays and photos of plays that resulted in no gain or losses.

Jordan had multiple opportunities to face the music and accept whatever punishment @NavyHog was tasked with putting forward and I was more than happy to listen to the rest of the league and allow him to remain. Not now. He knows what he did, he did it intentionally and reacted like a 12 year old child when asked to face the consequences of his actions. Sorry, that is not welcome here. If anyone has a problem with how I handled things, feel free to speak up, but this decision is final. If anyone else wants to let it ruin the OD, by all means do so, but that is your choice. We will be moving right along as usual.

Next advance will be Thursday evening at the latest. If @fonzilla wishes to return to LSU, he may do so and play @RamesuThe1 this week. You two can discuss that and decide how to proceed.
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Well-Known Member
My problem with Jordan was just the way he would just start talking shit to people he hasn't even really played with.


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Utopia Moderator
NCAA Moderator
My problem with Jordan was just the way he would just start talking shit to people he hasn't even really played with.

True, but at least he has a personality (as screwed up as it might be) and since I talked with him I think he has improved the way he talks to people. I'm a pretty tolerant/forgiving person in general, and since this game has such few true dedicated players I give people the benefit of the doubt until they go way off the deep end (see P-Dog).


Active Member
Fellas it was fun to play with you while I could. Honestly if I was not removed I was going to retire anyways, I'm all in for being in a legit and professional dynasty but this is just too much. I can not do anything about a commissioners direct attacks and accusations about me whether they be truth or lie as he is the commissioner/ dictator and has final say. Hope everyone has a good season and pulls in some solid recruits. Also make sure you don't break any rules, that's a big no no

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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Will join today/tonight (just advised I have to do 2 hrs OT) had too much going on yesterday.


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NCAA Moderator
Will join today/tonight (just advised I have to do 2 hrs OT) had too much going on yesterday.

Do you want me to send you an invite or can you just join yourself? The password is nutopia if you happen to get on before I can send an invite.

If you want to go back to Miami, feel free, but I did remove them from the conference just to make sure they didn't get totally destroyed by human opponents or potentially cause the huddle glitch problem. You can be anyone else if you want to change it up as well.


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NCAA Moderator
Jordan destroyed the depth charts for LSU...has all defenders playing offense


Did you get the game played okay though or do we need to have someone take over LSU temporarily before Fonz does it just to reset things?