
Hot Girl Summer
The story mode in last year's involved the best English player in the world getting transferred to whatever team you chose for no reason so I don't expect this one to be any better


Well-Known Member
At the risk of getting owned by someone subsequently coming in with a "well, actually..." no, it does not.

I don't know shit about the story mode, but if I'm reading what he said right I'm sure it happens at the youth level all the time. Prob not in relation to this story when you're already supposed to be a top well known player.


Well-Known Member
At the risk of getting owned by someone subsequently coming in with a "well, actually..." no, it does not.

"Well, actually..."

This stuff did tend to happen a lot in the past. In the pre internet days. Google George Weahs cousin.

I think today it would be very hard, especially with a Real Madrid, but Danish is right, stuff like this happens a lot in places like Africa.

I have also heard of scams where players literally pay agents to come to the UK for "trials" which don't exist.

A few years back there was a lad who thought he was signing for Fulham and he had just been abandoned at a train station.


Well-Known Member
At the risk of getting owned by someone subsequently coming in with a "well, actually..." no, it does not.

"Well, actually..."

This stuff did tend to happen a lot in the past. In the pre internet days. Google George Weahs cousin.

I think today it would be very hard, especially with a Real Madrid, but Danish is right, stuff like this happens a lot in places like Africa.

I have also heard of scams where players literally pay agents to come to the UK for "trials" which don't exist.

A few years back there was a lad who thought he was signing for Fulham and he had just been abandoned at a train station.


Well-Known Member
The story mode in last year's involved the best English player in the world getting transferred to whatever team you chose for no reason so I don't expect this one to be any better

Yeh the story last year was ridiculous.

Iv never heard of a player going from the exit trials to a Prem team let alone two players.


Well-Known Member
The story mode in last year's involved the best English player in the world getting transferred to whatever team you chose for no reason so I don't expect this one to be any better

Yeh the story last year was ridiculous.

Iv never heard of a player going from the exit trials to a Prem team let alone two players.


Well-Known Member
@NML if you purchased the Ronaldo edition how do you get the early access? Do you get the hard copy early or can you download it?


Well-Known Member
I pre-ordered through the PS store. It's already downloaded on my PS4, just waiting on the time lock to lift


Well-Known Member
Played 10 games, here are some thoughts:

- At the risk of sounding like rhombic here, I think the change they made to the tackle engine is the greatest improvement I've seen since I started playing FIFA. It was in the demo but I didn't notice it as much until I played an online game. NO MORE DRY HUMPING UP AND DOWN THE FIELD. Instead of it being a static button, it's more like passing, for example. You have to "power" it up and when you let go, that's when the tackle is made. It takes a lot of getting use to from a defensive perspective, but it completely changes attacking online.

- to follow up on that, get used to taking away passing lanes. That's the best way to play defense this year. On ball, ur positioning is everything.

- the AI seems significantly better to play against, but the bar was so low there that I'm not willing to call that a success yet

- I mentioned this in the fut thread, but the gap in goalkeeper quality is massive. Whatever mode you play, get a good keeper. Bad ones let in everything.

- if you play online, when both players press continue or resume from the pause menu, there is a 3 second countdown before play starts. Much needed

- on the radar, each team is now either black or white, versus in the past where I believe you were ur jersey color? Which sometimes meant you had the same icon colors. A lot of people are bitching about it, but I prefer it. It takes two seconds to figure out which color you are, and then there's no confusion about it.

Enjoyed playing it this morning. It's EA though so I'm sure they'll patch in the humping tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Mod Alumni
Are you talking good GK like a De Gea or Courtois level or would the Bravo, Hart, Begovic type ratings level?


Utopia Moderator
I have seen differing opinions on defending, some say broken and some say it's because those players blow. I'm trying hard not to spend the extra $20 to buy this today


Well-Known Member
Are you talking good GK like a De Gea or Courtois level or would the Bravo, Hart, Begovic type ratings level?

My point is that GK rating is super important. You'll notice a difference between De Gea and Hart, and you'll notice a difference between Hart and Tim Howard.

I have seen differing opinions on defending, some say broken and some say it's because those players blow. I'm trying hard not to spend the extra $20 to buy this today

I think these are the pubers who have been spamming tackle all game long for the past five years. Defending is harder than before, for sure, but I think the fact that the game is less ping pong-y should offset that.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
So does this make on ball defending more necessary or less? The big complaint online had always been setting your team to super high pressure and then primarily using AI to defend


Utopia Moderator
i think the auto d thing is squashed from what ive read, and because people were so reliant on it they think defense is broke


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
I really like the black/white radar change. I'm not colorblind, but I still struggled with the radar when there wasn't a lot of contrast between the marker colors. The black markers still kind of blend in with the field more than I'd like, so I'd prefer if you could select whatever colors you wanted... but this is still better than green vs dark green on a green field, lol.
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Well-Known Member
So does this make on ball defending more necessary or less? The big complaint online had always been setting your team to super high pressure and then primarily using AI to defend

More. I believe most online modes are played at professional - and the AI is too poor to let the AI handle it. If you remember in pro clubs, our defenders were basically not sprinting at times when they needed to.

In FUT and seasons, players were combatting that by sprinting to where the defender needed to be, switching to the second man, and letting the AI defend on ball. I don't think that'll be nearly as effective this year.

Last year I typically cut passing lanes in the first 2/3's of the pitch and was the second man in the final third - now I have to defend the ball in the final third or give up way more goals.


Well-Known Member
I could easily see EA scraping the whole thing and falling to the puber (and money spending) cries - but I am cautiously optimistic because these changes were made because the eSports world felt the game had too much randomness (which is obvious), and FIFA is EA's first real foray into that competitive gaming scene.

I think they see the value in that so hopefully they follow that path.


Well-Known Member
Well I think the game favors skill, but not necessarily stick skill. In the past, possession, slow build up style wasn't as viable as it should be because if defenders were within a yard of you, the tackle spamming was coming and ur looking at getting stripped.

Skill moves will be useful because more players will be user defending. I've never been a skill moves player but I have had success with R1, which is no touch dribble. It's an easy way to give a body feint by pushing one button.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I could easily see EA scraping the whole thing and falling to the puber (and money spending) cries - but I am cautiously optimistic because these changes were made because the eSports world felt the game had too much randomness (which is obvious), and FIFA is EA's first real foray into that competitive gaming scene.

I think they see the value in that so hopefully they follow that path.
Chibob told me about one of the top Euro pros whose main strat was blasting driven passes to his strikers and relying on weird bounces, lol. So yeah I can see this being a welcome change.


Douglass Tagg
Community Liaison
Driven passes to striker and then using either a dummy/pull back/ or Rstick flick has always been my favorite method against the frantic puber user controller. They humpin you so hard they leave you free on goal pretty regularly. Also, just dribbling straight forward slowly.


Well-Known Member
Chibob told me about one of the top Euro pros whose main strat was blasting driven passes to his strikers and relying on weird bounces, lol. So yeah I can see this being a welcome change.

Gorilla - I think hes literally World Champion now


Well-Known Member
Have they made any significant changes to Manager Mode? I know about the changes to player negotiations/transfers, but is there anything else?


Well-Known Member
I think I'm going to buy this on Friday so I can sperg out for a few weeks on a single player career. I'm too shitty to play online.


Well-Known Member
I really like the black/white radar change. I'm not colorblind, but I still struggled with the radar when there wasn't a lot of contrast between the marker colors. The black markers still kind of blend in with the field more than I'd like, so I'd prefer if you could select whatever colors you wanted... but this is still better than green vs dark green on a green field, lol.
Even though I haven't played competively in 2-3 years I appreciate this since I'm colorblind. There have always been games in the past I couldn't use radar.

Damn this thread makes me want this game bad.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
LOL opening night and the servers are down.


Utopia Moderator
I had that happen earlier and there was a system update that somehow I never installed. After that it's been fine


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
Finally made it in. Rolling a drop in game. Only had 15 trait points to start.


Utopia Moderator
drop ins were actually decent before the game officially dropped. so bad now


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
First game, keeper is calling for pass and then giving it right back to the other team to try and farm saves. He went 0 for 2 trying this before I quit after calling him some choice words in English and Spanish.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
I got heyeaheayeah queued up for the next nonsense I run into


Utopia Moderator
We need to get another so we can start getting traits. I've read you start getting 6-10 per match at the beginning


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
CPUs won't pass to you when you call it if they're running backward or something, so thank fuck for that.


Low IQ fat ass with depression and anxiety
Staff member
The CPU defenders otherwise are otherworldly bad.