General OOTP Observations Thread


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
To fill not being in an online league void.... I have a confession: I played Perfect Team Perfect Draft (no, I didn't pay or really do Perfect Team, just the Daily Drafts).

I'm in the World Championships on Saturday. Winning it would be my 2nd biggest OOTP accomplishment to slaying the dragon of @OU11 to win the 2035 UBL title.


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
It’s really too bad the WBL died because that was a lot of fun. Every online league I’ve joined since has either been sleepy large leagues with way too many teams and too little talent or filled with the worst aspies west of Cambridge Mass that have no sense of humor.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Tried an active league but they had staff and coaches enabled and ran the league on Slack instead of Discord. I didn't last long.

I did enjoy that Australian Fast Sim league a bit. Nothing has compared to the WBL, though.


Sucking off Lawn Guy Land hobos.
The Australian fast sim league was fun but if you missed an export you were screwed. The over 100 ratings also made things a bit difficult but that was a fun league.

Anything with Slack or Discord is an automatic no from me doge. I’d rather play that stratomatic nonsense Bill Ladson used to opine about back in the Ronnie Belliard days.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Imagine going from being the Mr. Manager of a storied franchise in the WBL to being the Rockies GM & Mr. Manager..... Woof this is depressing.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
The Rockies are a fun rebuild because you can choose a strategy in line with their stadium. Going from a Dyson Sphere to a Low-Gravity Planet is quite the twist!


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
The Rockies are a fun rebuild because you can choose a strategy in line with their stadium. Going from a Dyson Sphere to a Low-Gravity Planet is quite the twist!

Yeah, it is making my brain hurt... Can't tell if I should prioritize power, or just assume that anyone with 50 power is going to hit plenty of HRs so prioritize OBP so there are baserunners when those HRs are hit? Then again, it is also somewhat like the SPHERE in that it is a big ballpark, so there will be a lot of extra base hits as well. My gut tells me prioritizing OBP will be good with all hitters getting a boost to average/gap/power. RHBs definitely get a better HR boost. Outfield range probably still matters a lot similar to the sphere

For pitchers, it seems like you just need them to be well rounded because any weakness is going to get exaggerated in this environment. Similar to the batters, I'm almost tempted to focus on control at the staff-wide level, because walks are one of the only things I'll have a lot of influence over in such a hitter friendly environment. That being said, elite stuff pitchers are still going to be important, as any ball in play at Coors is probably bad.

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Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Now I'm getting tempted to cop and start a Franchise I'll never finish. Ever since my Tigers Franchise borked I haven't been able to get enough IMMERSION.

I wonder what the hardest rebuilds are.
  • Rockies
  • A's
  • Angels
  • Royals
It would also be interesting to rebuild the Red Sox, Giants, or Mets. Of those options, the Giants seem the most interesting. The others would get too easy.

Getting Trout a ring would be a fun challenge. Or the Blue Jays now that their core is getting a bit on in years.


Well-Known Member
Is it feasible to start with a minor or independent league team and work your way up? I'm a sucker for a coach, or in this case, manager, career games.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Is it feasible to start with a minor or independent league team and work your way up? I'm a sucker for a coach, or in this case, manager, career games.

There's also a quick start mode where you start in a fictional US pyramid with promotion/relegation and start at the bottom. I always thought that would be kinda fun because you'd have the full features (being able to trade/draft) but you could still build through multiple levels.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
When I try to make the window bigger than the tiny default the fonts like overlap and clip each other all idiotic. Is there a fix for this?


Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Now I'm getting tempted to cop and start a Franchise I'll never finish. Ever since my Tigers Franchise borked I haven't been able to get enough IMMERSION.

I wonder what the hardest rebuilds are.
  • Rockies
  • A's
  • Angels
  • Royals
It would also be interesting to rebuild the Red Sox, Giants, or Mets. Of those options, the Giants seem the most interesting. The others would get too easy.

Getting Trout a ring would be a fun challenge. Or the Blue Jays now that their core is getting a bit on in years.
Little update after playing around.
  • Angels don't seem worth it because it looks like Trout won't even last at the level he probably will IRL.
  • Giants and Mets are too good off the bat in this sim.
  • Yankees are really really bad.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Take on the Rockies too! I bet ur patience would be better than mine because I already waived/DFA'd Kyle Freeland after a month because he was absolutely getting rocked and refused to go to AAA and was taking up a roster slot I needed for a starting pitcher with a pulse.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Take on the Rockies too! I bet ur patience would be better than mine because I already waived/DFA'd Kyle Freeland after a month because he was absolutely getting rocked and refused to go to AAA and was taking up a roster slot I needed for a starting pitcher with a pulse.
Sorry, I downloaded X4 so I’m going to build an intergalactic trade empire instead of the Rockies


See You Next Wednesday
To fill not being in an online league void.... I have a confession: I played Perfect Team Perfect Draft (no, I didn't pay or really do Perfect Team, just the Daily Drafts).

I'm in the World Championships on Saturday. Winning it would be my 2nd biggest OOTP accomplishment to slaying the dragon of @OU11 to win the 2035 UBL title.
Well.... did you winrar?

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Take on the Rockies too! I bet ur patience would be better than mine because I already waived/DFA'd Kyle Freeland after a month because he was absolutely getting rocked and refused to go to AAA and was taking up a roster slot I needed for a starting pitcher with a pulse.
I started up a Nats franchise and got back into it. Bounced injuries down a setting and looked into everything.

The new development lab stuff and new IFA camps are very cool.

Apparently there’s an issue with player dev. Folks are recommending modified settings and/or wiping the draft classes after year one and autogenerating them. I will do more research and update FOLX here unless someone has already figured it out.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
Nats seem to have a pretty quick path to contention. I think I’m going to play as them until I win a World Series or get fired, then pick a new project.

Mr. Radpants

Trog Five Standing By
One thing I've noticed is that the CPU is much better at offering trades. I don't get bombarded with dozens stupid offers anymore. And I get some that are really tempting and would make sense for both clubs. This is a huge QOL improvement.


THANK YOU Dermott McHeshi
Well.... did you winrar?
Lost in round of 32 (128 started in World Series)... Oh fluffy.

Been playing a bit this year. It's OK. But I miss the UBL/WBL... might have to find a new fictional league to join.